Does the fact that in the increase in the human population has led to even more troubles in the world? Food Shortage More animals becoming Extinct Increase in Pollution Increase in Diseases Increase in Violence Increase in Law Breaking etc You coould keep going on and on about the worlds problems, but is it because the human population has increased, or bad luck?
Human population is a huge factor of it, but its not the only reason. Humans have had disregard for environmental and economical risks for a long time, its only now we r reacting.
There's a lot more to it than human population alone, though it is a huge reason, as said by others. I think human neediness, greed, charity and other institutions that otherwise consume human resources are somewhat in with this as well. Though charity is to help others voluntarily, which is the oy difference.
Food Shortage - no. This has always been a problem. More animals becoming Extinct - no, even without us knowing several animals have gone extinct before we were even technologically advanced. Actually nowadays a lot of people are trying to preserve animals and plants more and yet things die out or change. It's the way of life. It doesn't mean for a while there we didn't do some stupid things and don't have things to work on but we only tend to notice the 'big' things going extinct. Many things have and still do and will. Increase in Pollution - yes, obviously we've had our impact. Some things occur naturally but our population densities and concentrated effects caused by corps dumping, people being stupid and Co2 increases by needing more trees etc, also carbon monoxide emissions, well, these are all signs that we've contributed more to. Increase in Diseases - in how diseases spread, yes. Also, sometimes with how viruses mutate, strains can become worse or more docile depending. I'd say that epidemics and such happen more because we can travel easier and contagious people come into busy areas. I'm not sure diseases themselves have grown but spreading them can be easier. Increase in Violence - Yes, the closer people live together and are forced to do so and they fail at integration, the more violence is likely to happen. Increase in Law Breaking - I'm not sure. I think it's just easier nowadays to get caught and there are also a bunch of stupid laws put in place that shouldn't be there because they don't really aid anyone but the greedy or nosy. Yes, if these don't count in statistics but no, if they do.
I have always held the view that humanity as a species cannot work on large scales, such as globally. There must be like a critical point where things just start to break down. Hence why the world is split into countries (and those countries which are very large tend to be the ones that don't do very well). Gah, why can I not think of anything else to say >.>
I don't count statistics too much so I guess not for the last one. And I guess we have always had food shortages, maybe I was thinking on a global scale. And by extinction of animals, I meant we have killed many species than nature would have ever intended to be killed, the reason we preserve them now, is because most of humanity feels guilty about their ancestors killing so many types of animals. And by disease I mean potency I guess, in the way that many more viruses and diseases are becoming a bigger problem, since our medicine is becoming less and less effective.
There have been many animals made extinct by nature itself. Humans are actually not as great a killer of creatures as the world is in itself. Yes, we have certainly contributed though due to some stupid practices of logging, corporations dumping waste and other nasty practices. We work on making it better not just out of guilt but because it's a practical and good thing to do. The opinions of how we feel about the world have changed and will continue to be changed as we grow. More and more people are concerned with things and so we will naturally pass that on to our children etc. As we learn more about our world we've come to see it as a more 'vulnerable' thing than people even 100 years thought. I'd have to say we haven't had a major pandemic or epidemic since the Spanish Flu. We have -signs- of them that they could happen with some virulent strains but really, let's face it. We've all been lucky. There certainly hasn't been a Spanish Flu or Black Plague etc situation for a very long time, even though we have some things to watch such as the Avian Flu or West Nile Virus. I would say right now we've actually been doing alright and if we are hit with an epidemic, it's not going to be such an irregular thing in nature to happen. Viruses and bacteria etc change and evolve and so do we.