"Miracle" Drugs

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jade Rhade, Mar 26, 2007.

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  1. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    If we continue to find cures for all diseases in the world, eventually the human race will drive itself to extinction. This may seem uncommonly callous, but consider:

    a) Overpopulation as a result of fewer deaths and longer lives
    b) Eventually, a virus/disease will become resistant to medicate and mutate; imagine if HIV/AIDS were to become airborne?

  2. feanaro Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2007
    Always one step ahead of you.
    First, if we do find a "cure-for-everything" it would not be an issue if HIV/AIDS became airborne except for poor coutries in which the drug could not be distributed, the people in those counties would be totally screwed but that is nothing new in the world. And it is impossible for something to be resistant to all forms of treatment.

    Second, The major problems with population increase are, in fact, in poor countries where the drug could not be afforded by most. If the world became an equal utopia where everyone could afford the drug than the population problem would have been solved in the process of becoming that utopia.

    The population problem would not get that much worse, and if the "miracle drug" could only be offered to those who agree to not have to many children then the population problem would disappear.
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