McCain or Obama?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by TheKingdomCame, Sep 10, 2008.


Which Candidate do you think will do a better job?

  1. Obama

    77 vote(s)
  2. McCain

    38 vote(s)
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  1. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    You know whats funny guys?

    When Obama says how he's going to lower taxes.

    Wanna know why? cause of this:

    But then he's supporting all of those democratic plas the will help slackers that don't wanna work. While it still will help these people, there's something you must realize:
    All of these programs requie money. Actualy, around 800 billion dollars worth!!!

    And you know who will be paying that?

    The middle class, with RAISED taxes that are needed to fund the freaking programs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, not trying to be racist, hell probably get assassinated by white supremessists. Again, no offense.

    But then we will have president Biden. But some black supremisist will kill him.

    And then who?

    On the other hand, if McCain is elected, black supremmessists will kill him.
    And then we will have Mooseburger for president.

    And then a male supremissist will kill her.

    Again Im NOT discriminatiing against any groups. All people are created equal.
  2. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Very extreme point of view there, Ampex.

    And to point out, the top 5% of our country is NOT middle class. People who work at pizza parlors half their lives and/or are starting college AREN'T going to be affected by the tax policy. It's 250,000 dollars a year and up. That's not middle class, that's the high rich. Doctor's, lawyers and other people who have high-end jobs.

    His plan is to have the rich pay for the poor needs.

    Oh yeah, my family is piss poor, and we work our asses off. I'm on government health care because my dad was fired from his sales job because of lack of money, if I get off it, I die. I have cancer that won't miraculously get healed if they cut my funding, which they're about to do because some people are complaining about an extra twenty-five cents on soda that causes diabetes.

    Yes, I'm pissed at Bush and the republicans and the war. All the spending we had on that war could've helped hundreds and thousands of people in the same situation as I am. He isn't responsible for all of it, but he ran this country for eight years, when we had a strong and flourishing economy into this. My parents can't afford to heat us this winter, amongst hundreds of families who are in the same boat.

    All those people aren't lazy, they just can't afford what they desperately need.

    Sorry for the rant, but I don't like being called lazy, nor my family.

    Also, we were about to hand over the same amount to the banks, that you're predicting. 800 billion dollars worth. No questions asked, no restrictions or investigations on spending of money or nothing...

    So you think 800 billion dollars going to help people that really need it should go to the banks instead who are already spending it on rewards to their brokers that was given to them?
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    what income for a household would be considered middle class? because i dont' even think my family is even middle class, i think we're below that actually. and for people who are below middle class, would any of these policies aimed at the middle class help the people below?
  4. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart

    I can see you're very outspoken about this, but some of your facts are wrong. First off, Obama did indeed mean the top 5% highest incomes in America, not the Middle Class. Second, the president is always going to be the target of assassination, so him being assassinated shouldn't be a factor that leads you not to vote for him.

    However, I do believe that Obama won't be able to follow through on this at all. And even if he does, he's just proven that the U.S. is open to a quasi socialist government, and guess what, guys? That could very easily lead to full-blown socialism.

    Let's take personal values out of this. Let's take who deserves what out of this. Let's just look at the consequences of Obama's tax plan. The rich will be taxed through the roof, and as we all know, they're the biggest spenders in the country. Well with a great deal of their money (some up to 60% of their income) going to the lower classes, they will be stimulating the market less with their wealth since they'll be spending less. And the poor people who obtain this money will either put all of the money into savings, or put some of the money into savings and use the rest on food. Both of which won't stimulate the economy very much at all. We are in essence taking money out of the market, which is obviously something we can't have.

    McCain's plan is to give some tax breaks to the rich in order to stimulate the market, and leave the taxes of the lower classes where they are. He also plans to cut government spending, which is one huge difference between him an Bush I might add. Overall, this plan is sound, but it requires patience, which unfortunately few Americans have today. You won't see immediate results, but within the next two to five years, we will see a recovery.
  5. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I said it before, and I'll say it again: When you're at this stage, you need government help. Obama isn't F.D.R., but he's offering a ton of solutions that F.D.R. offered.

    Note: This was the early days of communism, the days when people were paranoid about what a government can do to it to make it more controlling.

    We're on our way to a depression, warning signs are all over the place, the stock market has faced it's worst days it's ever had, even worse than the crash in 29 that was one of the alarm bells for the Great Depression.

    And I should point out, BUSH gave tax breaks in the same way McCain is, it didn't help at all. The rich save the money and don't use it to stimulate the economy. It caused us to go deeper into the funk that we're in right now.

    Also, for Evil, Poor is under $19,000. That's the poverty line if I remember correctly. I think they also said that it hasn't been adjusted in like 30 years for inflation.

    Charming to think about, eh? That includes welfare and other things, also.
  6. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    Yeah I guess I have an extreme point of view about American politics.

    Ha,ha, sorry about that.
  7. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Well, Obama's still ahead in the polls.

    I just hope that it doesn't turn into another recount. Even Bush's brother, which is part of the reason he didn't make governer next running said: "Who am I going to pick? My brother or someone else?"

    Please don't let it be a recount.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I have no idea why people thought the tax cuts and returned money incentive were a great idea. The main reason Bush's plan failed was that 300 dollars to 600 dollars was given to each person for the stimulus. It was meant as a way to put money back into companies and small businesses etc. However, MOST people are not doing well and with increased bills, that is instead where the money went to. People paid into electricity, cable, phone etc. They didn't go out and -buy- things because money is tight.

    The point of it was lost and Bush is so out of touch as is McCain and others in Washington that they do not live as -we- do where that money went to bills. They -have- plenty of money so their logic is flawed. It was nice for some people to catch up but 300 bucks for a single person and 600 bucks for married w kids etc... it was chump change in the end due to costs of gas and electricity. If they wanted to solve things better it would have been to explore other options than -oil-. *cough*
  9. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Actually, even if you can't vote, you can still have some control in an election. Yesterday, I went out and volunteered for Obama. I helped sell signs, pins, T-shirts, etc., and the profit goes to his campaign. I'm doing something on Election Day for a few hours too, but I'm not sure what yet.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    alot of my friends saw a bunch of Obama posters and flyers in the voting places in my city and the same stuff going on in that video so my question is the same question in the title of this video:

    this video IS old btw, but alot of ppl said that this was going on in the voting areas, is it actually legal?

    EDIT: what do you know, Obama won the election.
  11. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Too bad for McCain, I guess Obama is triumphant
  12. Repliku Chaser

    I've seen things where both supporters of McCain and Obama tried to get away with that. I'm unsure why they were not sent out. Actually I don't know if they were sent out or not. This is why though later that some areas declared no one was to even wear pins and other accessories with the candidates on them.
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