I know the games Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker and Black Ace came out last week and i just wonder if anyone found good AR codes for Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker yet?
Since last week. Either way, i think most of codes where ported by GBAtemp people, and i'm seeing a lot of the codes on Gfaqs too, i'll post them soon. Edit: RJ ID is CRRE 78B0FB0B BA ID is CRBE 7AE1AAEC Here are all the codes i found on GBAtemp, un-organized, maybe later i organize it. According to Mrfatso post: Credit to Elixir for the rest of the codes Credit to Falzar FZ for the All 99 Sub Cards/Items (Select) and 99 Noise Fragment and Mr Hertz Absorbed Credit to Nigoli from the undersquare for the Data Transmission codes Credit to aimer7547 and mazinkaiserpr for posting full custom gauge code Credit to AshenREAPER and zapgator for all ability waves code Credit to ekmo for a huge majority of the codes Credit to whoever list out those NKG codes in english Spoiler Mega Man Star Force 3 Black Ace only codes Spoiler !Misc Codes ::Max Money (select) 94000130 FFFB0000 020F93B4 000F423F D2000000 00000000 ::Black Ace LP(select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 220FA01A 00000082 DC000000 00000640 D2000000 00000000 ::HP 9999 (Select) :::Field 94000130 FFFB0000 120F8CEC 0000270F D2000000 00000000 ::HP 9999 Always On :::Field 120F8CEC 0000270F ::Link Power Max 120F99D8 0000076C 1202D07A 000046C0 ::Full Library Complete 120FCB94 0000FFFF E20FCB7C 00000018 FFFFFFFE FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF ::Normally No Encounter (Hold Select for Instant Encounter) 120FFE0C 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 120FFE0C 0000FFFF D0000000 00000000 ::All Time 0:00:01 on Record E20F9DD8 00000038 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 ::All Boss On Record 120FCD42 0000FFFF ::Max Attack (face value) 221B230C 00000005 ::Max Rapid (face value) 221B25CC 00000005 ::Max Charge (face value) 221B288C 00000005 ::All Ability Waves (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000015D 220F9452 00000009 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 ::All Fake Brothers and Link 130(Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 220FC628 00000002 DC000000 0000001C D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 220FA01A 00000082 DC000000 00000640 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack Star (Select) :::It affects your records 94000130 FFFB0000 12100296 000003E7 D0000000 00000000 !Item Related Codes ::All Special Item (Select) :::Only Story Relevant Items 94000130 FFFB0000 020F93D0 01010101 020F93D4 01010101 020F93D8 01010101 120F93DC 00000101 D2000000 00000000 ::All Battle Cards (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000018D 220F8D74 00000063 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 ::All 99 Sub Cards/Items (Select) :::Credit to Falzar FZ 94000130 FFFB0000 020F9438 63636363 120F943C 00006363 D2000000 00000000 ::All War Rock Weapons (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000015 220F9421 00000001 DC000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::99 Noise Fragments (Press Select+Down) :::(Made by Falzar FZ) 94000130 FF7B0000 220F93DD 00000063 D0000000 00000000 ::99 Mr Hertz Absorbed (Press Select+Down) :::(Made by Falzar FZ) 94000130 FF7B0000 220F93D8 00000063 D0000000 00000000 :Data Transmission Codes :::Go to DS Station Menu (Any DS Wireless Play Menu like the Screen Shots