Jamba Juice 1: "We're not hiring, but we are taking applications." *hands completed application* Jamba Juice 2: "No, we're not hiring, but if you go online there's-" *hands completed application* "Oh. That works." Jamba Juice 3: He actually looked through my application, asked a few questions, talked about some stuff, and then "I'll make sure the manager sees this." Sanrio Store: "Actually, we are accepting resumes." *hands resume* "Awesome. Could you do me a favor and write your availability on the back?" The Melt: This one was having a job fair. I filled out the application, handed it in, a few minutes later I got an interview. I think it went pretty well, because the interviewer asked if I could stick around for a while so he could get someone else to do a second interview. I don't feel very confident in the second interview, though. I feel like I stuttered a bit too much. To summarize: High hopes for Jamba 3, Sanrio, and The Melt.
Just remember to call at least once a week if you end up working as needed. Those hours royally suck.
If it makes you feel better, I recently applied at Best Buy. I had two interviews, one with like the customer service manager or something? And then with the general manager. The first went really well I think, the second I made some slip ups and there were some big pauses (though I made idle chitchat and pretended to be interested in his daughter...), but they still offered me the job, hah. So if you feel like you messed up a little on the interview it might not be the end of the world.
but now you won't know about the horror stories behind their sandwiches. so you'll still have an appetite for them.
Pssh. The Melt is a stupid name anyway. They don't deserve applications. Hey I live in Ireland I dun even know what The Melt is.
Lock up your daughters khv, Casanova Misty is on the prowl! Go you! =D (On the job lol) Its probably for the best. It'll save you a whole lot of sandwich jokes. And they probably saw you drooling at the sight of their sandwiches and thought they'd lose a lot of money. These are tough times you know!