McCain or Obama?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by TheKingdomCame, Sep 10, 2008.


Which Candidate do you think will do a better job?

  1. Obama

    77 vote(s)
  2. McCain

    38 vote(s)
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  1. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i personally thought Sarah Palin was kinda of a fake person but that's just my opinion. though she's not as big a joke as people make her out to be.
    it IS funny how little people actually know. i thought that particular fact was common knowledge by now
  2. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I also think it's funny bout people thinking government control leads to communism.

    During the Great Depression, one of the worst economic failures of all time, the government basically had a ton of control of the government, or during war, WWI you had to get certain foods on certain days because the rest of the food went overseas. It wasn't communism, it was a part of life. People did it because it was needed to help the country, people were starving and losing everything, as our country is wavering towards. Slowly, granted, but it's giving the warning signs.

    What's going to happen in this election, I don't know... I just hope in the end it is going to work out.
  3. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    I'm strongly aganist Obama who wants to bring our troops home and surrender to the enemy by raising the white flag. NO! Our soliders risked their lives for the honor and safety of America and if they were to pull back completly then all of those deaths would of been in vain. Families of the fallen soldiers who be devastated and angry beyond reason. No matter as long as it takes we need to win this war. Obama does not have the experience and we do not have time for the "on the job training."
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    He does.To me that is,McCain's ideas are good.But everybody says that Obams just wants to raise taxes.Taxes are already high enough.I'm not to clear on their debates recently though,so I wouldn't really know.
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well i'm torn on the war issue. i dont' think the US should've been there in the first place. however, i don't think the US should just leave either but staying doesn't seem to be accomplishing anything (because who are they still fighting?).

    but i DO agree with what you say about Obama

    EDIT: though i wish neither candidates were Senators. Senators jobs really don't have much correlation to running the nation. Governors are better suited for the job. i actually was for Hillary Clinton before because she seemed to be well rounded in my opinion but we all know what happened to her. but this time i don't believe in either candidate enough to vote, so none of them get my vote.
  6. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I do want to note about Iraq... This is turning into another Vietnam. There were red flags everywhere before this war started. Vietnam was full of riots and a lot of death, including the worst president in recent history. Though noted Bush might be trotting in that mine field soon.

    If we stay, there's going to be a lot of problems going down. And if we go, a lot of problems going. Either way, a ton of people ARE going to die in either case, American or Iraqi. Another note about it, people have died before in wars, Iraq is actually small in numbers compared to several other wars we have fought in for reasons other than freeing a nation like Iraq and repairing it. And I'm not sure, but wasn't some of Cheney's friends got huge deals to help rebuild Iraq during the war...?

    I also find it amusing that every time I contradict one of the Bush supporters they fly to another subject to defend him. Just a noted thing.
  7. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    I agree with EvilMan; in the beginning, even though I wasn't on McCain's side, I thought she looked like a good person. But it took me about a week to realize (or at least change my perception) that she seems pretty phony. Also, about being a non-corrupt politician, it was confirmed a few weeks ago that she had abused her power as governor. The panel that decided this was made up of mostly Republicans, so it's not likely that they came to this conclusion simply to make her look bad. I only skimmed through this article, but it should give the full story:

    The point is, all of the candidates have something to hide.

    And the idea that Obama wants to give more power to the government is not true. McCain's latched onto this concept that Obama wants to "spread the wealth around", as would a Socialist. But if you actually look at Obama's plans, there is nothing "Socialist" about it; he simply wants to give the Middle Class more help because it is seriously suffering at this point in time. In fact, I'd say that not helping the Middle Class is the equivalent of not sending relief to a city hit by a natural disaster.
  8. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Here's a non-neutral comment:

    Obviously, the lawyer hasn't looked up ethics recently. There's no financial gain, but having the relative relieved from whatever trouble he/she was in would make sense, and firing the official who refused to do so is at least in a way abuse of power, that's using her own position to use against someone else.

    Also, Palin has a daughter pregnant before marriage with a redneck husband from what his blogs say would have an abortion if he could of the kid. Before the censors came along.

    Palin has a few skeletons in that closet. She's not all "clean" if you will.
  9. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yea she isn't that great. she did do good during the VP debate though (liked how she took Joe Biden down with her on the gay marriage issue) but she's obviously just a gimmick to get women voters. i also heard her position on this "bridge to nowhere" was different before the election.
  10. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    Well, if Obama is gonna probably be shot and McCain will die of old age, then I guess I'd go with Obama because who the hell would want an idiot like Pailin to run the country, ne? Lol. But seriously, McCain spends all his time pointing out Obama's faults instead of telling people what he is gonna do, while Obama actually tells what the hell he gonna do.
  11. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I think it's hilarious, actually...