show), Press A on any Empty Cell, Acquire Data Transmission, Save Game and Exit ::Acid Illegal (Mega Class) 9216A088 00001869 0216A080 A8014901 0216A084 E0198001 0216A088 00001234 D0000000 00000000 ::Meteor Of Crimson (Giga Class} 9216A088 00001869 0216A080 A8014901 0216A084 E0198001 0216A088 00003456 D0000000 00000000 !Battle Codes ::Full Custom Gauge 2218EFD9 00000040 ::Max HP (L+R+Up) :::only in battle 94000130 FCBF0000 121C84F4 0000270F D2000000 00000000 ::Quick Kill (L+R) 94000130 FCFF0000 121C834C 00000000 121C81A4 00000000 121C7FFC 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Invicible + Invisible 6218F21C 00000000 2218F40C 000000FF 2218F40E 000000FF D2000000 00000000 ::999.9% noise 1219A28C 0000270F :Noise Change Mod Codes ::None 220F99E0 00000000 ::Libra Noise 220F99E0 00000001 ::Corvus Noise 220F99E0 00000002 ::Cancer Noise 220F99E0 00000003 ::Gemini Noise 220F99E0 00000004 ::Ophicus Noise 220F99E0 00000005 ::Cygnus Noise 220F99E0 00000006 ::Ox Noise 220F99E0 00000007 ::Virgo Noise 220F99E0 00000008 ::Crown Noise 220F99E0 00000009 ::Wolf Noise 220F99E0 0000000A ::Burai Noise 220F99E0 0000000B Mega Man Star Force 3 Red Joker only codes: Spoiler !Misc Codes ::Red Joker LP(select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 220FA03A 00000082 DC000000 00000640 D2000000 00000000 ::Max Money (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 020F93D4 000F423F D2000000 00000000 ::HP 9999 (Select) :::Field 94000130 FFFB0000 120F8D0C 0000270F D2000000 00000000 ::HP 9999 Always On :::Field 120F8D0C 0000270F ::Link Power Max 120F99F8 0000076C 1202D092 000046C0 ::Full Library Complete 120FCBB4 0000FFFF E20FCB9C 00000018 FFFFFFFE FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF ::Normally No Encounter (Hold Select for Instant Encounter) 120FFE2C 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 120FFE2C 0000FFFF D0000000 00000000 ::All Time 0:00:01 on Record E20F9DF8 00000038 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 00000001 ::All Boss On Record 120FCD62 0000FFFF ::All Ability Waves (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000015D 220F9472 00000009 DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 ::All Fake Brothers and Link 130(Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 220FC648 00000002 DC000000 0000001C D2000000 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000005 220FA03A 00000082 DC000000 00000640 D2000000 00000000 ::Attack Star (Select) :::It affects your records 94000130 FFFB0000 121002B6 000003E7 D0000000 00000000 !Item Related Codes ::All Special Item (Select) :::Only Story Relevant Items 94000130 FFFB0000 020F93F0 01010101 020F93F4 01010101 020F93F8 01010101 120F93FC 00000101 D2000000 00000000 ::All Battle Cards (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 0000018D 220F8D94 00000063 DC000000 00000004 D2000000 00000000 ::All 99 Sub Cards/Item (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 020F9458 63636363 120F945C 00006363 D2000000 00000000 ::All War Rock Weapons (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 C0000000 00000015 220F9441 00000001 DC000000 00000001 D2000000 00000000 ::99 Noise Fragments (Press Select+Down) :::(Made by Falzar FZ) 94000130 FF7B0000 220F93FD 00000063 D0000000 00000000 ::99 Mr Hertz Absorbed (Press Select+Down) :::(Made by Falzar FZ) 94000130 FF7B0000 220F93F8 00000063 D0000000 00000000 :Data Transmission Codes :::Go to DS Station Menu (Any DS Wireless Play Menu like the Screen