MX2D: The Sky Hunter Spear

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Riyoma_SerkanHR, Jul 30, 2009.

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  1. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    The evil -2D and his Dark Legion have started a war in the Matrix Universe called the "War of the End". +2D has started an group called the Allies to battle him and stop the "End" from happening. The 5 Sages of the Matix have foreseen that there is an item called The Sky Hunter Spear that will take 5 new warriors to obtain it +2D was sent to find these warriors.

    Dark Legion

    The 5 Sages- Neo Sage East/Neo Sage West/Neo Sage North/Neo Sage South/Neo Sage Matrix
    The Allies

    no cursing (unless pg-13)
    pg-13 love
    no character bashing
    1 super mode (only during mob attacks)
    Characters can die only if quiting or switching to a new character
    no more than 2 characters per account
    You can switch sides aslong as you tell before while yur out of character

    -by the way-
    I am not a grammar nazi but its always better to make sure other people can understand you

    -to join fill this out-
    Forum name:
    OC Name:
    Age: (hatcling- age 8-10/Teen- age 12-18/Adult- age 22-28/Sage- age really old)
    x-Being Type and style: (Net Dasher/Matix Warrior)(Elemental/Summoning (Net Dasher Only)/Gun or Laser/Hand to Hand/Swordsman)
    Appearance (inclued weapon): (Hair, eyes, skin, and heavy or light armor then color)
    x-Being Skill: (select 4 boost moves -will be picked later in the story-)
    Team: (Dark Legion or Allies)
    Net Bio: (what were you doing before the great war and why are you in it)

    Forum name: Riyoma_SerkanHR
    OC Name: Vega
    Age: Teen- age 12-18
    x-Being Type and style: Matix Warrior- Swordsman
    Appearance (inclued weapon): Broad Sword, Light brown hair with Ice blue bangs, Ice Blue eyes, and fair tanned skin. Light Armor- Blue, Red, and gold belt
    x-Being Skill: to be updated later
    Team: Allies
    Net Bio: I was training in the mountains before i was asked to help defend East Neos by Neo Sage East. Been fighting ever since i was a hatchling and am in my late years as a teen i soon will accend to Adulthood and will obtain my true power.
  2. Weedo DarkWolfLord Moogle Assistant

    Jul 30, 2009
    Forum name: Weedo DarkWolfLord
    OC Name:Vox
    Age: Adult- age 24
    x-Being Type and style:Net Dasher (Hand to Hand combat)
    Appearance Anime Guys/dark.jpgx-
    Team: (Dark Legion)
    Net Bio:My life was filled with death and hatred against me and decided that as a pushed around person i needed to train to fight the The Allies and fill my destiny to be a man of destruction.
  3. Riyoma_SerkanHR Moogle Assistant

    Jun 10, 2009
    in the shadow underneath your bed
    welcome to the digital matrix. the war shall begin soon
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