More News about NA Release of Re:CoM

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Thanks to Member *TwilightNight* for pointing out the article to me. We have more news and more of a reliable source about an American release of Chain of Memories. The site 1UP says:

    I would like to point out that nothing is official yet as we are yet to hear anything from Square-Enix themselves. But I doubt this won't be true now we have this much detail on the game.

    Source: 1UP and KHI

    Also in other news Star Ocean 4 and The Last Remnant will be playable at TGS this year.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Darkandroid, Sep 11, 2008.

    1. libregkd
    2. twilightsbringing
      I agree. Remember what they said about Final Mix+? It is not coming out of Japan. I think these magazines are just getting excited about the voice actors being casted. It's probably for 358/2 Days and not the remake. This could sort of confirm that 358/2 Days will indeed be released in North America. Either way it's good news and not bad.
      Though having bought Final Mix+ myself along with Swap Magic, I would be a little upset if they did release Re:CoM in North America. It would be good for the fans who couldn't get Final Mix+, but still...
    3. DarknessKingdom
      I wouldn't get your hopes up. I'll remain suspicious until I actually see it for sale at my local retailer.
    4. MoTi550
      It just doesn't make any.... sense. Releasing re:CoM for the PS2 when the PS2 is on its way out, when all the hype for re:CoM and FM+ has died down, and when the releases of 3 new KH games are looming probably some time in the next year?
    5. bethloveskh
      sooo.. if it does come out in North Amercia...does that mean it will come out in europe as well?

      I hope it does.. i want it :)
    6. Daydreamer
      If it does come to the states, you can be sure that I'll be one of the first to rip the cutscenes!
    7. Anixe
      Just heard some news from that S-E has confirmed that RE: CoM is coming to the USA this holiday season. I suppose I'll wish it for X-mas this year. XD
    8. Speyeker
      My thoughts exactly.
    9. Shift
      I don't believe this will come to the USA,yet,if it does,good,i don't care,i have mine,but what about Europe then?
      It want it has much as USA(Okay,not that much,but it still deserves the game).
    10. *TwilightNight*
      Here's the said site where that small tidbit of news comes from. CLICKETH:

      Gameboy Advance RPG Site - News: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for PS2 US release confirmed


      Really? *-*

      I never thought anyone could match Larxene's adowable and cute Japanese voice so evilly loveable :3. Then again, I do not know how it sounds. I just hope whoever does Larxene can match the "=3" of the giggles too.
    11. WaveK89
      Sora's voice?

      I'm interested on who will be doing Sora's voice. I mean CoM does take place right after Kingdom Hearts, and Haley Joel Osment's voice is deep. Who knows...

      I'm not holding any hopes until Square makes the announcement. TGS '08 is getting close.
    12. Speyeker
      Just speaking theoretically, I think the Japanese voice actor had the same problem, but he still voiced Sora in Re: CoM anyway. But this is assuming Re: CoM is coming, which I strongly doubt.
    13. axel90
      Well isn't that nice. If this is true then I'll be saving my money and hopefully something will be confirmed this year at Tokyo Game Show.
    14. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      That's true, but it doesn't mean they will.
    15. dirk123
      They could do a FM too.
      They only need to:
      - add English audio to new cutscenes
      - add English menu etc (I hated that KH1FM didn't have an English Menu)

      I just hope that RE:CoM makes it to Europe...
      Although the European version will probably be more expensive than the US version >_>
      (KH2 was 50 euro's when I bough it, that's roughly $62)
    16. Azure Flame
      Azure Flame
      They quite possibly could, but they won't.
    17. Yukichin
      Ooh. I hope this rumor is true!
    18. *TwilightNight*
    19. ninetailednaruto98
      thats cool I guess it is coming to the US I have the japanese one but Im cerious about the english voices plus for all my friends who are KH fans and want the game but cant get it like my cousin I can let them borrow mine
    20. ChaosFinale
      This ought to be good. I've been waiting for a 3D version. Probably be a lot easier to navigate the maps than in the GBA version.