Shots show), Press A on any Empty Cell, Acquire Data Transmission, Save Game and Exit ::Acid Illegal (Mega Class) 9216A0A8 00001869 0216A0A0 A8014901 0216A0A4 E0198001 0216A0A8 00001234 D0000000 00000000 ::Meteor Of Crimson (Giga Class} 9216A0A8 00001869 0216A0A0 A8014901 0216A0A4 E0198001 0216A0A8 00003456 D0000000 00000000 !Battle Codes ::Full Custom Gauge 2218EFF9 00000040 ::Max HP(L+R+Up) :::only in battle 94000130 FCBF0000 121C8514 0000270F D2000000 00000000 ::Quick Kill (L+R) 94000130 FCFF0000 121C836C 00000000 121C81C4 00000000 121C801C 00000000 D2000000 00000000 ::Invicible + Invisible 6218F23C 00000000 2218F42C 000000FF 2218F42E 000000FF D2000000 00000000 ::999.9% noise 1219A2AC 0000270F :Noise Change Mod Codes ::None 220F9A00 00000000 ::Libra Noise 220F9A00 00000001 ::Corvus Noise 220F9A00 00000002 ::Cancer Noise 220F9A00 00000003 ::Gemini Noise 220F9A00 00000004 ::Ophicus Noise 220F9A00 00000005 ::Cygnus Noise 220F9A00 00000006 ::Ox Noise 220F9A00 00000007 ::Virgo Noise 220F9A00 00000008 ::Crown Noise 220F9A00 00000009 ::Wolf Noise 220F9A00 0000000A ::Burai Noise 220F9A00 0000000B NKG Modifier codes: Spoiler BA: 1: 22100134 000000XX 2: 22100136 000000XX 3: 22100138 000000XX 4: 2210013A 000000XX 5: 2210013C 000000XX RJ: 1. 22100154 000000XX 2. 22100156 000000XX 3. 22100158 000000XX 4. 2210015A 000000XX 5. 2210015C 000000XX XX=Values below. Ace = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 = Jack 12 = Queen 13 = King Hearts: 00=1 Leo Kingdom Noise - Fire GA 01=2 Moaian Noise - Break+10 02=3 Taurus Fire Noise - Super Armor 03=4 Raid Noise - HP+250 04=5 Melamander Noise - Fire+10 05=6 Koma Noise - Atk Panel Support 06=7 Doom Count Noise - No Flash/Flash Body 07=8 Ku'i Noise - Big Drop/Heavy Dawn Charge 08=9 Mettenna Noise - Reflect 09=10 Bom Noise - Bombilzer Support 0A=11 Jack Corvus Noise - Fire+20 0B=12 Hot Roader Noise - HP+150 0C=1 Boodach Noise - HP+200 0D=2 Scorcher Noise - Mech Flame Charge 0E=3 Bubba Dance Noise - Atk+10 Support 0F=5 Sirius Noise - Break+20 10=7 Boom Noise - Fire+10 11=8 Libra Scales Noise - HP+400 12=9 Musashi Noise - Sword+10 13=10 Omega-Xis/War-Rock Copy - Double Eater Support 14=11 RockyG Noise - Cross Shot Charge 15=12 HarpNote Noise - Normal GA+ 16=13 Grabity Noise - +Poison Panel 17=13 Apollo Flame Noise - First Aura Diamonds: 18=1 Hare Jet Noise - +Ice Panel 19=3 Blue Shark Noise - Aqua+10 1A=4 General Auriga Noise - Whistle Support 1B=5 Chakram Noise - BuzzSaw Charge 1C=6 Sno Roll Noise - First Barrier 1D=7 Diamond Ice Noise - Aqua+20 1E=9 Octo Ninja Noise - Black Ink Support 1F=10 Piran Noise - HP+250 20=11 Gooey Noise - No Gravity/Gravity Body 21=12 Lu Pelvis Noise - +Panic 22=13 Pegasus Magic - Aqua GA+ 23=1 Wibbledee Noise - Aqua+10 24=2 Stream Cancer Noise - Ice Support 25=3 Spinguin Noise - Ice Spin Charge 26=4 Junk-O Noise - Break+10 27=5 Jammer Noise - HP+250 28=6 Yeti Blizzard Noise - No Freeze/Freeze Body 29=7 BoneArcher Noise - +Gravity 2A=8 Mal Wizard Noise - +ParaPnl 2B=10 Cannon Base Noise - HP+150 2C=11 Plesio Surf Noise - Paralyze+ Support 2D=12 Queen Virgo Noise - Mega Class+1 2E=13 Air Squiggle Noise - HP+250 2F=2 Cancer Bubble Noise - No Bubble/Bubble Body Spades 30=2 Voltragon Noise - Elec+10 31=3 Moon Destroyer Noise - HP+300 32=4 Boom Bolt Noise - Panic Cloud Support 33=5 Eyez Noise - +Invis 34=6 Dark Reaper Noise - HP+200 35=7 Dark Phantom Noise - Under Shirt 36=8 Shock Mummy Noise - HP+150 37=9 Noise Wizard Noise - GNull Panel 38=10 Base Mortar Noise - Mad Vulcan Charge 39=11 Great Axe Noise - HP+250 3A=12 Peakaboo Noise - +Blind 3B=13 Rogue Noise - Sword+20 3C=1 McCleaver Noise - HP+200 3D=2 Bell Gong Noise - HP+150 3E=3 Smiles Noise - HP+150 3F=4 Zapper Noise - Flash Strike Charge 40=6 Crown Thunder Noise - Paralysis Stage Support 41=7 Lampis Noise - Elec+10 42=8 Zap Ace Noise - +Paralyze 43=9 Hollow Noise - No Paralyze/Paralyze Body 44=10 Spade Magnes Noise - Elec+20 45=11 Stealth Noise - HP+150 46=13 Magera Noise - Card Heal 47=1 Gemini Spark Noise - ElecGA+ Clubs: 48=1 Mu Defender Noise - Mu Technology Charge 49=2 Private Mop Noise - Wood+10 4A=4 Wolf Woods Noise - HP+400 4B=5 Mono Sword Noise - Sword+10 4C=6 Storm Noise - +Wind 4D=7 Grass Pollen Noise - +Wood Panel 4E=8 Kung Foo Kid Noise - Quick Gauge 4F=9 Club Strong Noise - Wood+20 50=11 Mat Jinn Noise - Grass Support 51=12 Puff Noise - Recover 30 Support 52=13 Arachnid Noise - HP+250 53=1 Rhino Horn Noise - HP+250 54=2 Terra Condor Noise - Air Shoes 55=3 Crowcar Noise - HP+250 56=4 Flit Noise - Wood+20 57=5 Dragon Sky Noise - Wood GA+ 58=7 Nutty Noise - Spread Charge 59=8 Tropi Conga Noise - HP+250 5A=9 Fokx Noise - Anti Damage 5B=10 Murian Noise - Divide Line Support 5C=12 Queen Ophiuca Noise - HP+400 5D=13 ShuriKen Noise - Shuriken Charge 5E=6 Cygnus Wing Noise - Float Shoes Jokers: 5F=Dread Joker Noise - Body Pack (Super Armor, Float Shoes, Air Shoes, Under Shirt) 60=Andromeda Noise - Max Buster 61=Acid Ace Noise - Auto Lock 62=Le Mu Noise - Invisible Support 63=Crimson Dragon Noise- HP+500 Try not to have more than 1 of the same Noise Kaizou on, it wasn't meant to be like that. These don't work on wifi either but they do work in game and In wifi Battle mates. Have fun, and I hope for a 100 pct working sattelite server bro codes, that's all I really need. Fake Brother modifiers: Spoiler Black Ace Spoiler for those who want to have opponent instead of fake brother use this code C0000000 00000005 220FC628 00000004 DC000000 0000001C D2000000 00000000 Hero white card modifier 220f99e1 000000yy Fake brother modifier codes Upper Left 220fa020 0000000x 220fa021 000000yy Middle Left 220fa660 0000000x 220fa661 000000yy Bottom Left 220faca0 0000000x 220facaa 000000yy Upper Right 220fb2e0 0000000x 220fb2e1 000000yy Middle Right 220fb920 0000000x 220fb921 000000yy Bottom Right 220fbf60 0000000x 220fbf61 000000yy Red Joker Spoiler for those who want to have opponent instead of fake brother use this code C0000000 00000005 220FC648 00000004 DC000000 0000001C D2000000 00000000 Hero white card modifier 220f9a01 000000yy Fake brother modifier codes Upper Left 220fa040 0000000x 220fa041 000000yy Middle Left 220fa680 0000000x 220fa681 000000yy Bottom Left 220facc0 0000000x 220facca 000000yy Upper Right 220fb300 0000000x 220fb301 000000yy Middle Right 220fb940 0000000x 220fb941 000000yy Bottom Right 220fbf80 0000000x 220fbf81 000000yy Since i have no idea which is what form, so i am not going to do any listing x = form is available from 0-B (B was the rogue form) Noise form values: 0 - None 1 - Libra Noise 2 - Corvus Noise 3 - Cancer Noise 4 - Gemini Noise 5 - Ophicus Noise 6 - Cygnus Noise 7 - Ox Noise 8 - Virgo Noise 9 - Crown Noise A - Wolf Noise B - Rogue Noise yy = white card modifier digits range from 00-60 -------------- Enemy modifier codes: Spoiler Black Ace: Enemy 1: 020FFE92 0000LLTT 120FFE94 0000RRCC 120FFE96 0000XXYY Enemy 2: 120FFE98 0000LLTT 120FFE9A 0000RRCC 120FFE9C 0000XXYY Enemy 3: 120FFE9E 0000LLTT 