Forgive me if I misspelled the name. Haven't watched Pokemon since forever. Blame my memory problem. XD Just messing around with a tutorial and some C4D's...CnC?
You could blend Mewtwo in a little better or put a purple-ish gradient over him because he pops out too much from the background. Also, you need to work on your text. Try using a little color in it, just play around with the text one day.
As cool as the see through effect may have seemed, which it is a good idea, with so many fractally things in the back its hard to look at. But to CnC, I would have to say add some forground effects, pentool up infront of him, somewhere like the left side of the hand. And darken teh opacity on him.
It's good, but the text is too normal. It just doesn't look good with the background, y'know? but yeah, definately good. (:
That should be considered spam >_> Well, it's nice. But try to make the render more visible. Disliking the pixely things all over, maybe because you used GIF. Never.use.gif.for.single.imgz. Text needs work. The decent. Needs a bit more sleeker parts. And a black 1 pixel border would do.
Holy crap, you guys need to quit spamming, he doesn't need to hear that the text is not good from 4 different people. And thats not CnC.