.::MorTaL iMperFecTioN::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Spaze, Jul 28, 2009.

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  1. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Ooc: Yo, guys...could me and Dexnail get a recap plz?
  2. DemonicRhythm Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 16, 2009
    On the Moon. (Or Florida)
    OoC: not much happened....mostly Noaya transforming, Echo drinking blood, them talking and watching a random person feast then be killed. Sorry, last post of the night and I gtg. sorry its short again.

    "O...kay." Echo said and began to look around. She didn't really see anything unual that could be causing him to cough. She continued to look anyway.
  3. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    OOC:It's okay and good bye....

    Felix then turned into his orginal form with out meaning to, He then saw fog all over the place. "What the?" said Naoya looking at himself, "The fog! Thats what is messing with me!" He then turned back into a human and began coughing, he fell to his knees, sliping on ice.
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything

    Full name: Penoa wonderstring
    Username: Dexnail
    Age: 17
    Class: The Painted Skin Society (was an dark angel)
    Bio: When he spent his time with the other dark angels he never liked them. The friendships he made with them was fake. Penoa's ability is an rare one that is why he prizes it more then anything. He can make strings that are filled with his energy to controll puppets he made also the strings can attach to humens or weapons.One day he met an man named Envy for somereason he felt better being with the man instead of with the others. The man let him join he never got the power to change but his skill at puppetry makes up for it. Panoa is refered to other Dark Angels as The Puppeter of Deception.
    Personality: curios, loves to test peoples emotions, lazy, mean to most people but not to people that means something to him (not that many people).
    Tattoo and where is it:
    Weapon(s): an big shuriken he carries on his back and a steel puppet he controls both with his energy strings
    puppet: http://pendragon55.deviantart.com/art/Severed-Strings-Mantis-91924462 it can shoot out needles and can blow out poison fog
    Sexuality: straight
    Crush/soulmate: (could be answered later)
    Miscellaneous: can turn his energy into strings
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    true form: [​IMG]
  5. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Ooc: You're accepted, Dexnail.~
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Penoa walked the cold streets as night darkend the city the puppeter would look at the people. On the man's back an puppet was resting Penoa held onto its shoulder as he walked with his other hand in his pocket. The puppet and shurriken could not be seen cause had an black coak over it making it appear Penoa was dragging an dead body on his back. People looked at the puppeters back and started to talk Penoa could hear them but he did not care. He went to an alley he took the coak off reveilling his puppet then he made it sat on the ground while he sat on some boxes letting the puppet sit infront of his legs. Penoa stared ahead with an cold smile on his face as he relaxed as his red eyes glistend.
  7. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008

    Full name: Zack Jackson
    Username: Apoligetix
    Age: 17
    Class: T.P.S.S. (the painted skin society)
    Bio: Zack has always had a love of adventure and always love to try new or dangerous things. He is a field tester for new weapons for T.P.S.S.
    Personality: Zack has a instinct for Dangerous and adventure dares, Zack is also a good friend to have, hardly ever gets mad but if you get him mad, get out of his way
    Tattoo and where is it: Hawk and his back in the top right corner by his shoulder
    Weapon(s): A Katana is his main weapon with a hidden away Lambert Carbine just in case (lambert:http://www.frigginclan.com/v3/images/carbine.png)
    Sexuality: Straight
    Crush/soulmate: N/A atm
    Miscellaneous: Zack loves to Freerun/Parkour
  8. Spaze Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 12, 2009
    Ooc: Your are accepted too, Apoligetix! Now I must leave D: I'll post whenever Rhian replies to me...and that better be soon. <.<
  9. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    OOC- awesome thanks :D

