how many of you think I would make a good coder or sec mod and how many of you think otherwise? reason for me asking is because I have some experience in hacking still learning though thus I have some administrative knowledge being that I'm the owner of my extremely slow progressing site, reason its so slow is because I haven't been get any traffic except for a bunch of damn spambots.=/
Folk that ask whether or not they'll make good staff members generally don't make good staff. It shows a lack of confidence in your ability to lead. That and those that try too hard.
That idea is almost as bad as putting Amaury on staff. This makes sense. You were made staff by him on his forum, weren't you, Amaury?
If you think you'd make a good coder, PM a staff member. There is even an application form, which you should know of. Making a thread here just makes you seem desperate; it's not like regular members in the spamzone have all that much input on who gets to be staff. on that note, me for site owner.
I'd like to take a second and remind everyone that insulting others is against the rules.This may be the SpamZone, but remember your manners and treat people the way you would like to be treated, please. o; @Mish: +1 support here And Kitty for Super Admin Forum Helper.