Microsoft Microsoft has changed their mind about Advertising

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sara, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.

    Basically, the Kinect on the One is now going to spy on you. See what you do, see who's watching the game, see how many people are in the room, see what expressions you have...

    Basically, MS has just turned into Big Brother.

    Huh, yet another reason to not buy the Xbox One. Oh yeah, and they're defending this, and that this is the "future".

    Good luck with that, MS... You probably just lost the future. I actually can't believe they did this after so many people threw a fit.
  2. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    It's not like this isn't happening already outside of consoles, right? To be honest, I wouldn't really care, and I don't see why people get freaked out over this. Our information is already easy to acquire and everyone seems to go on with their day without a care. (except for the paranoid people like Heartless lol)

    If I were to get an Xbox One, I'd look past the whole "we're spying on you" and just enjoy my game. Whatever game that may be. It's not like I'll be playing in the nude. I got nothing to hide yo.
  3. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I think one of the reasons why consumers are partly upset is because MS keep on changing their minds. They said before: "Oh, we're going to make this an advertising thing." Then later due to reactions: "Well, we decided not to." Now they're changing it again. This doesn't bring much confidence to a lot of people. Hell, the whole fiasco with always online is a patch that can easily be programmed to be removed at any time.When you have a company going like that and you have a whole **** load of consumers who are on the fence or are coming back because you changed it, but then keep on changing it so people no longer have any confidence it will change in the future, not a lot of people will buy your stuff. I know there will be XBox fans and gamers who buy the system, go ahead... But there will be a bunch, including myself who won't touch this system with a ten foot pole.

    That and being honest, I have seen the Kinect being used for GTA V Online massive fail. (Servers crashed each time he tried.) And I understand partially how frustrating the Kinect can be. The camera picks up everything, including the actual game itself mouthing the words of an NPC. That and you can hear things going on from other people's homes. I heard this is an optional thing you can remove, which I don't know, I never got a Kinect. But it doesn't make it more appealing to me. That and I saw several Kinect games, it's a poorly based system that needs a lot of fixes in the first place. Now they're forcing it into this generation.
  4. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    It's not this in particular that bothers me, but the sheer amount of changes and setbacks Microsoft has done since the reveal. It's been a massive mess they've gotten themselves into and still are.

    In particular with the Kinect, THEY NEED TO STOP. Please, most gamers don't give a flaming f**k about the Kinect. They need to stop forcing their products onto us. I don't care how awesome it makes my gaming experience, they need to stop this stupid crap. Motion control was never needed to be forced upon the gaming community.
  5. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    It happens with other devices sure, but how many devices are typically placed in a living room or bedroom with a super advanced camera that can go as far as sense your pulse?
  6. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Listen, there are already WoW, UFC, and medicine ads on my Xbox 360 dashboard. I honestly don't care what they throw up there if I can access everything without them getting in the way.

    It's not a problem until I have to watch an ad before being able to check out the XBL Marketplace or open the disc tray.

    I've actually been liking the XOne more and more lately. This news isn't fun, but it's not enough to sway me from getting the console when we get the inevitable Halo 5 bundle.
  7. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I am a late fan of Halo, I admit it. I started to like Halo after 4 came out. The reason why I mostly liked Halo was the fantastic storyline of the Great War. The books I read was focused mainly on the Spartan programs, and I really enjoyed those, did I enjoy 4? Eh... A bit, not enough to buy a system just for the next sequel which I can pretty much guess the ending will be. (No offense to the Halo fans.) The only reason I see myself fully going back is if they do a full background on the Spartan II program and/or do another Spartan II copy. And that includes buying any system.

    As for the spycam, yeah... I really wouldn't feel comfortable with a Kinect watching me. Hell, I don't even enjoy the thought of security cameras in my workplace even though I know it's coming because of where I work. (It's a lawfirm.) But knowing I just bought a five hundred dollar device to spy on me in my bedroom and record every action I do even if I can unplug it and maybe hurl it out the window that will make money based on my actions of what I do in the room is something I would never support. When a company that's getting a fortune from the device itself is making more money and dictating how I play games, whether it's the Kinect, whether it's always online (via a "changed mind"), whether it's never buying a used game except from exclusive places that MS gives permission to let you buy from (again, "changed mind") is the reason I'm not trusting MS and my money to go towards it.
  8. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    At this point I would let the ps4 watches me masturbate if they gave me a better price.