Does anyone else like this series? I like that it's a unique type of sci-fi, with great characters and story, but dark themes too. And airships X]
The setting itself was superb. Steampunk at its finest. The characterisation was also good, from what I can remember. Unfortunately, the plot was somewhat lacking. Shooting the protagonist, essentially putting him out of action for the rest of the series, and by accident at that, rubbed me the wrong way. Something that important shouldn't happen by accident. The ending was also somewhat disappointing. Killing off Tom and Hester, while romantic, seemed to be a waste, purely to tie up loose ends. The automaton's ultimate fate was interesting, although the mechanic's promise to 'fix him up again' was rather useless, considering where he ended up. Where was this released as the Hungry City Chronicles? I only know it as the Mortal Engines Quartet.