Square-Enix Moogles no longer Moogles?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DogBoyX, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Repliku Chaser

    Mogs are not what that is. In FFT that picture you posted IS a Moogle. Mogs are like what Cait Sith is riding around on, even though it's stuffed. They are different creatures. Of course, now I have to look more into it but Mogs are supposed to be not the same and are in a couple other games. I think there was one in FF VI too.
  2. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    With all those new looking moogles , it makes me feel uneasy .

    Especially the one from FFXll , it looks like a Rabbit . ;-;
  3. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Actually calling them the "Mog" is a fan decision, some FFT fans (not all, though my particular group of friends chooses to) wish to distinguish the regular "Moogle" from the Moogles in the FFT universe by referring to the FFT sect after the Head Moogle in the games, a Moogle by the name of "Mog"

    In every other FF game, the term "Mog" is usually in reference to a stuffed-toy Moogle, as "Mog" is actually used as an abbreviation of "Moogle"
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    The older Moogles were way better. I hate the way these new ones look. They just aren't the same.
  5. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007

    To say one is 'teh suck' and that 'it stinks' is a severe overreaction over something most of you probably weren't alive all that long to be that attached to regardless. Trying to justify that one is horrible and that the other is great is like trying to spot the differences between Turtle and a Tortoise and calling it significant enough to deem one as 'suck'

    You can have a preference, I just dislike anyone saying that something "sucks" just because they don't have a taste for it, even if you don't particularly like something, you should still respect it enough to not say that it 'stinks' >.>
  6. Shade Tail Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 24, 2006
    I like the new moogles... I think the old ones looked a bit cartoony
  7. Repliku Chaser

    Well it is an opinion, so saying 'they suck' is how a person is entitled to feel and voice. Just as you are entitled to your opinion that they don't 'suck' so bad or are great. I think they suck, but you don't. I respect your opinion on it and all. I just don't like the FFT/FFTA, FFXII moogles at all. It would seem just as wrong to me to see chocobos show up that looked like giant turkeys or ostriches instead. I think their appearance is more than just a difference between turtles and tortoises considering a turtle will always be a turtle and a tortoise will always be a tortoise but a moogle apparently in certain games won't look like a moogle.
  8. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    You're saying that every single Turtle does, and should, look exactly the same? And that if it doesn't, it sucks? o-o I dunno, I just don't see what's so different or horrible about them that anyone would need to say that they 'suck', it's like being mad at some types of Turtles for having pointier shells instead of smooth rounded ones, it's just silly
  9. Way_2_The_Dawn Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 4, 2007
    Assault of the Dreadnaught
    Before, (I just this very moment realized that all moogles in FFXII speak english!! How slow am I?) moogles only said "kupo kupopo!" and ran around being all cute and all.

    Now, moogles in FFXII are talking about how drinks in Bhujerba are not as strong as where he came from! Poor moogles.
  10. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I don't think so, Moogles have always spoken the natural language in the games, they merely end their sentences in "Kupo~" (Which was originally "Meow" in Japanese)

    You seem to have confused Final Fantasy with Pokemon
  11. Repliku Chaser

    No, my point is that a turtle of one type is going to BE a turtle of that type. You can get 1000 turtles of that breed and it will be...that same breed of turtle. The Moogles don't even look like the same breed. If you want a more accurate description, what if originally Labrador Retrievers were as they were depicted and suddenly the next time you saw them, they looked like Pugs? Both have floppy ears and tails but not much else is that similar. That is what I am pointing out. The moogles in FFTA stink because they look like a whole other breed or something and really it was a liberty that seemed lame to take.

    In the end, I suppose I will just be glad they are there in FFT and FFTA and hope they don't bleed over into the other FF games because they aren't the same and they look so bad to me. It's not like I won't play the games or something ridiculous, but just as you can think they are cool, I still think they are not. We'll just have to agree to disagree here.

