She's being taken to the vet's tomorrow morning. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I have a horrible feeling she won't be coming back.
Well, I mean, she's not actually that old. She's like, 8, although she is a Cocker Spaniel. It's just that her heart is beating oddly, her breathing is a bit off too, and she's refused to eat anything but chicken soup all day. I'm worried, that's all...
Oh... well then. Why don't you try googling something about it? It might give you a better idea of what may or may not be going on.
Well I have tried, but there's very little one can find just typing in random symptoms. We're pretty sure at least part of it is due to a heart murmur, which isn't so bad since I have one too and live perfectly fine, but I dunno. Guess all I can do is see what happens tomorrow.
I hope everything turns out alright, and I'll have you and your dog in my thoughts. I've already lost a dog that I've literally had all my life, I was a mess, in all honesty.