...Tale withdrew Pikachu! Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is the Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is the General Nominations! @Makaze @Jayn @Jiku Neon @C @DigitalAtlas @Jiηx @Ghost @Korosu @Styx @Laurence_Fox
Funny coincidence his name means "bad wind;" he's about as frightening as a fart IF YOU'RE SCARED OF THE FORUM MOM, YOU MUST BE A BRAT OF A CHILD You know instead of being scared of Jiku you could just BUY DONUTS I WILL FUCKING FIGHT THIS NIGGA BAREFOOT IN THE DESERT. N0 PH34R p l s he's like two inches across, couldn't hurt u if he wanted to #N0PH34R Well I get why you guys are scared of them, they are my ferocious warrior princesses and I am very proud N0. PH34-
Genuine post: I hope anyone who actually is too nervous to speak to me shoots me a message sometime. Promise, I'm a goof. I say "XD" and use cute jester girl emotes. Seriously, in the wiki I'm a marshmallow. A MARSHMALLOW.