His name was Michael, 20 years old, and only a month older than I. He was in a car accident, I don't know how long ago, maybe an hour or so or just a few minutes ago. I was informed by my parents several minutes ago, and im over at the house so the younger siblings are seen off to school in the morning. We were kind of close as children, always riding bikes together around the grandparent's house, and getting buzz haircuts from our poppop (grandfather). But as we got older, we grew more distant. I don't think I've really sat down and really talked with him since high school, but we've seen him around and at family reunions if he wasn't out doing something stupid. I guess you could say he was the black sheep of the family. He became very delinquent once middle school came around. Drugs, alcohol, sleeping around, road racing, you name it he's probably done it. I'm not sure how to take this honestly. Right now I'm rather emotionless, my mother was a wreck. (He was her older sister's son.) When my mom and dad left to drive over to the rest of the family, she just kept saying "I love you." Hm. I'd like to hope Mikey's in a better place, but I have more doubt than assurance. Too late now. Suppose I shan't sleep tonight, conundrum of mortality rattling in my mind and all.
My sympathies. It's one thing to lose someone close, but another when you've become distant from that person. It's sad...but...well, I think you know what I mean. It was that way with my grandfather.
You have my condolences. You hadn't seen him in a while and you even said that you'd grown apart, so it only seems natural that you'd be confused regarding what to feel. My thoughts and prayers are with your family right now.
Thanks guys. He was that kind of guy that lived in the fast lane, and even though no one would say it, you knew this was how he was gonna go. I may mourn later, when I'm not needed as emotional support or acting professional at work.
I'm sorry to hear about that, but I sort of understand what you mean by being emotionless during the event. This happened to me too when my grandmother dies, she's been living in another country for as long as I can remember, but she used to visit us for half a year, every year. When she died, I didn't react as much, maybe because I find it hard to believe, and it's easy to imagine her still alive in that other country. Anyway, I wish you, and your family all the best, and condolences for your loss.
My condolences, Drew. I was pretty much the same when my grandfather and uncle died, so no need to feel like the odd guy. It was November 22, 2010 when my grandfather died and my junior year at the high school. At that time I still only had my learner's permit (I didn't get my license until April 16, 2011), so my mom was coming home around 10:30 AM for lunch and then taking me to school a little less than an hour later because I was going part-time to school in the afternoon that year (fifth and sixth periods). Well, my mom had come home around 10:00 AM that day, and I thought that it was about 10:30 AM already and I had lost track of time. I came out of my bedroom and noticed she just looked weird. She said that Bill died and I just said "What?" in a sort of break-y voice. However, that was it for then. I mean, I even had a laughing fit in my 2nd Year Spanish class the day of his death because of these funny guy and gal friends of mine. I was even fine on December 4, 2010, the day of the service / funeral. It wasn't until we got to the building where it was being held and I saw my grandfather in the casket that I just lost it -- not literally, but just got all emotional and teary. I don't know if it was fully me or if I was picking up on my mom's sadness partly. The music during the service, especially, got to me. I got it together when it ended, but got emotional again when we went to the grave site to bury him. After that I got it together again, and then we went home. My uncle died on December 27, 2010, which was ironically my mom's birthday, after having surgery to try and help his Parkinson's Disease. He had been taken to a nursing home and was in a coma, so he was never awake after the procedure. My aunt called around 4:00 AM that day and my mom knew who it was and what had happened (she's a light sleeper, although it also happened to wake me up). It didn't affect me at all, and before his service on January 9, 2011, I made myself a promise that I would be strong for my mom and aunt. So during his service, I was tapping my foot quietly the whole time as a sort of stopper. There was one time where I almost gave in when a very close friend of theirs was crying when she was giving a speech about him, so I just looked away from her. After both my grandfather and uncle's deaths had passed (so after the service on January 9, 2011), I was down for about a week during school. A lot of my friends and teachers were great during that week and really supported me. I don't remember being down after just my grandfather (maybe the down week was then, but I'm not 100% sure), but they were very supportive then, too. Anyway, if you need someone to talk to, you know you can always talk to me, Drew -- I can relate easily. My condolences once again.
My condolences, Llave. I can't say I know what you're going through, but everyone reacts to things differently, and you know where to find me if you wanna talk.
Thank you thank you. It's just a waste, he was my age. 20. Goodness. And I got an update that he was more or less drinking and was going too fast, and was being pursued by a cop. Having had his license taken away because of doing stupid stuff, he tried to out run the cop and went airborne over a small hill of sorts and lost control of the vehicle. He was ejected out of it, because he wasn't wearing his seatbelt and died instantly. In case anyone cared. Ah this is a big pile of crap I really don't need right now, got a six hour shift soon and stuff. I'll be fine though.
My condolences, luv. It's never easy when we lose a loved one. I'm sorry to hear things ended that way. If you ever want to talk, about anything, just let me know.
Stay strong, my dear soldier. My deepest wishes are with you and your entire family. Things like this happen, and tragedies exist in the world to this day; people react to them differently, of course. Emotions are emotions; I lost a few people close to me recently as well, so I can understand the multiple facets of feeling that one associates with this realization of mortality. At the very least, Michael no more needs to involve himself in the things that made him a black sheep delinquent in the first place.
Llave -hugs- I am very sorry to hear this happened today. Even though Michael did some bad things in his lifetime, you still have those memories of when you were young to hold on to. Those memories alone are worthwhile. Feeling emotionless; as Cat said, since you and Michael became more distant over time, it's understandable that you aren't quite sure what to feel right now. To be honest, saying that you shan't sleep tonight is showing some emotion. In all though, Llave, you and your family just be there for each other and stay strong during this time. Be the shoulder to cry on. And when the time comes that you need to let out feelings, let them out. Please don't hold them in. Losing a family member is really hard, but you have to stay strong through it all. Think of all of the good and discard the bad. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family during this time. I am always here to talk to. So if you want to get things off your chest, talk about the good things you and Michael did when you were younger, or anything that comes to mind at all, feel free to message me. We are all here for you =)
Just wanted to give you my condolences. Sorry for your and your family's loss. I don't know what else I can say really. This is never an easy thing to talk about. The one thing I will say for sure though is that all of us on KHV are with you, buddy. And if you ever wanna talk too, I'm also here.
Thank you everyone. I decided to let you know because all of you are really special to me. I won't forget Mikey, I just wish the circumstances were better. I may write an eulogy, it'll be shorter than it should be, 20 years too short.
You have my condolences, Llave. In fact, even until now, a small part of me is still not moving on about my grandfater's death a few weeks back.
I'm really sry to hear that your cousin is dead llave, but I'll be there for you if you need someone to talk to, I hope your family will get through this tragedy, and I hope you cousin will rest in peace and go to a better place.=)
If you need someone to talk to or someone to listen, call or message me on Skype. You have my condolences.
Sorry to hear about this, Llave. :C Losses in the family are always pretty rough, even those you might not be that close to. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me on Skype/summon KHV. You have my condolences.