If you haven't noticed, there's been record bannings lately. We've had kids pulling a lot of crap lately and we're not going to tolerate it anymore. This goes for anyone. I banned four members in less than 24 hours alone because of what I've seen. Read the rules and follow them, this will NOT be tolerated anymore. - Sara Forum Administrator
I won't say who, no... But two were banned today, one thanks to the quick-thinking of a mod who found out that member will be causing trouble quickly. And another who pm'ed me something inappropriate that gave me the call that he was going to cause more grief quickly. The other two were banned yesterday because they earned five warnings in the hour I was looking through posts.
Thank you for the info. And may i ask a question? You mean Roxas and the others that got banned a few days ago ?
Note: Roxas ASKED to be banned... He would've only been removed from power if he didn't ask. And the others like CFF is in the position where he is just going to keep on getting banned until he either gets the hint he isn't allowed at the site anymore, which I posted before. And some others for causing trouble. Mostly it was ones who just have broken the rules to earn a banning.
Yep, Roxas pulled a Tallian (Ah! Not in spam zone..more words) I dont know why people ask to be banned, what if they want to make a comeback?
I'm just glad to see this finally happen. In regards to the people that have finally been getting banned, all I can say is its about time. I'm talking about the CFF's who were mean to others, threatening, etc. I think that it'll help the site out to finally have these people gone. Thanks for keeping up the great work Sara!
I have also noticed about 2 or 3 people who should have been banned along time ago (I will not post there names here, but let me know if your curious.) And it just seems like the same crap over and over again. Im going to start letting you know Sara, when I see members who need to be reviewed due to what they have posted...and I mean almost in every freakin post they make.
Well... If it's beyond spam inappropriate, let me or one of the other staff know right away, please. That goes for anyone. I will patrol the forum myself for any trouble.
Thank you Sara, for making this forum a great place to post on. Your hard work is appreciated. I will watch out and do my bit to help keep this forum friendly.
Sara you are a hard worker who deserves a pat on the back and I'll let you know if I ever see anything inappropiate cos you are so cool!
Whoa, thanks Sara! You never fail to make sure that everything is going right on the forum... I bet it's annoying to see all those people who need to get banned...so, thank you for looking out for us.
thanx sara for doing this and for imforming us about it latly i have seen some really surprising ppl and i tell them to stop or to reread the rules... if i see any i will PM u
well....i say ur doing a great job. while things have been more boring lately, i suppose it's worth it for a friendly enviornment. that's the thing i like the most about this forum, it's SO friendly unlike the a*swipes at Game****. the mods there are such tools