Well I try to draw myself. I like my eyes in there...I can see some side effects but you tell me:) Can't put my mind to what it is:D http://no14mexony.deviantart.com/art/Mexony-79130213 Tell me what you think.:)
You need to add more curves to the upper part of the body, and you need to make it so that the hair doesn't look flat.
I agree with cupcake that you should add more curves and body features. (i mean, you don't have to overdo it, though) Plus, is that an organization coat your'e wearing in that picture? ^ -* you're really a fan, aren't you. *smiles*
it does seem really flat.. maybe a bit more texture also would be nice... haha orgy coat... OBSESSION also myabe you should make it BIGGER it will be easier to see