Monotone Rainbows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Feb 1, 2011.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya continued to follow Alice, mesmerized by the surroundings around her. Such a beautiful place.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    "Of course it is nice. Shiv owns it." She said with a smug face. "And well, yeah... After dinner I shall explain all that I have learned during my travels." She looked over to Shiv and an apologetic face. She did leave without telling her, and after leaving she barely called in to speak and didn't even send her a letter. But then she began to wonder if Shiv already knew more than herself while simply not telling her most of it. Was it one of those 'it's best to learn on your own' thing? Who knew. Either way the woman was old and probably knew more than Vanessa would ever hope of learning. Well, thoughts for another time I suppose... "Oh...What are your names, by the way?"

    Alice was overjoy and Mya's comment. "Yes, we do try to keep a...clean house, no?" Abbey had agreed with Mya as well, making Alice all that much happier.

    They soon reached the large door, which opened when it sensed them. On the other side of it was a large hall with a stage like area to the right and another door to the far left. The ceiling was barley visible. "And this is the Grand Hall. Though that must be obvious."
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Shiv smiled at Vanessa and noticed her apologietic look for leaving. She took it with gratfulness that the child was still alive and let it go. She knew what she would find out there in the world and did not much care for it. The Lagoon and the Inn's were all Shiv needed to get by. At the mention of the two traveler's names, Shiv felt a twing of embarrassment. She'd gotten so caught up in her own ramblings that she'd forgotten to ask their names, "Oh, yes. A name would be nice. It would be awkward calling you both, 'you with the face' and 'you with the muscles'." She laughed at her own small jokes. But quickly left to command her kitchen to prepare dinner. For Shiv didn't do much of the cooking by herself. Her kitchen came alive with magic when she asked it to. Being alone was lonely, but with magic, it became entertaining.

    Sam felt overwhelmed by how fast Lady Shiv moved. The woman was forever moving around. Sam placed her fist over her heart and bent her head, "I'm Samantha. But everyone just calls me Sam." Examining the Inn, she found it was lacking the technology she'd seen back where they'd been not ten minutes ago. "Lady Shiv doesn't like technology, does she..." it was more an insight than a question.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit raised an eyebrow when he saw Vanessa and refrained from responding to Lady Shiv for a moment as he walked over towards her. "Thanks for bringing us here and..." He paused, pride keeping him from admitting that a girl had gotten Samantha and himself out of a tight situation. "Thanks for saving us." He muttered lowly, turning away slightly. "The name's Risit, though 'you with the muscles' has a nice ring to it right about now." He replied towards Lady Shiv.

    OOC: <3
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa smiled happily when Risit thanked her. "You're welcome." She looked over to Shiv, who was quick as always. "Since you'll be busy cooking, shall I show them to their rooms...?" She asked, almost uncertain of herself.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Shiv was used to Vanessa's uncertain questions by now. She smiled and gently waved them off, "Oh, would you dear. It'd help me out quite a bit."

    Sam sulked, she'd never seen magic before and seeing Shiv sparked her curiosity.

    ooc: sorry short post is really short.
  7. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    "Ha! 'Bout time someone gave me a hand with this. Thins place was crampen my style anyways." Philps said, taking his time to leave through the exit so as to make sure that he did not have to deal with the same mistakes that the other prisoners were making. He shoved one of them out of his way and took a step through, seeing just how easy it was.
    "Something tells me that you're no normal stranger with super powers, are ya." he said in a sarcastic tone, stating the obvious. "Name's Philps."
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Rooms?" Risit raised an eyebrow, watching Vanessa. Right...this is an inn. He scratched the back of his head and wondered over whether he and Samantha would have to pay. "Do we owe you any money...? And how long are we welcome anyways?" Risit curiously asked.
  9. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa could see the disappointment in Sam's expression and smiled in what she hoped was a reassuring fashion. "If you sad at having to leave now instead of getting to watch the lady, no worries. This place is filled with magic." Calling Shiv the lady was Vanessa's thing when she spoke about her around other peoples. It just seemed poilte, plus it became a habit when strangers would come to the inn and asked for Shiv. Her head perked up when the other spoke and she then looked over to him. "It'd be rude to charge when I brought you here without you knowing. And I suppose you'd stay here for as long as you want, unless the lady disagrees?" Vanessa looked over to Shiv with a pleading expression.

    ooc - I'll edit in Malice's reply later. Need to think it through some more.
  10. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya nodded. Well I do suppose. Once they reached the Grand Hall, Mya scratched her head. Umm call me stupid or anything, but why was this place built in the first place?

