Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations Cycle 2 is the Artistic Noms Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Cycle 4 is General Noms And here are the nominees: Amaury burnitup Fearless hatok jackdaniel0 Jayn Makaze Mixt temples (Rainshine)
I vote jackdaniel. Thank you for the vote, kind sir. I SEE A BUNCH OF YOU IDIOTS JUST STANDING AROUND NOT BLOWING STUFF UP! QUIT IT!!
The designated candidates all seem in fine control of their mental faculties, therefore I judge that neither of them are in the slightest sense mentally insane. It of course depends how you define "insanity" as, a person could shoot down a school in cold blood and people would assume they were insane; they would have a chance at pleading it in court. Too often, "insanity" is used to excuse behavior which society merely views as detrimental (and the diagnosis discourages exploration into why they are as they are, because god forbid society played a role in their formation). Makaze holds some controversial beliefs, but nothin' insane there. Maybe just a little odd at worst. I could envision Amaury developing dementia somewhere down the line at age 60+. I don't think Fearless is insane either, but I think "Fearless" and "insane" complement each other well and as I think none of these candidates are particularly insane I am going to go out and satisfy a preference.
I currently have zero votes, which means nobody thinks I'm insane. But Organization 13 are nobodies, so clearly I would have their support. And with their 13 (14?) votes I'm clearly winning right now.