
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Dredica, Dec 14, 2007.

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  1. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
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    I have pawndered memories. Now memories is my favorite word. I have to ask one question, what are memories? Reincarnation is a religon that makes a whole lot of sense. I have been thinking, if we are reincarnated, then do you think we could remember memories from our past lives? It's very incredible. Seriously, have you never saw somebody, and you thought that you knew them? Like you've seen them in your life before, you have met them in your life before? I really suggest people to look into reincarnation and memories. So, what do you think on this topic?
  2. micketymike Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 26, 2007
    I'd tell you but then youed never leave me alone
    i beileve that we began in heven and all come from adam and eve when we are brought into this world a vail shrouds our memorys we had in heaven and a destined to return somday but to jump back to your therie maybe there are memorys the vail didnt cover and we are remember people we did no in heaven
  3. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Memories are, for lack of a better word, snapshots of the information that our 5 senses take in from the world around us.

    If reincarnation does in fact exist, there's simply too astronomic of a probability that we could fully encounter 1 to 1, a person we had met in a "past life". While we may get deja vu, it's rare that we can meet someone and right off the bat establish and intimate connection. In most cases people come off sounding crazy. Also, most modern reincarnations never have you experience the same form at least more than once in most cases-- usually the cycle sends you off to experience the life force of the rest of the universe before breaking Samsara.
  4. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
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    There's a class system in reincarnation too. If your 'good' you supposly are rich in the next life, then if you are like heavenly good, then you get to become one with the force. No freaking joke. The force, or the idea of the force, from star wars, came from the idea of, you go into the universal force, with is heaven in a way. But anyway, if your bad, you go one class down, like a pesent, after that, your an animal.
  5. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    memories are simply information stored in a part of our brain that lets us virtually recreate anything we want. in essentials, the same as imaginiation.
  6. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    Reincarnation is a bunch of bull.... I mean if you are reincarnated that means that you have the same mind
    as the one before you.... Why then does everyone write letters different than anyone else because everyone
    thinks different? You are so naive.....
  7. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Dude, reincarnation is when you die, your soul goes into a new body. The mind dosn't have to be the same thing as the soul. And what exactly do you mean, everybody thinks differantly? Supposly when you get reincarnated, you don't remember your past life. So whatever, and maybe you shouldn't go around saying other religons are bull, I mean think about YOUR religon, think if it's actually possible. Example: Noah's ark (sorry don't know how to spell it.) there is no way in hell that you could fit all of the world's animals into one ship. So yeah, really think about going around saying other religons are bull, reincarnation is a religon that actually makes sense, atleast some.
  8. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Memories are, like what White_Rook said, snapshots of what you have experienced in life. It's like the address bar on the internet, it remembers that last places you've been to.

    The thing about reincarnation...meh, it would take alot for me to believe in it, or any religion for that matter(not that I have anything against any religions, I just don't have one myself and try to think a bit more logically). We do get deja vu sometimes and think we've been places or seen people, but it's just our minds playing tricks on us, you have probably seen a place on tv in a commercial or just remember a place like it that you've been to before. As for people, our brains love to try and find connections to everything, if you see someone who looks familiar, maybe you have seen people with some of their facial features and your brain has mashed them together into the face you are currently viewing.There are alot of more logical reasons than reincarnation, but hey, if you believe in it,fine by me
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Reincarnation is not a religion. It is a "Concept". Just for the record. XD

    IMO, memories are far too complicated for one such as myself to understand. I have thought that of them having extremely close ties to real life, and in some cases, they have even foretold several events for me ( on the occasion that I *do* dream ). I love thinking about supernatural concepts with them, because it's the one thing that puzzles me the most. Even moreso than what I think of an afterlife. Though, the reason I try not to get too involved with it is because I don't *know* for sure. I've only had a few incidences where dreams did something good for me in an unusual way. They're certainly mysterious, but learning about it isn't really what I want to do. Maybe some day. =3
  10. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It's not a specific place per se. There are many types of amnesia and in some cases memory loss can be quite specific. It would seem that almost the entire cortex of our brain (i.e. to most evolved portion used for higher order thinking and action) functions to maintain, organize, and solidify a great deal, if not all, of our capable memory.
  11. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    So in your reincarnation belief..... Why do people automatically do bad.... Why must people learn to
    tell the truth but needn't learn to lie...... Why must people automatically be jerks. And when did I say I was

