My beauty. My pain. Its gone now. Gone forever, the feel Of his arms round mine. I cry out Why? Why did God do this to me? Why take him away? Does he know How it hurts, How it burns, How it tears me inside Like a knife through my heart Now I cry. His ghost haunts my dreams. Its so real It seems If I wake I just know I will break and scream. What was it? Does God hate me? What did I do? Is it my soul Is it dirty? Or is it me? Am I a blemish on the world A scar on the beauty? I pick up the knife, No good stopping now 'Cause he ain't coming back I need to feel better, somehow I trace the skin of my flesh It makes me tingle Like his caress used to. A thin line, a thin streak Of crimson It wells up, draws out Just like the tears That fall from my eyes My eyes My empty souls My beauty. My pain. I've wanted to write something like this for a while now >.> Not sure why O.O As always, written on the spot. Took me five minutes 8D Any thoughts?
Poetry's not really my thing. But I LOVED this. You expressed everything so clearly, and the part where you said the knife tingled like his caress used to....That was an awesome line. And then the blood welled up like your tears. I loved it. Can you teach me? <3
Aww thankyou hun <3 I try and write poetry different to how people usually think of it :3 I'd teach you except I've no idea what I'm doing half the time 8D I just...write xD You could give it a go sometime though <3
'Welcome. =) I'm gonna have to, considering I have to do it for a Creative Writing class. x__x But I'll try my best. Hopefully it'll match up to something like this. xD
If you're that good at writing random stuff, then you must be amazing at stuff you spend a lot of time on. So I will stay jealous *envies OWS*
Yeah, not really xD. I could never write anything like that in 5 minutes. Or 10 minutes. Or an hour. You get the idea xD
That was incredible. I loved it. It was so emotional...seriously, my eyes were tearing up. You have a great talent for this. Good job. <3
Wow... That's touching. It makes me feel sad. And I know how you feel on your none-poem thing, I suddenly get the random things to write things like that. But the more I think about the poem, the more deep I can feel how the person feels (Thanks to all those classes in Literature) I can understand it better. You really have a gift. Maybe I should try more on the spot writing. Or post my on the spot vampire poem... Anyways, back on subject, FANTABULOUS job. PS That's fantastic and fabulous together.