Name: Age: 17 Location: Long Island, New York Rank: Administrator Interests: Video games, music, writing, coding, graphics/design, stamping on your fingers as you're clinging on to the abyss. Personality: I'm very laid back, a bit lazy (that's an understatement), and I try to be as fair and understanding as I can. I think I have a wonderful sense of humor and that I have oodles and oodles of intelligence stored in my brain (along with a lot of unnecessary Star Wars info) but that's just what I tell myself so that I can sleep at night. I like to come on KH-Vids/surf the internet, write sappy fanfictions, and play video games. In my other spare time, I enjoy nighttime and staring into mirrors. I'm currently a senior in High School and work at a local movie theater. I aspire to teach High School English. I think I'm pretty friendly, I'll really talk to anyone who cares to leave me a message, so don't be afraid to pop in (my covers). :] History: Well, I joined up on the old forum in February, 2006. It was my first forum. I was a bit of a blunder at first, but, over time, I learned the rules & how to use forums, and was later promised "Site Helper" status when we moved to vBulletin. Before that came to fruition, Sara (one of the Administrators at the time) was leaving for a few weeks and appointed me as a temporary mod to help out in the meantime; as you can see, I stayed around. 8D When we moved to vBulletin in September of that same year, I worked as a Super Moderator for a little more than four years, and have been administrating since September of 2010. Goals: To keep the forum active and interesting, and make the site awesome.
*Old post from over a year ago who's been auto delayed suddently pops up* Haaai Misty; My love is comming your way, your a fine S.mod. And Blink 182 rocks! ;D Welcome to staff ~ (You have no idea how wrong that last sentance felt seeing it as you have been staff far more longer than me xD)