^Tried a whole bunch of stuff here, experimented a bit with the text. ^I really like this one =) cnc???
epicness equals those pictures. The first one has great color and I love how you made the background. The soft spots really work. It almost reminds of something from Titan A.E. The second one is also really good. The blue works great, and I love how the background is almost like a digital wave or something. I don't know how to describe it. I can't really tell which is my favorite. I'm leaning a little more towards the first, but I love them both
Naww they are both so nice <3 As Aqua101 said,I like how you made the first one with the adorable soft spots,it looks great. And the colours on the second one are really nice,and everything seems to be blended really well. The only bad thing I can possibly say,is that the text in the first one doesnt really suit the rest of the sig. And thats only if Im trying to find a bad point :3 Really good work~
Not bad. I especially liked the one with Sora and Kairi. How long did it take you to make them, and will you be making anymore?
I don't really know how long each one took, I was at school when I made them. Maybe about...5 hours each???
I absolutely love the colours on these. My favourite is the Sora one as it all seems so high quality and the different shades of blue mixed with the splodges of colour at his stomach. I like how you've blurred the back of Sora's hair as that gives the signature more depth but I think you should blur maybe just a bit more as it looks a tad random on it's own. On the first one, I love the text, the font goes well with the overall image and there is a lot of detail in both these tags. The framework in the background is a nice effect and the lighting is psot on. There is nothing that really stands out to me as something that needs improvement. Good work, keep it up.
Oh my,These are great.Like pretty much everyone i like the sora one the best. These colors in the second blend really well,did you use Photo Shop? The font for the first one didn't really fit the sig as much as the font for the second one did. Good job :D
I think it would be dope if you did something like fading from your normal stock to a wire frame outline thing in the second one. These are nice, though.