    Bic- Zack wandered the streets, mostly getting to know the area which was getting tough to do considering the rate at which it was getting dark. He glanced around his surroundings and sat on the curb and began to sharpen his katana. After his katana was as sharp as it could possibly get he secretly pulled his Lambert Carbine out and began polishing it.
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    After an few moments of resting he stood up an streched his arms. With one arm raised energy strings started to come out of his fingur tips lashing onto the the puppet. With an grin on his face as his fingurs moved the puppet started to stand up. Penoa raised up his hand the puppet lifted acting as it was floating then it went behind the puppeter then lashed onto his back. He grabed the cloak and slumbed it on his shoulder covering the puppet while he started walking the street again. "huh it sure is snowing" Penoa said with an bored sleepy expression on his face as he extended out the hand that was in his pocket out with his palm open letting the snow land on it. After a few minuts of that he continued his walk Penoa looked ahead he saw a man on the curb. "heya homo stop begging for change you poor form of trash" Penoa said coldly to the man "unless you know a man named Envy then i might be nicer" the puppeter said to the man with an cold smile on his face.
  11. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Lucifer continued walking. he looked around at everything. he knelt down and picked up a doll that probably belonged to a little girl. he smirked. in an instant, the doll was caught on fire. Lucifer threw the doll over his shoulder.
  12. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack looked over at Penoa and smirked then laid down on the sidewalk "call me what you may" Zack smiled. "but whether or not its true is a different story, i need no money that you may offer me, nor will i take it" Zack smirked and polished his lambert more. "as for this 'Envy' person you speak of I have never heard or met him" he smiled and waited for a responce.
  13. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Penoa started to laugh happily then he looked at the man. "oh no i was not gona give you money" the puppeter stoped with an sedistic smile on his face "i was gona kick you around" Penoa said coldly to the man. Penoa still had the energy strings connected to the puppet but he would ask one more thing before he used his toy cause after all he still needed blood that never changed. "well do you work for the painted skin society" Penoa asked the man.
  14. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack chuckled at the mans responce, "its possible that i work for the painted skin society, have you seen this gun before?" Zack held the gun in one of his hands and had his other hand on his katana incase the man pulled something he wasnt expecting
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Penoa looked down noticing the mans other hand was on the katana. the puppeter had an smirk on his face the answers the man gave was not certain it was like an maybe. "lets see" Penoa said taking an look of the gun "i know people make guns for the society but i dont use them so whats it called" the puppeter said to the man.
  16. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack smirked and smiled, "its known as the Lambert Carbine, im a field tester for it and so far its pretty good" he smiled, "although," Zack stopped for a moment and snickered, "you cant do much without these" Zack held the bullets in his hand for the man to see and quickly closed his hand.
  17. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Penoa could tell the man was in the same society he and Envy was in if he had respect for anybody on the planet it would be Envy. The puppeter looked at the bullets the weapon was impressive but he desire his own. Penoa sat on the ground beside the man he watched as the peopled walked by. "i was planning on killing you and drinking your blood but its not beneficial to me now since i know you work for us" the puppeter said to the man with the same sleepy emotionaless face. "let me guess you wonder what the big lump on my back is at some point you probolly thought i was carrying somebodys dead body" Penoa said to the man with an smirk.
  18. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack took his Lambert back and smiled "your in the Painted Skin Society?" Zack asked with curiousity, "as for the big lump on your back i couldnt really care less" Zack snickered and went back to polishing his Lambert and put fresh bullets in it and locked the gun. "is the 'Envy' person you speak of with in the Painted Skin society as well?"
  19. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Penoa looked up at the sky the snow was falling slightly harder now put in a way still relaxable. "yep" the puppeter said to the man "Envy is the leader of the society so in a way he owns trash like you but he owns diamonds like myself as well" the puppeter said to the man coldly. After an while he took of the cloak his puppet being reveilled "see if you did attack me it would be your funeral" Penoa said emotionaless with an cold smile as his fingurs still had the energy strings attached to the puppet. With a few fingurs moved and his wrist turned the puppet got off of Penoa's back and walked infront of them as the puppeter continued controlling the movements with his fingurs. "see you can enjoy your gun and katana i just need my puppet i named mantis and my big sherriken" the puppeter said to the man with an grin. "ow look at that, i need to clean my prized item" Penoa said as he noticed there was still blood on the folded blade arms of his puppet he pulled out an cloth then started cleaning the blood off of the blades.
  20. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    "And 3, I don't need any blood right now anyway. Its my idiotic human form that needs blood 24/7 and I hate being trapped as that." Fiachra frowned and started to walk away. Her wings unfurled from her back to show they had no feathers, just metalic bones.
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