Okay ,everybody know that mods/administration is the pepole that run this site. They do it for free and its alot of work having this amazing site going. So as a little thank you I thought that in this tread pepole can post pics for the mods and the administration. If pepole want to. Wouldn't that be nice?:) So if you want to make a pic for them just post it here .And mods/admin can copy it from here .. You can dedicate you're pic to someone special if you want to. (It is allowed making a tread like this I asked ... ,Thanks Misty^^)
Wow... I love it, thank you so much. :D I'm going to put this on my sig and profile pic. Thank you so much. :D
That's a really neat and thoughtful idea Elfy *squish* (: What a caring girl~ I would make something but I don't know what to do ><
^^ Really nice pics "riku sora kairi own" and "rat". Thanks Stupidaquarius*Hugs fairy thightly*<3~~ Im sure you will come up with something. Use you're art brain<3