Plot: Metropolis is a huge city-state in an unnamed country, divided into zones. The people celebrate the completion of the Ziggurat, an immense state-of-the-art technology tower. Meanwhile, Kenichi and his uncle Shunsaku enter Metropolis looking for a mysterious inventor... Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi It was on TV the other day and I watched it. It was quite good. Decent plot with some twists and an excellent jazzy soundtrack. There wasn't all that much character development though. Has anyone else seen this movie? What did you think of it?
I saw this movie several years ago on Sky. I caught a glimsp of it several times throughout the movie but the parental control werent havin' it. So i bought. It's a good movie. I did love the soundtrack n' the story line was awright. I was slighty disappointed at the end, though. It was a sad endin', but it lacked somethin'. I liked the whole Astro Boy animation style. It was awkward at first but it grew on me. Overall i think its worth a watch if you see it on the TV. xD; I bought this from HMV the other day because I remembered this thread when I saw it 8D and watched it I think 2 nights ago. It was awesome. I loved the animation style and I adored the soundtrack. I actually liked the fact that character development was simple, it allowed you to create them yourself in a way. I will admit, I empathised with Rock, I felt bad for him. He went about things wrong, but I can understand why he did what he did. The last 10/15 minutes or so of the film I was literally chewing my nails and mumbling omgomgomg and I wont lie, >.> I did cry >.> *cries at everything* Very good film <3