These are my first and second AMV's 1st: 2nd: Give me your opinion...:)
You want an honest answer? This is gonna be brutal.. but that was lame. You used the same clips. They were long and the music could have been any. No timings. No effects. I almost fell asleep |: Erm.. I think you should stay away from making amv's. It doesn't seem to be your thing. You probably think I'm being harsh but if a noob comes here and says OMGAWESOME5/5 they're lying |:
You should be spending longer on full length amv's, or concentrate more on them if you want to make them real good. Just think about what I said. Think about using more clips, timing, and effects. Otherwise its like you couldn't just had a plain cutscene and the music is pointless. What you've done up there can't really be described as an amv. Oh and thankyou for being truthful. After what I first posted most people would have been all "OMG YOU ARE SO MEAN GTFO"
The first part of the Roxas vs AMV is okay but the second part kis not living up to the name of the title. If it had been Sora vs Riku. Org XIII then you could have used better clips.
Yeah,I've been kinda used to be told like that although it doesn't feel kinda good at least I'm not mad, and people learn from mistakes right? so I'll just keep tryin...:D:D:D:china:
You're very good at taking criticism. =3 That's a good trait. Your song choices are good. You choice of clips aren't bad, either. It would look better if they were mixed and edited more, instead of the clip playing without any breaks. You learn something with each video you make. :noworries:
Not bad, but it was too plain. I didn't like how the music was so loud in the 2nd part of it, that it was hard to hear the dialog. The same clip thing was a guivin. Use more than just 2 clips next time, kay!?
First off, I have to compliment you. It seems like you’re very good at taking criticism. So, in my honest opinion the two AMV's that you made weren't the best. I felt that I was listening to music with just random bits and pieces of video scenes. I defiantly want to give you some tips. If you’re interested in making more videos, then I know you'll improve. Hopefully you'll follow my advice. I'm looking forward for your next AMV. TIPS Not sure what video program you’re using. I assume its WMM. 1. First off, you should think about how you want to piece your AMV's. You should start thinking of a plot. I heard the Roxas theme song in your first AMV. I suggest hearing the song and matching clips with the music. Not sure exactly? Check out my fanmade commercial I made for Birth by Sleep. This was only made with WMM. 2. The next thing I suggest you using is effects. This includes your basics like speed, black & white, horizontal, mirrors, blur, shatter and etc. By the way if you use effects in your next AMV, make sure that you don't use a lot. Sometime if you use to much, it may not come out well. I hope that what I said will help you in the future. Good luck!