Missing Tracks (or parts of tracks, rather)

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by XaikuTheMaverickHunter, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. XaikuTheMaverickHunter Moogle Assistant

    Oct 21, 2017
    MY FIRST POST ON THE FORUMS. I was discussing this briefly on the Discord server, but on the "MIDI & Instruments" page for Kingdom Hearts 1, https://kh-vids.net/pages/khmidi/, "Dive into the Heart -Destati-" only has parts 2 and 3 (part 3 of which is actually part 4 if all of my playthroughs of KH1 weren't lying to me) when the Kingdom Hearts Ultimania says that there are nine parts total. The point is this; I need your help to find the missing parts (as well as finding the tools to extract them along with the BGM/WD sets for other tracks). Also, I would like to request that whoever was in charge of ripping the MIDI and instrument data to upload the instruments as more compiled soundsets (like .dls and .sf2), if that isn't a problem.
  2. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    I am pretty sure these are all fan made my dude. There's no actual Kingdom Hearts MIDI soundtrack so these were probably just made as a part of a hobby or something.
    There is most likely no other parts made and even if there were these were uploaded so long ago that said creator probably has no business here anymore.
  3. XaikuTheMaverickHunter Moogle Assistant

    Oct 21, 2017
    All of those midis come straight from the game's data (I know this 100% because I've worked with some of them recently). The files were originally in .BGM (for sequence data) and .WD (for instruments) formats. The page even blatently says "Instrument and sequence data ripped from the original Kingdom Hearts" in small, grey text. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm a "say it how it is" type of person.
  4. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    You sure bout that?
    Because Kingdom Hearts is literally a 15 year old game. Most everything about is has long since been cracked wide open. There is a long running section of this website that is dedicated to hacking this game to hell and back.
    This website is literally the only place on the internet right now where you can find those MIDI files. I simply highly doubt that the files you are looking for exist as they would have been long since publicized on the internet at this point and not just here on Kingdom Hearts Videos.
  5. Bananaburger Moogle Assistant

    Jan 18, 2018
    No, XaikuTheMaverickHunter is right. All of those tracks were ripped straight from the disk so the sequence/instruments are all exactly how they are in game. I've also noticed a few songs missing from the collection including Forze Del Male and haven't been able to find anyone else mentioning it anywhere. I'm not sure who originally ripped all of them, but every site I go to seems to have the same collection. I've looked into ripping them myself from the disk since it was fairly easy to do with KH2FM, but I can't find a good dump tool that works properly with KH1. Those songs have to be on that disk somewhere or else they wouldn't play at all, its just a matter of figuring out where they are and how to get to them.
  6. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Yeah I'm sorry, but as has been said, whoever uploaded these files isn't likely to be around anymore. If you'll notice, the archive only includes audio from KH1 and 2, and the Final Mixes for each. None of the other games. This section hasn't been updated since KHII Final Mix, which was a long time ago. I have no idea who it was who originally uploaded them, nor do I know where they got the tracks or how to do any audio related work. I'm sorry to tell you, but there's just no one on staff who can help with what you're asking. If we had someone capable of helping, I'd point you to them, but we just don't.