I don't have subsistance but i do have just normal MGS3.The only bit of advice i can give you is to save regualarly.that way if you die,continue,kill or get an alert you can just restart.
mgs 3 and subsistence is the same, -just saying so anyone who doesn't know- and i've been having trouble getting past them, their really "alert" sensitive :( anyone get foxhound rank?
Yeah, it's an essential. Here are the requirments: Don't Use Special Items at all Have 0 Alerts Have under 10 Life Bars of Damage Have 0 Kills (i'm not sure if Boss kills count) Use no Life Meds Have under 5:00 play time Maximum number of saves is 25 And have 0 continues Good luck...your gonna need it...
i have! i love mgs... but to finsih the game easier you sadly do not have to approach very stealthily.. but...what do you need advise on...?