Monotone Rainbows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Feb 1, 2011.

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  1. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya stared at the girl named Alice. Paradise? Where is exactly Paradise located at? How did we even get here? She had so many questions to ask the girl, but didn't know where to start.

    OOC: Short :<
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sam nervously looked to Risit and back to the girl. "Uh, I'm sure anywhere is better than here with this freak." She gave Risit a look asking him to watch her back. Diving head first into a situation or going anywhere with this girl who she didn't even know anything about went against all her instincts and teachings. But it was either her or stay here with Matthew and suffer his unexplainable answers.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit stood in place, staring at the wall that cut Samantha and himself from Matthew. He stepped towards it slowly, wondering why the newcomer would have done such a thing. Were we in danger just now...? He turned over towards Samantha. "Let's just get out of here." He nodded at the look she had given him before turning his attention towards the other girl, walking over towards her.

    OOC: One post. 8D
  4. Malice Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 3, 2010
    Confined to this horrid prison.
    "Well derp, of course I want out." Philps said in a bored tone, not really giving much attention to what was a some what dark look of the man. The right edge of his mouth tilted to the side, dissapointed by the entire situation in itself. He was in a hopeless mess and had no way of possibly getting anything done at this rate. What had been brief freedom was now naught but another form of imprisonment, just like school was, and he was determined to get out the second the chance provided itself.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    "This is an underwater city which us 'angels' - as you humans call us - created and live. We've been here for centuries, but only ten years ago were we found by the other species. So we are not hiding anymore, but still only the selected may come here. And we bring the selected here when their lives are close to ending with our power. This answers your questions, no?" Alice asks as she moves into the room "Or do you have more?"

    The girl smiled under the shadows of her hood. Thank god they listened... Now I can save them. She pulled back her hand and reached into her cloak. She then pulled out another small orb, the same type which created the wall. The one that created the wall was yellow, but this one was black. She threw it to the ground and it created a black hole. "Like the old cartoons, right?" The man named Matthew was gone now, but the wall remained. Just to be save. Quickly she brushed off thoughts of him and jumped into the hole after telling them to follow her. They would appear on a small wooden dock in the middle of a dark swamp. The water was purple and the trees sticking out from the water were black and bare. There was a half moon in the sky but no stars could be seen.

    In an instant the bars to the cell were gone and the man sighed. "I always go for the same appoarch and normally it works but then I find someone like you... Of course..." He mumbled before chuckling slightly. "It would be quite amusing to see how things turn out." As he spoke the other people in the cell tried to leave but they could not move past the point where the bars were. Only Philps could leave.
  6. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    The answers Alice spoke only gave Mya even more questions. Chosen? Angels? Why was she and Abby chosen? They didn't do anything spectacular or earth-changing. She decided to ask her later. Y-yes. That's all the questions I have for now.
  7. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    OOC: Late post is late, sorry

    BIC: Cole looked at the man and glared at him. "Yeah...why are we in this freaking hell hole?!" He growled, his anger causing red electricity to spark from his hands.
  8. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    Ange waved a hand, watching the bubbles float above her. She had to be underwater, but then how could she be breathing? She looked up and saw the ceiling slightly transparent, or was it just blue like everything? She finally got tired of being in the room, tired of being alone, tired of being confused and helpless in the world she once knew. She screamed out loud and let go of much stress. "Is any one here?!" she yelled after her,much needed, scream.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Sam jumped in after her without hesitation. To her, hesitation meant you were already dead. Sam looked around at the new place they were. "What the...? Well this is something. Where are we?" Purple water didn't spell normalicy to her let alone something able to wash off the dirt and dust from the collapsing building. Samantha groped at her neck for a necklace she didn't have and felt a frustration well up inside her, "Okay, now to answer some questions. Who are you? Who is Matthew? And what's going on! One thing I know, we're in school, then a lot of stuff happened but the rest is kinda fuzzy. How'd we get here, what on earth was Matthew talking about?" Sam panted from her lack of breathing in her questioning.
  10. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: Yeah, sorry for it's lateness

    Amy smiled at Cole before looking at the creature, "What happened to us? Why are we here?" She asked, holding back her emotions to appear calm.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Sora woke up on a boat leaving the city."Owwww, What happened" he said looking around
    "You're lucky I found you lying in the street" A voice said.
    "Who're you"?
    "You can call be Sora".

    (OCC: Had to find someway to get back in the story)
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit stopped and started down at the hole curiously, wondering where Samantha and the girl could have vanished to. He understood the almost childish reference and was confused as to whether or not he should have laughed at the situation. "Following a hole that could lead to a place worse than this. What's wrong with that?" He shook his head and jumped in. He arrived just behind Samantha as she began to ask a good deal of questions.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Alice nodded with a kind smile and stepped to the side. "If you wish I can give you a tour?"

    Abbey shrugged and looked over to Mya. "I am fine with a tour...are you?"

    "Hell hole? Trust me, it could be a lot worse. We dropped you in one of the most pleasent of places in the world. You should be thanking us." He shifted his gaze to the girl now. "I am afraid those are questions I cannot answer."

