Because apparently a bunch of the staff want to do a spin off about Garrus for the next Mass Effect Garrus fangirls may squee, but! This is pre-mass effect 2 Garrus do you still want that
Who the heck is Mac Walter? Hrrm, I see. I geuss it could work as some sort of criminal investigation starring Garrus as Columbo.
Sad to say I haven't had the chance to play the original ME. Still, I'll wait and see if this is good or not. Just because I love him, doesn't mean I automatically love every game he may/may not star in.
the gameplay was better in some areas, but it felt very barebones and hollow. ME1's story is the best in all of trilogy.
What, like the overall story? Because in that case, yeah, ME2 is worse, but the writing is better imo. I could muster a drop of give-a-damn for my squadmates in ME1, not so with ME2 or 3
idk man i loved talking to my squad in ME1, even Ashley just because she firmly stood by her beliefs even if i didn't agree with them plus i liked that in ME1 your squad would actually give their opinion on you handled ****, ME2's ~mission complete~ screen was a slap in the face.
what do you mean? They still comment on all the main missions, just like in ME1. They didn't comment on side missions, but they didn't in ME1, either And here are only 4 main missions in ME1, to boot
I don't know much about Mass Effect, but most fans of Garrus would probably like any version of him. And especially fans here, since in Kh we get so many different versions of each character.
A lot of the squad's comments are context-sensitive in ME2, but it still happens. Plus, Joker and Kelly comment on everything - plot missions, loyalty missions, every damn thing. The overall plot may be worse (Even then I disagree, ME1 was cookie cutter as fuck) but the dialogue is actually phenomenal. It is actually phenomenal. It is some of the best dialogue I have ever heard spoken. For once I am not making wild exaggerations oh god why did my font change all I did was hit CTRL+I I love the characters from both games. They are all my babies. Especially Wrex and Grunt. There is a pretty strong possibility I will bone only krogans when I do a femshep run. I am the krogasm.
ME1 did do alright with the characters, but I feel like none of them had a chance to really establish themselves as fully fleshed ones. They probably did the best with Ashley, Kaidan and Wrex. They were ALMOST there with Garrus. ME1 had the best villain though, Saren was great. ME2 had the best characters, I cant tell you one I actually hate. I love them all. ME3 had more problems than the ending. A lot of problems in this dumb game could have been avoided with Liara as the Shadow Broker but "haha whoops missed that one" or how they had to get all dramatic over Spoiler kai leng getting away and having to find the cerberus base. HEY DONT YOU KNOW A CERTAIN GENETICALLY PERFECT WOMAN WHO HAS PERSONALLY TALKED TO TIM????
Spoiler A genetically perfect woman who placed a tracking device on Kai Leng to track him to the base. Yeah...
Spoiler im talking about before they went to sanctuary to find clues or whatever, they could have just called her up and be like "hey miranda what up wheres TIM"
Spoiler Technically Shepard doesn't know Miranda has been face-to-face with TIM (he does seem fine with contacting everyone outside HQ with holograms), but yeah it wouldn't have hurt to ask TIM's former right hand woman. But what I'm saying is that regardless of weither or not Shepard should have asked, Miranda shouldn't have needed to put the tracking device on Kai Leng to find the base when she already knew where it was.