Former Falcons QB is expected to be released on May 20th. After that do you think that they should allow him back to NFL?
I think so. He made his dogs fight each other. He didn't murder anybody. So I believe that he should be let back in the NFL
You're right. Doesn't everybody believe in second chances? Don't get wrong. He deserved this but I think he paid his dept to society. He served his time. Commissioner should at least give hime another chance.
Michael Vick is reinstated by the commish. I can say that I am happy for him and I hope he doesn't do it again and I hope he goes to a team that needs him.
House arrest? Have you seen his house? Yeah, that's real punishment. He deserved more time, and more time in an actual prison. I guess all I can say now is I hope he learned his lesson and that he plays well with his new team.
All we can do is hope he never does it again, and that he'll be good and go to a team that wants him.
Glad to see he finally found a team. I doubt he'll start unless Mcnabb get hurt. He deserves another chance, great player. Yes he did wrong, but he's paid the price and needs to get back to what he does best.
I think it's right that they let him back in the NFL. He served his time, and what's done is done. The NFL should only be judging him on his ability to play football now that he has received his punishment. He has skills and I'm glad the Eagles took him. There's more that I want to say on this matter, but I'm gonna shut up.
Yeah. People has done worse things then dogfighting and is back in the NFL. Donte Stallworth killed a human being yet he gets 30 days in jail and is back after the Super Bowl.
Wow, alot of bumps in this thread. But anyways, I personally don't think he should be allowed back in the NFL for what he did. I'm not a hardcore animals activist or anything, but seriously what he did was horrible. So just because he didn't murder anyone, he should be allowed back? Dogfighting is still just as illegal as murdering someone. I believe in second chances as much as the next person, but IMO he should've been punished a bit more