    OOC: Short D8 Have to go reay fast.
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Alice had walked over to the stage which was nearly as tall as her and now placed a hand on it's cold surface. "Long ago, before the humans existed, there was a great war. It was fought by all species, all wanting to rule this new world." She spoked as if she was reciting something and now she looked back to the two girls. "But there were those who did not wish to be apart of this was, this is why this city was made. It was a safe house for those who wished to get away from all of the violence. And then, after the war had ended those who were here did not wish to leave. It was their home. And so it became home to many others, when they wished to get away from the world.
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Shiv took notice of Sam, Rist and Vanessa's expressions and their words. "Oh, do stay as long as you wish. Free of charge...lucky for you. I'm in no hurry to kick you all out of here and we're already on the move so...I insist you stay and have a good time. Dinner will be ready in fifteen and I think Vanessa has been quite lonely without company other than little old me." She smiled and disappeared behind a dark blue door leading to the kitchen.

    Sam turned to Risit, "At least we don't have to pay and they're not trying to kill us." Sam could never be too sure, but she felt slightly more at ease here. Though, knowing the woman could do magic had her guessing at her age. "Say Vanessa, how old is Miss LeCarde? She keeps calling herself old, but she looks around 20."
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa placed her hand on her chin as she thought about it. She had asked the same question before, but it was never really an issue and the information faded from her head. "Well, long life spans is another thing that makes witches inhuman other than magic. And I think she is around two thousand years old... Plus some hundred years." She shrugged as it was no big deal before walking towards the hall where the stairs leading to the upstairs rooms were, stopping to look over her shoulder and see if they were following.
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit rubbed his chin, not surprised by the woman's age. He had expected the answer to be something along the lines of what Vanessa had said. Risit had read enough books in his time to know why someone would appear to act older than they are. "Interesting." He muttered before crossing his arms. He followed after Vanessa, lowering his arms back to his sides. "Have you lived here long?" He curiously asked. "...And you are the age that you look, right? If you're actually somewhere in your mid-hundreds you would have aged pretty well."
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa itched the back of her head slightly as they entered the hallway. "I've been here my whole life... And yes, I am how old I look like, since I'm not a witch after all." She laughed with a slight nervous tone and stopped to turn and face them. "What you saw me do was all thanks to these things," she said as she pulled out an orb from under her cloak. "The lady and some other witches make them. Inside is magic that can cast a spell. One spell per orb. I use them as I can't use any bit of magic myself. Funny since both of my parents are witches. Anyway, I don't want to bore you so to the rooms then, shall we?" She replaced the orb, revealing that there was a pouch of them tied around her waist after removing her cloak before turning and starting up the stairs.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Well then..." Risit started as he paused behind Vanessa. "Glad your near my-err...our ages." He raised an eyebrow when he saw the orb, finding it a bit curious that Vanessa had no magic of her own. Maybe it skips a generation? He took in a deep breath and clasped his hands behind his back as he kept his eyes on the girl. "What an interesting life you have...and those orbs aren't too bad either." Risit tilted his head slightly, wondering if any witches would be willing to hand some of those devices out as they could be handy to have around. Though...with my luck I might mix them up... He thought.
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya listened to the story and nodded. I see. So it's like a haven. There doesn't seem to be a lot of people around here. Could there be more coming here or something? I don't believe we are the only ones right?
  18. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa had her cloak thrown over her arm as she walked up the stairs. They soon reached two vacant rooms side by side. "Since I am assuming you two would like your own rooms each then you may have these two. They're the same so it doesn't matter who gets which. So after a breif rest and wash I shall see you at dinner." She bowed slightly before heading back the way they came from.

    Alice nodded. "There are many more here, they just tend to stick to their rooms unless it is during a gathering or they go to the dinning hall to eat. Speak of which, are you two hungry?"

    Abbey nodded. "I am...a little hungry."
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit opened his mouth as if to say something to Vanessa but no words came as she walked away. He shrugged slightly and looked over at the doors. "At least we get a little relaxation, huh?" He directed towards Samantha as he opened the door directly in front of him. "These people..." Risit started as he lowered his head. "They seem nice." He muttered before stepping into his room.
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - on this side I shall do a time skip after twilight posts. on all sides actually so everyone posts...
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