Moronic school cancels prom over lesbian student

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Rho, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. Clear_so_you_can't_See Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2009
    In A Dream
    Grrr I know posted here before,but this got me so mad!
    Not only were they predjudice against the lesbian student but students with disabilities as well!?!?
    That's it! That is so disgusting, I wish I could give those imbaciles a piece of my mind!!!
    This shouldn't happen in America, I am seriously begining to consider if I am even proud to live here.
    I hope people find out about this, such a disregard for rights and human equality should be know.
  2. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    My sentiments exactly, save that I don't live in America. With the size and influence, you'd think that America would be setting standards rather than letting an establishment drop it through the floor.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Exactly. I can't see how America is always seen as the representation of the "free world" or how we seem to set ourselves above other countries with things like this.
    This has taken me to the point where I've actually emailed the superintendent of the school district.

    I mean, I can understand having a private prom and excluding Constance from it, but to go to the point where you hold a fake prom and send her to that one, along 2 kids with learning disabilities and 3 others? I don't know if those kids knew about the plot, but that's just horrible.

    And the fact that the school's teachers and principal "supervised" the fake one?
    By canceling the prom because of her and hosting a fake one, the school has deliberately turned the students against her.
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    God forgive what I'm about to say.

    Those ****ing inbred, backward, webfooted, yokel pieces of ****. ****ing hypocritical arrogant ****ers allowed to teach kids, who don't agree to homosexuality but incest is fine. Immature old fashioned ****ers, should be shafted up their god damned shitholes.

    Apologies, but i do feel better.

    After this I hope the principal or teaches are fired, or the application to that school decreases or some type of karma repercussions occur to these vile prejudice people.
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    ...Okay, nix the cricket bat. Somebody get me a god damned C96. With a stripper clip, if you would. This goes beyond injustice; this is demonic. These f**kers need to be cleansed.
  6. Rho Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 28, 2009
    I fail to see why some people are so stupid.

    What happened to that thing I heard about a school in California inviting her to their prom?
  7. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    I know this has been stated before, but seriously America, land of freedom and equality my arse.

    These teachers are the most loathsome people I've come across in a long time, so what if she likes girls rather then the society 'norm' of boys. She's still a teenage girl who just wants to go with the person she's dating to prom and they're acting as though she's got some sort of zombie virus that's going to destroy all their kids.

    As for the person who said she "ruined senior year" for them, why don't they stop and actually think for a moment. Not only was prom cancelled for her too but it was because of her. And it's not like it's something she can control either, you fall for who you fall for.

    And the fake prom... I mean how low can you go? That's the most hideous thing they could of done, there's no good reason for that. At all.
    I hope they stop and think and use their over-religious views on themselves. They'll be burning in hell right along with the girls for their sins against the poor girls if they use any logic, which they clearly have none of.

  8. Umiyuri Papaeyra Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 2, 2010
    In a box!
    I'm afraid, Ms McMillen, that those kids shouldn't have to worry about that in the first place if the teachers are doing their jobs properly, which it seems they aren't.