new wallpaper I made. CnC? :S
Hm... simple, but then it has it's mystical effects. XD Weeeeell... you make it look simple but I think you put a lot of work into it. Great job! :D
Hm, I believe I see the image of Naruto holding the keyblade, am I correct? Awesome job BTW I love the spirals and effects used.
holy **** you're right. O___O
I love the effect! >D But I think the background should be a different colour. Like gold and black? Something like that. =D Cause is kinda kill it for meh. D:> Sorry, lol, but I REALLY love the effect. <3333
The gold and black will just make it look tacky due to the green effects XD besides, that blue is my fave color :P
I see what you mean. [I just stared at it, xDDDD] But gold, but gold, but black. Lol I see what you mean tho. <33333333
If Gold looked tacky, then something other than the light blue of the background because it somewhat gives a dull look. I think something lighter for the background. Otherwise, darken up the background or brighten the effects and stock. Other than that, it looks awesome. I really like the effects you did.
I'm not gonna lie. That is amazing. Nice use of effect underneath the image. And I'm guessing you made a layer copy and selected the image and just painted it black? Either way, I love it. Nice use of negative space. It's simple, yet it stands out. Even though you other guys are complaining about how there's not enough there, you're still noticing it, which is a big deal when you make something like this. That's why it's hard to do something like this and not have the render in the center of it all. You're going to have negative space, so deal with it. I give it 9/10!
I colored overlayed the render and then merged it down with the splatter but that clipping mask idea would've worked too =D Thanks for noticing the backsplash I used to not make the negative space so suckish XD anyways thanks for the CnC dude also, thanks for comments peoplez =D
I like how it came out, KHE. I think it's really turning well. I think you should do more. The left side just seemed sorta empty. I'm not sure what should be put there, but yeah. (: :noworries: Nice Job, honey.
nice^^ I really don't think you need anything on the left.I think if the white lines were thiner or had more of a blue tint, it would look a little better.