How important is music to yourself? And how important do you think it has been for humanity? Pretty basic, I know, but I do consider it to be part of intelligent discussion. Hope no-one disagrees.
I suppose this could go here, it might be too general for the Music board. Anyway, being something of an amateur musician myself, music is pretty important to me. I love it; it's definitely one of my favorite things in general. Music has impacted humanity too: it has given us yet another way to express ourselves, which is always nice.
I consider music as a part of life. Without music, there would me no rhythm in life, no way to express felling in music, and it would be a dull world. Music is everywhere. It is shared around different cultures around the world. No matter how you look at it, music is life.
Music has given life a special essence. It has created so much philosophical ideas such as dancing...It has added to the production of movies and videos. Without music, there would be less imagination...and imagination is an essential basis for knowledge.
Music is a vast thing, it can do so many things that it's impossible to list of every single thing that it can do off the top of your head. It has the power to make you angry, it has the power to make you smile or laugh and it has the power to pull the heartstrings of it's fellow listeners and make them cry. People listen to it to calm themselves down and to even help them concentrate. I love music, for the fact that it can be an extremely helpful source of inspiration and imagination for people and inspire them to do the things they wanted/needed to do.
How important is music to my life? Well, when im sad or depressed i listen to music, when im happy...i listen to music..when im mad, i listen to music. Basicilly, i listen to music 24/7. If there was no such thing as music, i wouldnt be here talking to you guys right now. I would most likely be in my room, all day. Sleeping. Or...i would go insane....O_o
Music is the most inspiring thing I've ever experienced. Imagine such an insignificant physical stimulus carrying the power to rewrite this world. Picture your voice moving mountains, curing diseases, opening dimensions of thought and existence that you could never fathom. To me, music is that, and so much more that cannot be put into my feeble human words. For me, a life without music would not be life. It would be something so much weaker.
Music is the greatest invention. We've had it since gawd knows when and it caters for every single damn person on the planet with its differing genres, 'songs' and evolution throughout the ages.
Music can be considered one of humanity's greatest triumphs; it is everywhere, it is unique in multiple ways corresponding to its location, and it can envoke any sort of emotion in any subject audience. Music is both a backbone of our multiple cultures and a tool or medium used to encourage the expression and emphasis of said cultures and cultural viewpoints. Music has been an influencing factor for many attitudes and thoughts of the past decades, evident with the specific styles of music one can associate with defined peoples, cultures, and ideas. Music is truly a marvelous thing, to rid of our music is to rid of our individuality as a collective whole.
Well, seeing that I once had my username changed to song lyrics and even my current username now has "radio" in it, I've always had music themes around my profile, etc. I'd say music is pretty important to me. I consider it an art form, but also a way of defining life. Its like a parenthetical that travels with you no matter where you go/who you become. People may have similar tastes in music, but barely anyone has the exact same songs.
Music is a part of me, plain and simple. I've been involved in playing music since fifth grade and I've listened to it all my life... if it weren't for music, I really don't know what my mental state would be.
Music is a very big part of my life. I don't know what I'd do without it. There are movies, TV shows, books, SONGS that describe how amazing music can be. I'm involved in my school choir, musical theater; I sing at home all the time, it doesn't matter what I'm doing. Music to the world is a great factor of society. Songs tell stories. They express emotion. There have been many songs about former Pres. Bush and how incompetent he was. There have been songs about the hurt that war causes. There have been many, many songs about the joys of life and love. Yes, I think music will continue for a long time. I hope music never leaves our world.
Music has always been a part of me. I play violin and am going to try and learn the drums. I love both playing and listening to all kinds of music. Music is a great way for someone to express their feelings. I wouldn't know what my mental state would be if there wasn't any music O.o
being that i can't sleep at night due to all the musical ideas going through my is very important to me
Music is a form of self expression. It can let poeple know how you're feeling and can make you feel better after a long and hard day. It's very important to me.
Music is improtant without music it would be all dull and and mute all the time. so i can't live without music.
I can't live without it....just like L can't live w/o sugar and cake you could say but there's an extent to wear maybe twelve hours w/o it? XD hey at leaste i told the truth i really can't and its not an obbession its called''i like feeling alive'' XD can't have anything against me on tha one course i know there are people who don't listen or ever heard of music but those people are also workaholics etc everyone's obbessive in something. Mine's music XD