    The "Joe the Plumber" if you watch half the stuff they say, he's like mentioned every question or so... Said that he thinks they should stop mentioning him and talk about the issues.

    McCain agrees, as long as Obama is asked more about his economic policies. Obama is actually very descriptive in all his policies while McCain just promises, Obama says how it will get done.
  12. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    I love the entire "Joe the Plumber" thing, it's hilarious. Didn't it turn out that his name isn't Joe and he's not a certified plumber, or something like that? XD

    The thing that makes me laugh the most about it is how McCain keeps on blaming Obama for the investigation being conducted on "Joe", when it was McCain who brought him into the spotlight by repeatedly bringing him up at the debate.
  13. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
  14. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Unfortunately, this is unavoidable. I would be in favor of having a test before people were able to register to vote, but the kind of test like they had in the first video wouldn't garauntee that people will listen to the issues, rather than first impressions. And if there was a test given to all voters each Election Day, it would slow down the process a lot. As you suggested, there are ignorant people on both sides, so it should balance itself out.
  15. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Update on Palin...

    She said this week: "The VP controls the Senate." on the cameras. If you see the complete inaccuracies in this, you get a cookie.

    That is just sad, I hope Obama wins.
  16. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I'm just amazed that so many people support her with an undying loyalty. I told one of my friends (whom is a Republican) that she isn't bright, and she said "Palin is not an idiot!" I gave some examples, and she still denied it. This country is divided because of ignorance, nothing else.
  17. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Hmm lets see? Judging by the debates....Would I rather vote for someone who wants to increase taxes and do more projects that will cost more expenses and give the govenment more control so that you can't choose benefits or make your own choices and let them choose whatever the hell of a doctor they want for you even if it is the wrong choice. Or would I vote for someone who won't do that and stop more spending?

    The ironic thing about this is that the articles and talboids that publishers splatter a bunch of stuff on the candidates even if they aren't even true, or if they are they blow it out of the water and make it a believable story that some gullible people would believe, but hey that is the press for ya and a course they want them to look bad because it is exciting stuff and people go ape over anything that is interesting because it sells. The govenment is corrupted already so why should they have control? It sounds much like a dictatorship in that respect. Not to mention that the stations on tv have libreal ones. You can't believe everything that advertisements tell you either they reverse some of the candidates intentions as well.

    Obama and Mccain both claim the others faults and it is not just one person slinging mud on the other, if they did nothing to defend themselves then people would favor the other person more.

    but the interesting thing is that they can't find Obama's orignal birth certificate.
  18. godzilla3456 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 3, 2007
    United States
    Well I am putting my Vote towards Obama.

    But what about the Green & Libertarian parties or other idependates?

    Well One of my friends is voting Libertarian because he looks like
    Mr. Rodgers, kinda funny eh?
  19. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    The purpose of watching a debate is that you have to listen to what BOTH candidates say. McCain continues to say that Obama is going to raise taxes on the middle class, but this is founded on absolutely nothing. Obama plans on giving 95% of the working class a tax break. The other five percent, along with the upper class can afford to pay a LITTLE bit more. The country has a huge debt, and if taxes aren't raised a little bit, then how can we expect to pay back that money? McCain was also the one who said that Obama won't let you chose your doctor. Everytime he brought that up, Obama explained in great detail what his actual plan was, and he did say that everyone can keep their doctors; all he wants to do is make health care more affordable. Also, Obama does not want to strength the power of the government, with the exception of the issue of regulation, which I believe John McCain also supports. After all, if regulation did exist, then the whole issue with the banks wouldn't exist, and there wouldn't be a need for the (at this point) $1 trillion+ bailout.

    I always make a habbit of watching several news stations (including Fox News at times, though I try to avoid it) to make sure that I'm not being given false information. I'll admit there is often bias in the news, in the sense that you can tell who the pundits are voting for, but I haven't seen any serious misconstructions. There is no denying however, that the McCain campaign is making an absolute ass out of itself lately. That isn't based off what the news anchors are saying, but what is said by people from within the campaign, and those with connections to the campaign.

    Here are a few examples:

    I can provide more if needed.

    This is blatently not true, here is an article that has an image of his birth certificate:

    I'd also like to bring something else up. I'm not entirely sure how this data is collected, but many news stations have talked about it at one point or another, so I'm 90% certain that this is accurate. Using some form of global electoral college system, countries were polled on who they think would do a better job as president. The results are...well...hilarious:

    Of course, it's unlikely that all of these nations have been following the whole campaign very closely, but that doesn't take away too much from the ridiculous results. That's provided that it's true, because it seems a little bit fishy to me, but I hope it's not XD
  20. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    well my family likes obama and on u can pick a canadite and i voted for obama and biden ( did i have the right person )
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