older kairi as a bussiness woman..... honest opinions plz
Not bad. Maybe a little more shading in some areas and not have the hair on her shoulders look almost transparent. Overall really well done, keep up the good work.
haha yea proportions is a pain in the *** too. i've seen lots of artists draw their arms bigger than there necks i dont think im any better lol >>;
She looks a little...stout...maybe it's just because I can't see a neck. Sorry if I sounded mean. T_T
Okay, so I *attempted* to do a redline on this. When I say attempt I mean the pen to my tablet isn't working right so itdoes this ghey crap where even when I'm not touching the pad [which is like clicking with a mouse] it acts like I'm performing a click. So it's kind of like drawing without picking up my pen. Some of the lines look loopy because of that, and I can't really sketch anything out. Basically her head is too big for the rest of her body. I tried to correct it kind of, but if you want to keep it like that I have a purple pen showing how to correct her facial features. Currently her head is kind of at a tilted position, which is strage with her straight eyes/nose/mouth. Her arms are kind of short for her, but I'm thinking that's more of a style thing. I wasn't really sure what to do with that. ^^;; Her boot's position made it look like her foot was unnaturally twisted, so I moved it forward a bit. Her other leg looks akward...but I don't really know why. Proportion wise he hips were kind of small for her bust and head, so I tried to give her more of an hourglass figure than a spoon. Her calves were pretty large in comparison to the rest of her leg, so I tried to disribute it evenly. Feature related her eyes were kind of at the same position. Note that when a character's face is at an angle they tend to be oppsitely shaped horizontally. I won't bother with shading since people here have already covered it~
wow i gotta thank you for doing that :] i knew i had some things wrong with the proportions so thanks for taking the time to point it all out :D ill try to improve!:o