McCain or Obama?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by TheKingdomCame, Sep 10, 2008.


Which Candidate do you think will do a better job?

  1. Obama

    77 vote(s)
  2. McCain

    38 vote(s)
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  1. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    McCain all the way. Don't get me wrong, I dislike McCain, I dislike Obama. But I dislike Obama more. Neither candidate is anything special in my opinion, but I think McCain has better ideas.

    1. Domestic and Offshore Drilling This is an idea that has been suppressed by stubborn environmentalists for the longest time. They claim that we should use alternative fuel sources, but they aren't ready for total mainstream use yet. Notice how once we humored the idea of offshore drilling that gas prices went down? Yea. Think that one over a bit.

    2. The War in Iraq Despite extreme opposition, we need to stay in Iraq for a bit longer. We've invested way too much money into this operation to back down now, and if we leave, all of the Iraqis that support us will die. "But the economy's getting worse! And people are dying!" Guess what, that happens in war! It's the price you have to pay to stand up for what you believe in. Maybe if we weren't giving every country that needs help billions of dollars, the economy wouldn't be as bad.

    Please. This post is based entirely off of propaganda, liberal media, and biased campaign ads. Do some research on the candidates before posting, espescially if all you're going to say to support your candidate is basically just "better economy and change."
  2. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    All thats happening in iraq is WarMongering on a global scale.Guaranteed if the oil ran out, the white house would pull the troops out.
  3. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    I'm confident we as a nation still have some moral fiber and are able to think of others besides ourselves in a way that doesn't include throwing money around. Not only will coming out of the war now make the past five years a complete waste and we would be out billions of dollars, but the Iraqis that support us will die.
  4. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    And, simply to add onto that, let me point something out.

    throughout the election, he's been tryen to cripple Obama, if anyone has not noticed just yet. I mean, not for nothing, but hell, he has been goin after Obama for things such as inexperience, all the way to 'how american he is'.

    At the moment, Obama is perfect since he is some what of a youth. It is people like him which can change this country, and make a difference.

    As for how American he is, I find that to be extremely racial and a huge low blow. Not only are they going after him because he is black (I don't care what you say, but I mean, to face facts, that can basicly be a hidden blow towards his race), as well as how they are questioning him because he is from Hawaii (technicly, Hawaii wasn't one of the original 50 states, so that is why they put things like that, or so I have been told), which is a huge low blow.

    And yet, it appears that he has brought a 'woman' vice president into his campaign, who is even more inexperienced then Obama, and is from Alaska, which is from the same condition as Obama, since Alaska was the other state which was not form one of the original states. Now, I mention her being a woman because, let us all face facts, after coming out with that add trying to get HIllary voters to go to McCain's side (anouther low blow), and then he gets a woman as vice president, he is going right after the Hillary voters, even though her being there goes against all the things he used against Obama.

    I thought I should point that out. In all honosty, if you are voting for McCain, then I doubt that I can have much respect for you. If it is because of how your parents raised you, and it is not your own personal oppinion, then honostly, I won't blame you, but, none the less, McCains tactics are dirty play, showing that he will literally do whatever it takes just to make Obama look bad, which only shows how bad of a position he is in.

    A quote from Martin Luthor King Jr talks about how man does not show his true colors when in a relaxed position, but instead, shows them when he is under pressure (of course this applies to women to, but these are as close as I can get to his words, so ya).

    Do we honostly want a president who is going to do whatever it takes just to get his way? What do you think he'll end up doing to Iraq? Think about what will happen to the little ties that we have with other countries, which are so thin thanks to Bush?

    Idk. I just thought that this might be able to convert people more over to Obama, because anyone who can vote for such a person who will run with such dirty below the belt stratagies certainly is never gonna be my president!
  5. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I know that you guys as a Nation have moral fiber but the white house doesn't.The Iraqi people mostly support the efforts against the WarMongering Nations.The sooner the Armies pull out the better.
  6. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Um... wow, that's just silly. Age = experience, McCain being old shouldn't be the reason you are voting for Obama. Yes, Obama is a talented young man but that doesn't make him any better then McCain. Also the entire thing about linking McCain to Bush is bull ****. That's just the Democratic party trying to get their heat on McCain and make him look bad. Bush ran against McCain in the 2000 Republican primary and lost after a bitter fight. From then on he became the most reliably anti-Bush figure in the whole Republican Party. McCain disagreed with Bush over tax cuts, judicial appointments, the conduct of the war in Iraq, the treatment of detainees in the War on Terror and on campaign finance reform. If you really think McCain is a Bush clone, you are listening to too many pro-Obama ads.