120FFEA0 0000RRCC 120FFEA2 0000XXYY Enemy 4: 120FFEA4 0000LLTT 120FFEA6 0000RRCC 120FFEA8 0000XXYY Red Joker: Enemy 1: 120FFEB2 0000LLTT 120FFEB4 0000RRCC 120FFEB6 0000XXYY Enemy 2: 120FFEB8 0000LLTT 120FFEBA 0000RRCC 120FFEBC 0000XXYY Enemy 3: 120FFEBE 0000LLTT 120FFEC0 0000RRCC 120FFEC2 0000XXYY Enemy 4: 020FFEC4 RRCCLLTT 120FFEC8 0000XXYY Values list: TT (enemy type flag): 00 - No enemy BUT 03 recommended since 00 will crash if there is no 03 code present at all. 01 - Normal enemy 02 - Obstacle 03 - No enemy. LL (enemy type flag 2): 0 - no enemy or Icecube if TT is 02. 1 - normal enemy or Rockcube if TT is 02. LLTT = 0101 for enemies to spawn, LL02 for obstacles and 0003 for no enemies. RR (Location - Row from back to front): 00 - Furthest row away. 01 - 2nd furthest row. Bosses spawn normally on this row 02 - Middle row 03 - The row in front of Megaman. Widesword hits here. 04 - Megaman's row. CC (Location - Column from left to right). 00 - Left column. 01 - Middle column. Bosses spawn normally on this row. 02 - Right column. Megaman's current location is RRCC = 0401. Don't spawn stuff on top of him. XX (Enemy Rank): 00 - V1 01 - V2, B, V1(Crimson Dragon Round 2) 02 - V3, SP(Crimson Dragon) 03 - R, Z(Rogue), SP(Crimson Dragon SP Round 2) 04 - Ω, ZZ(Rogue), BB(Ace), RR(Joker), ∑(Moon/Apollon/Sirius/CrimsonDragon) YY (Enemy) 00 - Mettenna Virus 04 - Mr. Hertz 13 - Vulcan Virus Numbers lower than 81 are normal viruses, too lazy to list them all out. 81 - Spade Magnets 82 - Diamond Ice 83 - Club Strong 84 - Queen Virgo 85 - Jack Corvus 86 - Dread Joker 87 - Crimson Dragon 88 - Taurus Fire 89 - Rogue 8A - Acid Ace 8B - Phantom Black 8C - Cygnus Wing 8D - Wolf Woods 8E - Moon Destroyer 8F - Apollon Flame 90 - Sirius IMPORTANT NOTE: Loading more than 1 type of boss will cause the game to freeze from AI memory overflow. The game doesn't have enough memory to load different boss attack patterns! However, different ranks of the same enemy can be spawned together. This means you can have 3 RogueZZ or 3 Acid Ace BB or 1 Acid Ace, 1 Acid Ace B and 1 Acid Ace BB but you can't have, let's say 1 Acid Ace, 1 Dread Joker and 1 Rogue. You can't even have 1 Spade Magnus and 1 Diamond Ice either. :( ALSO this means you might have a problem when using Mega cards that summon other EM beings. I've had the game freeze on me when I summoned Gemini Spark X versus 3 Different Acid Aces since Gemini Spark X spawns 2 more EM beings into the field (however it was fine when there were only 2 Acid Aces left). It was fine with stuff that only spawns 1 more though, like StrongSwing X and Sirius X. Even though CrimsonMeteor spawns that huge dragon, it's fine too. IN SHORT: Don't go over the "4 EM beings on the field" limit to prevent a crash. NOTE 2: Some bosses end the battle early if defeated first. Notable ones are Crimson Dragon (all versions) and Acid Ace V1. NOTE 3: You can't have more than 1 Crimson Dragon on the field at any time. The extras simply disappear. Place the crimson dragon in location 0001 to prevent hitbox bugs. Example of an enemy modifier code and explanations: Version: Black Ace Enemies: Club Strong, Club Strong V3, Club Strong Omega. They spawn in a formation. 