    She was giggling before Sam started answering questions. Jumping through the portals was always fun, if not weird. It felt like a thousand people were tickling her, but everyone expirenced it differently. When she noticed how freaked Sam was though she stopped laughing and cleared her throat. She pulled off her hood and long black hair fell around her face. "This is The Witches' Lagoon. A place where traveling witches and beings of the like come for a rest, gathering, etc. And my name is Vanessa." She turned her back to the two and pulled another orb from her cloak. This time it exlpolded in her arm and formed a cloud of smoke. The smoke formed into a staff which she then used to touch the water off of the dock. White ripples came from it, sending out waves. Due to this the Inn owner should use her magic to send the inn their way. She then turned back to face Sam. "As for the other questions... Well, I shall explain all that I can. But first...don't you wish to clean up and rest a bit? You can even eat."

    ooc - profiles for Vanessa, Alice, and Matthew have been added to the first post. Twilight, you should probably check out Vanessa's before postig.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Sam glanced down at her dusty self and nodded, "It would be greatly appreciated but you don't expect us to wash in...this purple water, do you?" Her question would go unanswered as the water ripped again, stronger and soon Samantha was staring at a large Inn with the sign hanging out front, reading, "Half Moon Inn...? What the..."

    A young woman flounced out of the Inn, grumbling slightly before she saw Vanessa. "Oh, my dear Vanessa! Well, I never expected such a visit so soon. Where have you been, I've been worried....oh, and friends! My, my, guests." she swept her shoulder length black hair back from her face and smiled warmly, extending her hand to them. Her sleeveles shirt and long dark, faded purple skirt rustled as she moved. "Hello, I'm Lady Shiv Lecarde. I do hope Vanessa hasn't frightened you two too bad. She's such a willful child."

    Sam couldn't get in a word edgewise and eventally gave up, staring at the sudden appearance of the woman who looked no older than Vanessa and yet she was calling her a child.
  15. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Amy looked down in dissapointment, "Oh. What can you answer?" She rubbed her neck slowly, "Well, thanks I guess...Can you tell us who you are?"
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    When Samantha mentioned the purple water Risit immediately turned his head to get a look at it. She was right, it was purple. Too purple. "If it's clean, not poisonous, or cursed in some way...I'd love to drink it. It reminds me of grape juice." Risit paused and shook his head slowly, remembering he did not even like grape juice. "On second thought, never mind." He turned his attention towards the one who introduced herself as Lady...something. He would have repeated her name but was afraid that he had misheard it the first time. "We're alright but I'm not sure if..." He looked over at the one the "Lady" had called Vanessa. "Vanessa saved us from anything or not. Where are we exactly?"
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya nodded. Yes. Please show us around.
  18. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa itched the back of her head in embarrassment. "You speak as if I intended to scare them..." She muttered to herself before turning her gaze to Risit. "What do you mean you're not sure if I saved you!? You could of ended up spirited away to where ever that mean been taking the lot of you if it weren't for me! You know, you and your entire class is in danger and I, being the selfless, if not overly curious, person I am saved you. did just happen to be in the area at the same time I was there... Was it fate? Perhaps... Oh, now I'm rambling..." She blushed and looked away. To spare herself from rambling any further she rushed into the inn and streched her arms once inside. "Good to be home!"

    Alice smiled, glad that they wished to come with her. She stepped out into the hall, which was made of a bright silver metal with blue lights coursing through it. She looked both ways, debating on where to show them first. She didn't expect to be so exicted over this small task. "To the dining hall first! Oh, no, I simply must show you the grand hall first, after all, they'll probably call you down there often... Then the dinning hall!" She went left with a spring in her step, passing several doors. After turning around the corner a large door was in sight but she stopped to make sure that both girls were following her.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lady Shiv smiled at Vanessa's excited words and calmly took hold of samantha and Risit's hands, "Come, please. There's nothing to fear. I see I spoke to hastily, I am Lady Shiv LeCarde. You may call me Shiv if you like." She paused in her words and let them soak it in. "As my dear Vanessa has told you already, this is Witches Lagoon. A place where we witches can live in harmony and travelers come to stay. It's a good place. Now, you two are absolutely filthy. I shall show you to your rooms and then we'll have a nice dinner waiting for you." She opened the Inn's door and guestured for them to enter.

    Sam gaped at how generous the woman was being. Did she call herself a...witch? Sam shrugged and cautiously entered the Inn. It was homey and filled with plants and calm colors. Sam sighed in relief, "I am so glad we're here instead of wherever Matthew was going to take us."
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit opened his mouth in an attempt to respond to Vanessa, holding an arm out towards her as if to try and keep her from running off. He reacted too slowly and soon she was already inside the in. How...interesting...I suppose I should thank her then. Before he had a chance to do anything else he was soon pulled into the inn my Lady Shiv. Witches? This world's gotten stranger than I imagined. He thought to himself as he took a brief look around the inside of the inn. "It's a nice place. It really is..." Risit spoke lowly.
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