    PS: Whats the word for the not opposite. Unopposite, Imopposite.... The world may never no.....:)
  12. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well, with reincarnation it is the collective knowledges of your lives that essentially leads to the end of Samsara. Like any other religious mythos any loop hole is fixed with a simple and vague explanation. In this case, having little need for the experiences of our former lives in our now present ones we simply shed the information of the past. Ridiculous, I know. Because it would make much more sense if enlightenment was a constant journey as opposed to an accidental sum. However, this coming from the Buddhist standpoint, whatever form you are to take in the next life the same actions are more often than not emphasized; those that are reincarnated simply continue on to live and let live.
  13. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    If you think about it.. reincarnation fits very well hand in hand with deja vu. It easily explain those people who have a familiar face and everyone thinks they saw them somewhere before in their life. Perhaps this person was well known, a famous celebrity or politician in a past life? Or when you go somewhere you had never been before but it somehow looks familiar. I know I've had a handful of people tell me I looks so familiar, knowing I had never met these people before (because it was nearly impossible, me being from the north and most never even having been there.) So, if reincarnation were true, perhaps I were mildly well known, or well known in one part of the world but not in another? This, of course, is all hypothetical, only if reincarnation were true.

    As for my memories.. I don't know what to think of them. My brain automatically has stifled and blocked out so much of my past, my memories are like those pictures little kids take where the subject is too close to the screen and blurry, or fingers and smudges on the screen block you from seeing as much of the picture as you would like. I understand why, though. It is necessary for now to keep me happy and sane, not to be able to remember all the bad that has traversed and spun the web of my life. Perhaps one day I will remember, though. Until then I am thankful that I don't, and live my happy little life.
  14. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    By past I assume you're referring to a hypothetical past life? Surely you remmeber your childhood well enough.
  15. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    No I do not remember too much of my childhood, mostly good things. I can remember things I did on a day-to-day basis and anything that occured outside of my house. I remember what my home looked like, and I can remember a few birthday parties but I don't remember how old I was in any of these memories.Don't you think I would remember how old I was in one of my own birthday parties? But I don't. I understand being little this could be true, but I was 8 to 13 when I lived with my mother. I don't remember anything before the age of 5. I remember things better from ages 5 to 7 than of any other period before the age of 13. I remember only about 7 of the almost 300 incidents which are the reason why I block off my memory.

    For instance, I remember going to a cabin alone with my stepdad but I can't remember why or what we did or where else we could have went. I remember a birthday party at chuck-e-cheese but I can't remember how old I was or what all exactly I did there, except that I had Arcanine on my birthday cake. And I know I was over 10, but was not turning 10. I remember spraining my ankle on July 4th, but I don't remember how old I was. Maybe if I were a baby or something I could understand, but I should have better recollections and memories at the ages where most are messed up at.
  16. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    well i am a christian so i do believe in heaven - but reincarnation has been on my mind

    ive always wondered that - but i believe that you theory is good - I mean if we are good we do become good... but if we are bad we are lesser orsomething... but we wont have the same mind - just the same soul

    as for memories and de ja vu - i believe in them as ive had many encounters with de ja vu
  17. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......

    Well, I guess you haven't read about the brain....... The brain is the thing that stores all your memories.....
    I think your mind counts as your brain...... You couldn't remember anything if it wasn't for your brain...
  18. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Well, from the perspective of reincarnation one's collective thoughts are akin to what could be considered the soul. Funny how you're open to the concept of a soul but not a collective of thoughts from one's past lives.
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