Or as I call it "Metroid may cry" or "Metroid Gaiden" Still though, seeing as how Team ninja is invoved im hoping for some AWESOME jiggle physics on Samus.
Wow. This looks great. Seems like more and more games are moving to that "you're in control yet it looks like cutscene" sort of style these days.
its really about time they made the metroied franchise like that.although im still hoping they remake the classic scroller but with 3d polygons like they did with a few other games.
I am so excited for this game i have always luved the metroid series so this game will always look badass to me
Everyone has been all OMFG AWESOME TRAILER but nothing about it impressed me really. Not gonna buy a Wii just for that.
Metroid of war? Heavenly Metroid? Actually i hope it won't be hack and slash, but something like the first-person shooter and action adventure mix they had in the other 3D metroid titles. Metroid Hunters was the best yet with it's awesome multiplayer, i hope it will be simulöar to it.
Title hint. Mom as in Mother as in Mother Brain. Or Samus's mother Also there is phrase said at the end of the first metroid. "THE GALAXY MAY BE INVADED BY THE OTHER METROID. PRAY FOR A TRUE PEACE IN SPACE."