020FFE92 00000101 <----- Enemy 1 flag, normal enemy 120FFE94 00000000 <----- Spawns in top left corner 120FFE96 00000083 <----- Club Strong V1 120FFE98 00000101 <----- Enemy 2 flag, normal enemy 120FFE9A 00000002 <----- Spawns in top right corner 120FFE9C 00000283 <----- Club Strong V3 120FFE9E 00000101 <----- Enemy 3 flag, normal enemy 120FFEA0 00000101 <----- Spawns in the usual boss spawn box, middle column 2nd last row. 120FFEA2 00000483 <----- Club Strong Omega 120FFEA4 00000003 <----- Enemy 4 flag, no enemy. Other codes not needed since no enemy spawns. ----------------- Battle music modifier: Spoiler Black Ace: 220FFE86 000000XX Red Joker: 220FFEA6 000000XX Values list (Songs I can't recognize are marked with ? in their names): 00 - No music 01 - Echo Ridge 02 - Home 03 - Spica Mall 04 - WBG Studios 05 - Alohaha 06 - WAZA HQ 07 - Dealer Hideout 08 - School 09 - Wave Road 0A - Cyber Core 0B - Astro Wave 0C - Noise Wave 0D - Black Hole Server 0E - ?? 0F - ??? 10 - ????Dealer? 11 - WAXA Battle 12 - ??Before final battle? 13 - ?? Credits? 14 - Meteor Server 15 - Dealer Base 16 - Dealer Base? Sinister person talking? 17 - Noise Wave 2 18 - Something Bad Happens 19 - Something Bad Is Happening (Real World) 1A - Something Bad Is Happening (Wave World) 1B - Something Bad Happens 2 1C - Prez's Group 1D - Something Funny Happens? 1E - Sinister Person talking 2?? 1F - Megaman Star Force 20 - Sad Song? 21 - Sad Song 2? 22 - ?? 23 - Normal Battle 24 - Boss Battle 25 - Last Battle 26 - Enemy Deleted, Here's your reward 27 - Enemy Defeated, Next Battle 28 - Game Over? 29 - PvP 2A - ?? Casino? 2B - Shop/ Wave Station 2C - No music 2D - Omega Battle Ahead 2E - No music 2F - Noise Change Acquired 30 - Ending?? 31 - No music 32 - WAXA Battle 2 ------------------ Omega Boss battle mode: Black Ace: 220FFE3B 000000FF Red Joker: Omega Boss battle mode: 220FFE5B 000000FF Turn this code on, and the next WARNING battle will be against an Omega boss. ------------------ Battle background: Black Ace: 220FFE87 000000XX Red Joker: Battle background: 220FFEA7 000000XX Too lazy to list out all the backgrounds. ---------------- Access Cards in brother slots (Secret Satellite Server, Meteor Server) Spoiler Black Ace Slot 1: 220FC628 00000003 220FC62E 000000xx Slot 2: 220FC644 00000003 220FC64A 000000xx Slot 3: 220FC660 00000003 220FC666 000000xx Slot 4: 220FC67C 00000003 220FC682 000000xx Slot 5: 220FC698 00000003 220FC69E 000000xx Slot 6: 220FC6B4 00000003 220FC6BA 000000xx Red Joker Slot 1: 220FC648 00000003 220FC64E 000000xx Slot 2: 220FC664 00000003 220FC66A 000000xx Slot 3: 220FC680 00000003 220FC686 000000xx Slot 4: 220FC69C 00000003 220FC6A2 000000xx Slot 5: 220FC6B8 00000003 220FC6BE 000000xx Slot 6: 220FC6D4 00000003 220FC6DA 000000xx Brother Slot chart: [1][4] [2][5] [3][6] Values: xx = Server level number 01 - 20 = Secret Satellite Servers 1 - 32 21 - 38 = Meteor Servers 1 - 24 Code to enable Brother cards in card folder: Black Ace 220F995D 00000005 - slot 1 enable 220F9961 00000005 - slot 2 enable 220F9965 00000005 - slot 3 enable 220F9969 00000005 - slot 4 enable 220F996D 00000005 - slot 5 enable 220F9971 00000005 - slot 6 enable Red Joker 220F997D 00000005 - slot 1 enable 220F9981 00000005 - slot 2 enable 220F9985 00000005 - slot 3 enable 220F9989 00000005 - slot 4 enable 220F998D 00000005 - slot 5 enable 220F9991 00000005 - slot 6 enable -------------- Infinite Finalized Noise Form (Doesn't wear off after 3 turns) Black ace: 6218F21C 00000000 221C8528 00000003 D0000000 00000000 Red joker: 6218F23C 00000000 221C8548 00000003 D0000000 00000000
could there be a code that you have aceprogram and jokerprogram in 1 game by a code because you don't get all abilities because you have 1 program and not them, both