    I agree, neither candidate is "the one we need", but McCain has a better plan.
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Well now we can't exsactly support them if we are in such a crippled position, now can we? 4 more years means that we are all in big trouble. You think taxes are bad now? Wait until McCain gets into office

    And plz, I'm sorry, but plz don't feed me that bull. Think of others besides ourselves? From what I've learned, we are responsible for a few money loans from england which have gotten them into a bit of trouble as well. Not only that, but also might I add that after Bush lied to us about there being weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (note, the guy, our president, LIED, to his country), he spent more then twice as much money as before. This war is costing us huge ammounts of oil. You think we are running out of it just becuase it is harder to find? Most of it is going for the war. Do you have any idea how much air craft carriers use up?
  8. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I know what you mean by that.The Replublicans and McCain have run smear campaigns on Obama which were uncalled for.The smear campaigns on top of everything were racist which wasn't fair at all.He's trying to win by any means necessary.
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Oh ya? Well Bush's experience sure did land us in a real fine situation. We are already heading into a ressesion. I personally watched some of the things that McCain spat out. Made me so sick to hear such idiotic plans that I wanted to throw somethen at my tv (not like I would ever actually do that, but hell, you get the point)

    The one thing that Obama is doing is focusing on our country first, which puts things perfect. Republicans are just looking to grab Iraq to get the oil from it (that can't be based on fact, but hell, if I was goin to war with a place like that, then I sure would be happy to be the one reforming a country in the image that you want it to be. hell, maybe even get a few hundred gallons of oil while I'm at it, so we can get a good healthy supply that many other countries will need).

    If we were smart, then we would've never gone to war in the first place. I mean, does anyone understand that we havn't even killed the dude that got us bombed in the first place? It is freaken histericle

    Oh ya, and let me add something.

    Spain's cars don't run on any f'en oil what-so-ever. NONE WHAT SO EVER SMART ASS. IF THEY CAN DO THAT, THEN WHY THE F--- CAN'T WE?
  10. Repliku Chaser

    You do realize off-shore drilling will not be even useful for 10 years as they have to make special platforms for -each rig- ? It's pointless. Yes, as a 'side note' it could assist but doing it as main thing so we stay stuck to oil is just lame. It's not just environmentalists that don't want offshore drilling to be our 'staple'. Some of us want to be independent of it and McCain, like Bush, is bought out by lobbyists. He will have to do things to their demands.

    Obama is not bought out by a bunch of lobbyists. These lobbyists belong to groups that overseas in this war have been -stealing- money from the American people and overcharging in droves and Bush has cleared it. These lobbyists also are only out for their own -interests- and politicians bought out by them, to include McCain, have no choice but to make decisions based on what these people want. Selling out is what makes offshore drilling a better option apparently than sensible research and trying to improve our goverment jobs, make things local, improve our environment, and support smaller business groups as well as corps. Obama did agree that 'some' offshore drilling may assist us, but the point here is that we don't need as much as McCain is being told when we can see great improvements in other areas in 10 years as well. That's a long time when it comes to invention improvements.

    Also, no one is saying we will immediately pull out of Iraq. However, being there I will say this. We DO need to encourage the people there to take more care of themselves and stand up with their government. We cannot do all the work for them and baby them for much longer. There -are- other threats out there and assistance we could be offering others too as well as helping ourselves. The problem in Iraq mainly right now is that they need organization and the government has to start actually doing more. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink is the point here in the end. We may need troops there for some time, but not as many as are there now and these soldiers get crappy rotations. If another conflict arises, there -will- be a draft because we aren't getting people to do their own things and think we can do it for them. They need help now, but if they can't do crap on their own more in a couple years, they fail at life.
  11. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    With the way things are going the fiction of MGS4 could come true.Eventually war will become a form of supporting the economy and war will actually be necessary to life as we know it.We got ourselves into war and we need to get out of this war while we can.Obama is our best chance to do that.
  12. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Isn't that the point of a campaign? To find your opponent's weak angles and point them out while strengthening your own? It's not like Obama hasn't been on the offensive against McCain...

    That's just flat out ignorant. Suddenly you must be young to make change? I think not, my friend.

    ... Are you kidding? His race is one of his biggest weapons! Think what you want, but it's undeniable that his race has gotten him an overwhelming amount of votes from people who want the first African-American President. Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting all African-Americans into this grouping, but a good deal of them have been influenced by Obama's race, there's no denying that.

    Come on, now. McCain knows that he needs a gimmick just like Obama uses his race to make him look better. And Sarah Palin has more experience than Obama, which is another thing that worries me, when a Vice Presidential candidate has more experience than a Presidential candidate. Anyway, to get back to the point at hand, there are plenty of Hillary fans who were for McCain before Palin was chosen.

