Mega Man (Ruby-Spears)

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Kaihedgie, May 16, 2008.

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  1. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Back in in the late 90s, Ruby Spears and Capcom Japan produced a joint effort animated cartoon of the classic Mega Man series. Unlike its predecessors, Street Fighter or Darkstalkers, Mega Man was drawn in a more anime-style. However, instead of follwing Keiji Inafune's original 'Classic' style, which featured super-deformed characters, all of the characters were given a more mature look

    The series follows Mega Man's ever legendary battles against the evil Dr. Wily and his army of Robot Masters. Assisting the Blue Bomber was his sister Roll, his creator, Dr. Thomas Light and his ally Rush. Unlike the game series, Roll was more of an active ally rather than sitting by in the sidelines. Mega Man's battles always invovled usually fighting against the Robot Masters and utilizing his Weapon Get to often finish the job though his color never actually changes when he copies a weapon. All of the Robot Masters from Mega Man 1 and 3 were present, with the most recurring ones being Cut Man and Guts Man, whose appearances were only slightly changed. Occasionally, Mega Man would have to scuffle with his older brother, Proto Man, who served as the arch-rival of the series. Here, his design is still the same, though like his younger brother, was given a teen-like look and he displays the same Weapon Get ability. Some of the die-hard fans would go batsh*t at this conception since Proto Man had become Mega Man's ally after MM3, as the role of 'arch-rival' was replaced by Bass, though it should be noted that Bass wasn't conceived before the animated series even began and that Proto Man was pretty much introduced as an enemy.

    A special cameo episode entitled Mega X was broadcast towards the end of the series run. As such, it featured a few select characters from the X series such as Vile and Spark Mandrill. The most notable, and more notorious change was in Mega Man X himself, who received somewhat of a heavy makeover, featuring a more taller, adult appearance and a personality change where he isn't so much as a pacifist. His abilities here had been shown to easily eclipse everyone else's, though this really doesn't come to any surprise at all.

    Despite the cartoon's shortcomings, it was pretty kickass, nonetheless, as well as an awesome intro to boot. This was pretty much one of those childhood things to cherish. If yer so much as a fanboy, ye probably may not want to watch it, but give it a fair shot anyway. Lookin' back at it, I still think it's a pretty damn good show
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Are you freakin' kidding me?! I worshipped that show! And I looked all around for the intro & the ending song to burn onto CDs!

    The ending song itself is my personal ringtone. :sly:

    Although I thought this was the ONLY Mega Man TV series that was solely created in America and dubbed there first. The rest were originally from Japan and then dubbed in other languages afterward...:huh:
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I <3 Megaman games and this cartoon being mentioned brings back memories. Yeah, it had some silly things in it but it was awesome.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I remember that I would wake up at 5 just to watch it. I think X should have a TV series...not stupid NT/Battlenetwork.
  5. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    They were actually gonna have an X series, but it never came to realization as the Mega Man cartoon was canceled
  6. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    I've got the first volume of that series! That was quite possibly one of the greatest cartoons to watch growing up...right up there with Sonic SatAm.
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