Yep, it's a game. I started playing the first one but my friend (who grew up with the third one) told me I'd like the third one more... So I'm doing that now instead. If you guys like stuff like Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, Hotel Dusk Rm. 215, etc. you'd probably like this.
zomg i love it! I played the 4th one first, back in the day when that was the latest one and missed out on all the in-jokes that the veterans were laughing about. Then I played the third one and I loved it. And I spent years trying to find a copy of the first two which didn't come in a box set with all of them and resorted to downloading the first one from the internet and played the start of that, but never finished it. And just recently I played the 5th one which was interesting cause it was made mostly completely different people but I hardly noticed, the same humor is still there, and because Monkey Island is now owned by someone else they are not afraid to take risks with character development. PLAY THESE GAMES THEY ARE FUNNY, THEY HAVE POP CULTURE JOKES, THEY ARE AWESOME. PLAY THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM!
:lolface: :lolface: Oh. THERE'S A~ Monkeyinmypocket, and he's stealing all my change, His stare's blank and glassy, I wonder if he's deranged! XD
How appropriate! You fight like a cow. For those cold dark shipboard nights, We've got boxers, briefs, and tights! Made from cotton, silk, or satin, In styles Anglo, Dutch, and Latin! When you sail don't take a chance Wearing nothing 'neath your pants Trust Silver's Long Johns! (They breathe!) DO YOU HAVE A RESERVATION!?