Monotone Rainbows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Feb 1, 2011.

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  1. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    Ooc- Wow, I've been gone awhile. Recap someone?
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - there is a recap on first page of ooc thread.

    when I skip on the paradise side I shall have everyone there be in the dining hall
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sam pushed open her door, mumbling to herself, "Yeah...nice..." She couldn't full trust anyone around here. Shiv seemed a little too generous and happy and Vanessa...she might pass her speculation and since Risit hadn't tried to kill her in her sleep, she figured he was good to go. Sam fell onto her bed and closed her eyes, It's been such a long day...
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - lost my orginal reply ;~;

    Vanessa went upstairs and knocked on both Risit's and Sam's door, calling into each to tell them that dinner was ready. She then rushed downstairs without waiting to see either exit their rooms and made sure that the small table she had perpared for them was really ready.

    Everyone in Paradise was allowed to go to the dinning hall for dinner now, which was just like a high school cafeteria only with fewer people. Abbey was among these people and even though she was starving she could only absent mindly play with the food before her as she was too worried about her friends to eat.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit headed over towards the door as soon as he heard a knock and opened it, peeking his head out for a glance. Seeing nobody outside, he figured Vanessa or someone else had called for something. Wonder if anything's going on. He thought to himself as he looked over at Samantha's door before heading downstairs. "Is anything up?" Risit asked before pausing as he saw the table. "Did you do all this, Vanessa?" He took a step closer towards the table. "It feels a bit...higher class than what I'm used to." Risit paused, thinking over what he said. "Um, take that as a compliment."
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sam sluggisly exited her room at the sound of a knock. She could smell food and followed her nose directly to it. In her half asleep state, she bumped into Risit and snapped awake, "Uh, sorry. Wow, is all this food for us? Uh, and I mean, Miss LeCarde and Vanessa too. But y'know, I just...uh, I don't..." Choosing to cease her fumbling for words, she eyed all the food.

    Lady Shiv sat at the head of the table, smiling at them as she watched. She hadn't heard Risit's comment about the food directed toward Vanessa before. "Hmm, aren't you an odd one. For a human that is, if that's what you indeed are." Her sharp, dark eyes watched him and Samantha with a curiosity that could kill. She couldn't descern if he was flirting with Vanessa or not, but the thought of Vanessa leaving her alone again sent her emotions fluttering. A gravity based magic slammed a picture of a young blonde haired boy down on the tables and mantle where they stood. If done around Shiv by another witch, she'd have called it a defense mechanism of theirs, but Shiv was just being self conscious. "Please...sit." Her cheery tone gone, masked by the questions she had for the newcomers. A tight smile tweaked the corners of her mouth up.
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa smiled, pleased that the two were happy with the work she had done. Though all she really did was set the table. "You really have to think the Lady, for she made all of the food." She then looked to Sam with what she thought to be a reassuring smile. "Eat as much as you want without any worries for us, we're fine." She looked back between the two guests and Shiv, unsure what was the look she gave them earlier was about. But then again, it was probably just her imagation. Right? She sat down and looked to Shiv. "Are you going to sit too? I am sure you also have questions."
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Risit took several moments before finally taking his seat, staying silent as he thought over the most appropriate thing to say at the moment. "Thank you for the dinner." He finally said, lowering his head slightly. "It really is nice to have some place nice to relax without worrying what could happen next." He added as he fixed his eyes on the food, lifting a hand as he scratched the back of his head. He had never felt comfortable eating around others, even his own family. Risit wanted someone else to start eating before even attempting to do so himself. "So...will you be eating as well? ...Either of you...?" He asked, having first directed to Vanessa before adding in the second sentence.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sam threw herself into a chair and piled food onto her plate, "I'm starved. Ah, thank you ma'am. I sure hope you don't do any of that religious pray before you eat stuff. I'm a little famished." She waited for Shiv to shake her head to start eating. Sam's mouth was full, and thus she refrained from speaking.

    Shiv shook her head mostly to clear her odd emotions and for Sam's question. Sighing, she momentarily moved over to the little table in the corner and lifted the picture back up. There weren't many pictures of the boy remaining in the open like this. She sat and motioned for Vanessa to sit and eat. Shiv would eat very little, she'd suddenly lost her appetite for food. A magicly floating pitcher came around and filled everyone's glasses with a dark wine. "Since you two know nothing about Witches Lagoon and my string of Inn's, I suppose you were not born recently. Those who have lived a long time often choose what they want to hear and thus hear very little about the outside world. Where do you come from? Or perhaps I should ask why Vanessa had to rescue you." Her tightness eased and she relaxed into her chair, the wine glass in her hand, swirling the dark liquid.
  10. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa got up and moved to sit next to Shiv. While she awaited the two guests' replies she began to eat, starting with a roll first. She first pinched it absent mindly, too curious to learn about the two to really eat.
  11. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya entered the dining hall and marveled at the food. Wow it looks delicious! She then remembered her manners and sat down, waiting for Alic and the others to get situated.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Late post is better than none.


    "I'm honestly not sure how to answer your question. A part of me feels that time's skipped a few beats. If you're as old as you say you are...there's no way we couldn't have heard of witches." Risit spoke lowly as he stared down at the food, all of a sudden forgetting entirely about his own hunger. He tapped his fingers against the table, finding the best way to continue. "It feels like a different world than before." He raised his head to glance at Shiv for a moment before looking over at Vanessa. "I hope I can return the favor soon enough though." He added, referring to Vanessa having taken them to the Lagoon.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Shiv frowned at his answers, but she set down her glass and smiled. "We witches have stayed in solitude for longer than you might imagine. Humans...ah, not as magical beings I should say, are concerned about what witches can do. But we are not the only kind of creature that exists on this planet now. I do not know what reasons Vannessa had to bring you here other than that you two were in trouble. I care not for the violence outside the Lagoon, which may be why you've never heard of the Moon Inns." she paused, her fingers working at her food. She opened her mouth again and shut it with a scowl just before a knock came at her door. "I've no time for this..." she grumbled and stood to answer it. The sound of her voice was muffled by a secretive spell she used on all her private conversations, but the tone of it was furious. She returned moments later and sighed deeply, leaning against the wall. "Vannessa would you kindly entertain our guests. I must step out for a moment." she calmly met Risit's and Sam's eyes, "There are reasons I, myself as a witch not including others, have kept away from others in civilization along with their...hateful ways." Shiv dawned a shawl and casually set the photo of the blonde boy facing down on the table as she left.

    Sam, curious, waited until she'd left to snatch the photo from the table and stare at the surprisingly handsome young man. His blonde hair and blue eyes shone in the light and the long lance he held beside him only accented his striking appearance. "Who is this?" she asked, flicking her eyes to Vannessa.
  14. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Vanessa placed her hand on the back of the photo, thinking back to when she asked Shiv the same thing. "Have any other questions I can answer?"
  15. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Closing upon request~.
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