More Figurine Photos +Official Site Update (FIXED)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, May 29, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, thanks to our forum member ansemcontainer he managed to take a few pictures of his Kingdom Hearts collection, featuring Figurines, posters and more for us.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Once again thanks to our forum member ansemcontainer for these photos.

    Also Square-Enix has updated their official FM+ Website, with a section known as "Chaku Uta (R)" for those that don't know what it is, it's a Ringtone for phones that take High Quality MP3 playback. Which means that, Square-Enix is distributing songs from the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack for those who want KH Ringtones!

    Official Website

    Source: FFKH Blog

    Note: If anyone finds anything new related to Kingdom Hearts, or so do not be afraid to e-mail me at or to PM me, you will be credited on these finds as well!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, May 29, 2007.

    1. RoxaSoraGirl
      AWWWWWWWWWW Roxas plushie! I have one that's on its way but it's taking forever! >.<
    2. kitty_mckechnie
      Whoa you have loads n' loads of figures.
    3. ansemcontainer
      88 exactly i just counted todayXD i have a roxas cosplay outfit also
    4. Starboy
      Daaaaang.... thats really cool... ME WANTS ROXAS PLUSHIE!!!
    5. kingdomheartsbabe101
      AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!SQQQQUUUUEEEEEE!!!!!where do you shop,ansemcontainer??plz tell me!!!!!i have been looking for stuff like that EVERYWHERE!!!
    6. Member13
      That is a cool room. Where can you find the Roxas outfit for cheap?
    7. Xephos
      WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW:eek: . You really are a Kingdom Hearts Fan! It also looks cool how you placed the actio figures too in the postion.
    8. twilightsora13
      ansemcontainter = my new hero. XD

      I wish my room looked like that. *stares at single lonely KH poster*

      O___O OMG RINGTONES! *runs off* *trips*
    9. Princess~Kairi
      I need good pictures!!! Okay, fine. I'm not writing a book report on Kingdom Hearts, but on Tokyo. I'm working on the entertainment section of the book, and I want to put Kingdom Hearts: FM+ pics there.:)
    10. venster
      *drools* O_O I want some of those. Dx
    11. Black Sinner
      Black Sinner
      Hey ansemcontainer, you wouldn't notice if about half that stuff went missing, would you? *shifty eyes*

      Kidding, but it would be awesomet to have some of that stuff. All I have are the games...
    12. Cody
      Nice little collection, AnsemContainer.
      Thanks for sharing :-).
    13. DJSeph2007
      haha every one is treating u as a god here AnsemContainer... LOL

      XDXDXD good for u.. but anyway, everyone that is wondring how u can get KH dolls & cosplays, go to if ur lucky u get it cheap!

      BTW AnsemContainer, how old are u? and i beat ur intire collection with my "Final Fantasy 9 Tetra master card set"! XD (200 cards with board and everything :D)

      One day, or soon enough, those dolls will fall apart. Somehow. You just wait.

      Happened to eveyone else's KH/AC dolls, so it will happen to yours. >;D

      *is not jealous*
    15. DJSeph2007
      i had my FF dolls in 3 years now.. and none of them have been falling apart :/... but my sephiroth doll was stolen tought XD

      well they fall apart if u play with them maybe but i never play with them, they re in a glass closet :D

      All the said people I know who got theirs broken are rabit yaoi fangirls. D:

      (ps - sorry about the stolen Seph though. Sucks :/)
    17. DJSeph2007
      didnt really care about the seph doll when it got stolen XD i traded some of my warhammer figures for it XD warhamer sux XD

      BTW u mean sad not said right?
    18. AznRicyBoy
      OK... my dad's not gonna let me spend money on that kind of stuff... but I want it!

      But I really do want to get the KH ringtones... how do you send them to your phone. I see this image of a pixely thing on the site and i dunno what to do with it. sorry, I'm new... I just got my cell a week ago.
    19. KL93
      I can only imagine what they do with those figures. O_o
    20. DJSeph2007
      ok u just made sick XD