    Also Way_2_the_Dawn
    TheMuffinMan is right. When Moogles have spoken, (because they have not in all games) usually they do say sentences and end in 'kupo'. They spoke in FF6, FF9 and KH games for sure. I'm trying to recall from the other games, but I know they were talking English, or whatever language the game is in, in those particular games. I know in FF7 they were just little cameos, and I for some reason cannot recall in the other games atm.
  12. Way_2_The_Dawn Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 4, 2007
    Assault of the Dreadnaught
    Well, in the earlier games (FFVI and FFV), most of the moogles could only speak kupo. Those who spoke human were the exception.
  13. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    That's because they're NOT the same 'breed'? They're an entire seperate 'clan' of the Moogle species, get over it? You act as if it's a sin for an animal to ever be different from the very first animal of that type you saw.
    Actually it's more like you're walking through a park and you see a Labrador Retriever and think "Oh, that's a nice dog", and then as you finish the walk you see a Pug and you say "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? THIS IS NO DOG, IT IS NOTHING LIKE THAT DOG I SAW BEFORE, GET THIS DISGUSTING SIN AGAINST HUMANITY AWAY FROM ME, HOW DARE THIS THING BE ALLOWED TO EXIST!??!"

    You upturn your nose and scoff because every "dog" doesn't look like your first impression of what a "dog" should look like? It's ridiculous to say that every "dog" besides that Labrador Retriever is not a "dog" in your eyes and that they all clearly "stink" because you have unnatural standards

    Maybe because they are another 'breed' of Moogle?

    I guess we should look down on people's skin color, because I mean they're not the perfect Arian Blond-Hair-Blue-Eyes example of a human being?
  14. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    ...Seriously, what is this thread?

    People fuss over the slightest things, ayo mateys.
  15. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    the moogles of FFIX were the best, BRING 'EM BACK!
  16. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    That they were. I loved it when you almost set that one moogle on fire at the start of the game, in the ice cavern. I lol'd at his response.

    It was also fun to continually call your moogle friend up to the point he was threaten you. XD

    Good times.
  17. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    did he get madder the more times you call him? I only ever do it once xD.
  18. Shadows Of Oblivion Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 22, 2007
    Wandering the cosmos
    He does lol... After 20+ times, he tells you that he's sharpening a knife to use on you... and keeps repeating that until you actually do something with him lol...

    Also, MuffinMan, turtles and tortoises are actually QUITE different... turtles are aquatic, with flippers instead of legs... and tortoises are the opposite...

    Overall, my opinion on Moogles is: The old ones look a LOT better...
  19. Repliku Chaser

    I think you are taking things to the extremes, seriously. Who cares if some people like the FFTA moogles or not? It's an opinion and not something you should be berating others over, nor insinuating a 'racial prejudice' on. I don't see what the big deal is in the end. I think they are not as cool as the moogles in every other FF game and KH. You disagree. I accept your decision without calling you biased. Lighten up, please. It's just a matter of preference in the end. There was no need to "Hitlerize" this conversation with the stupid Aryan crap either.

    Also, you totally switched around what I said about the dogs. They are different 'breeds', whereas 'Moogles' in FFTA and FFT were not declared a different sub-species or breed from the Moogles in other games. Also, I didn't say they shouldn't exist. Hell, it's a fantasy creation and I certainly wouldn't say Pugs should not exist because I have a preference to think Labrador Retrievers are cooler dogs. That's just downright silly. I think I am not the one who needs to 'get over' anything. If you like the FFTA Moogles better, you do. I don't mind that and am certainly not calling you names for it. Have the same respect for others. We aren't evil racists just because we don't like some concept art design of something that is different from what we have grown accustomed to.
  20. TheKingdomCame Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2008
    at my house.
    lmao! the moogles in the Ds games, like the remakes of III and IV are alright though... I think that the Final Fantasy series is moving into a more realistic direction animationwise, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. the moogles, however, have been seriously butchered. I really liked the fusilier in FFTA and FFTA2, though. Not only was he fun to use, he was really cool looking. If they're going to screw the moogles up, at least make them like that. they still arent as good, but they aren't so terrible.