    This is where you seem to be immature. How dare you bring my parent's credibility into question? I'm not going to sidetrack the debate, but Obama has been throwing dirt at McCain just as much as McCain has been throwing dirt at Obama. This argument just doesn't work, and throwing dirt is part of the Presidential running in America.

    Don't talk about Iraq doing poorly. They have a surplus right now, coming right from our pockets. McCain wants to get the job done in Iraq and make sure that our billions that we invested in Iraq and the thousands that have died don't go in vain.

    Then I guess you don't want McCain or Obama. ^_^
  13. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I really think Obama should win. First off, McCain, although he has the experience, is the wrong choice at the moment. He wants to stay at Iraq, which is a bad move because it's become very hopeless. (Mission Accomplished, anyone?) Iraq had nothing to do with us in the first place, but Bush kind of wanted "revenge" for nearly killing his father back in the 80's. Aside from Iraq, I really don't think Palin has the experince that both Obama and Biden have. But because of her, if the GOP wins, she will really push for the 3 things I don't want. She wants to ban abortion, get rid of gay rights, and to bring prayer back into the schools.
    Abortion: Let's say your your raped (if your female) or your sister is raped or whoever. Do you really want that child? No. Why would you want to give birth to the child of person who hurt you? Even if you think it's wrong, the option should still be there for those who don't a child. Also, what if a person isn't ready to have a child or is too young and immature (I'm using this term loosley) for a child? sure, they should have had safe sex, but the option should always be there.

    Gay Rights: Gays are human beings too. If we are going to have a the true equality we've always been bragging about, then they should have rights to marry whom they want, regardless of gender. Also, the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy should be thrown out. It isn't accepting gays period. What does it matter if a person gay or not? It's not like they're going to rape everybody in the army or something. They aren't rapists, generally speaking.

    Prayer in Schools: We had this years ago. My 53 year old father suffered through ridicule because he wouldn't pray in school because he was Jewish and they were Christian prayers. They called him "kike" and beat him up. I don't want this now or ever. I don't believe in God, so why should I pray? And, prayer should be allowed, but only before or after school because during those times, it's a public building. My school has a few relgious groups that come together after school and prayer. But it shouldn't be brought in during the school day because not everybody believes in God or is Christian or whatever and we have to be respectful, while still giving other students a chance to do pray.
  14. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Or we could go with the pacifist method, where terrorists rule the world with a grip of fear. Wonderful. Simply wonderful.
  15. Ven The Keyblade Master Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 20, 2008
    Having fun locked in a closet with Kairi 8D
    Obama all the way! Yeah! But I'm not black.
  16. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    There wouldn't be terrorists if there wasn't war so don't play that as a defence for this so called "war effort".
  17. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Bush is from Texas, he doesn't count.

    (I'm sorry, but I had to say that XD)


    Anyways, you really think Obama would have had a better plan when 9/11 occurred? Faaaack no. Was Bush expecting 9/11 to happen? Faaaack no. Is Bush a mindless puppet controlled by Congress? Yes. Obama's plans are pathetic as well. What are his plans? Change? Change what? Where the war is going to take place? The way he's promising things he can't?
  18. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I'm sorry, but Bush isn't from Texas. He's from Conneticut. Or some state like that. He just puts on a fake accent is all.
  19. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Abortion: I agree with you on the rape subject, and I think abortion should be legal. At least until the baby is far along enough in development to be considered a full human life (I forget the average point for this, four weeks I believe) which is ample time to figure out you're pregnant and get the abortion.

    Gay rights: I agree 100% that the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy is a load of bull, but as for the marriage, that should really be by the church's discretion. I'm all for letting gays get married, but if the churches don't want to, they shouldn't have to. It's an organization, the higher-ups should control their policies including gay marriage.

    Prayer in schools: I've never heard of this topic being brought up, but if it's true and McCain really supports this then I'm shocked. That's not right to force prayer in schools.

    Couldn't say it better myself. This sums up my beliefs pretty well. Plus at least Bush did something. Not trying to get too sidetracked, but Clinton had two terrorist attacks during his presidency and he did nothing. I know there weren't nearly as many casualties in those cases combined than in 9/11, but the point still stands that we can't just do nothing.
  20. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    They discretely support prayer in school. I went to a McCain booth at my town fair, and my dad started arguing with the (how embarassing) and one man next to him, who was also visiting the booth, supported prayer in school. So even if McCain and Palin don't say they support it, they do and so do their supporters.
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