care to explain otherwise wouldnt this be considered spam i mean if you need to vent you could do it over pm or vm not make a thread about it it may make it worse .
Could you elaborate a bit? perhaps give an example...what exactly makesd you hate her so much you want to run away? We can't help you while we're runnin' on nothing
okay that maybe true 1 don't care 2 hits me always get blamed on that's pretty much it... just give me an advice so i can be alone for a while...
Well...For not caring...well we all think of our moms like for hitting you...ho old are you? if your in your teens i beleive it is illegal.
I didn't think hitting your children was illegal, as long as it's not repeated abuse? I mean, I think we've all been spanked at least once.
I don't really think you have much of a problem. (No offense) Still need more details to know fully. I know me and my sisters (especially my brother) have been hit many times growing up. (still do, depending on what we've done) My mom is always going off on us. I believe you should just try and ignore her for the most part. Don't let her get to you. Works out for me perfectly. Not sure how well it'll work for you but I'm sure you can get through it. ^_^ Just think positive and don't let her get you down.
You shouldn't hate your shouldn't because if she's all you got then well work it out. Problems can be solved. Unfortunately not all of them....this upcoming weekend is goiing to be the fourth year that wasn't w/ her....try to work it out little by little each day. be determined and be gald she's alive to help you.
How nice? my mom ****ing hates me she pucnched me in the stoach strach my face throw me down the stairs made me clen the whole house and she punched me in the jaw how can i love my own mom for doing that? i have a ver sad life..
Your mom did all that to you? Call 9-1-1 and tell them that there's a case of child abuse or something if it's THAT bad. If you're over exaggerating then it's not funny but if you aren't then... man... you're like the REAL Cinderella. Except that it's your real mom and not your step mom.
Why would they take you to juvi for having an abusive mom? Oh and I forgot to ask this... does she abuse you because she's either on drugs or drunk? If she is then tell her, "Mom... get the f--k off of that stuff!"
my mom says their gonna take me to juvi btw if i say that she even says she WIIL KILL ME DEAD! ><'' Yeah im gonna have a sad life..>< you reall think i should call them?
If it's THAT bad then yeah. I mean you're just gonna put up with the abuse until you're eighteen? I wouldn't. I'd at least stand up for myself once BEFORE resorting to 9-1-1 though.