Maturity through body or mind?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Now, i've just truned 16 this month and now I can do alot more legal things before I was 15, this is true.
    But I just think that even though I have past the 16th time the earth has completed its cycle round the sun I am no different than I was before, I still think the ssametalk tthe same, my intelligence hasn't just suddenly increased, nor have I gained more muscles.
    Society says that at 16 I can now do more things, but when I was 15 I was no differnet than today, and yet I am aloowed more. Does that make any sense?

    Even by adults I am now treated as more of an 'equal' because of my 'number' but nothing's changed.

    Ss should people be thought of as a kid or immature because of a number?

    Numbers should never matter, only the person should, you should only judge them by their actions and not their number.

    I know a guy thats 26 and he has the mind of a child, not from a mental illness, but because he never wanted to grow up, he is imature. But society says he is mature because he is 26. to me that is wrong and should not be accepted.
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well the problem is that you can't measure someone's brain power or personality. a person's age or physical appearance is really all we have to go on with people we don't know.
  3. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Numbers are just how the people in Power(The Illuminati) label humans as coldly as Experiments.The people in Power have lost there conscience's over the course of History and Evolution.I have the knowledge and understanding of years above my ageand i've got so much muscle power the rugby team wants me to join but i won't and yet i'm still treated like i'm any other fifteen year old when i'm more mature than alot more people older then me(Especially my IT teacher).Why has society gotten so far as to lose it's own conscience and treat people like Inanimate Objects???
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Law is forced to go by numbers because it's something that can be proven and can be placed on paper with little means of being refuted.

    I agree with you that one's maturity is not always related to one's age, but when in the case of using the law as a means to govern a society, we need to have a stable means to justify the verdict. You can't refute that someone born in 1987 is or is going to be 21 this year. Thus when judging a case of someone drinking alcohol; it can be determined that yes, he/she is legal to be doing so.

    It'd be somewhat chaotic if our ability to vote, smoke, drink, etc was based solely on the testimony of a single or a group of individuals. This is because our maturity is then a measurement of someone's perception and not anything concrete. A human testimony that one is 'mature enough' to be driving a car might not be the same as someone else's, so who is right in this case? And does that makes said person really mature enough to handle the responsibility or not?

    That's where age comes in. As of 2008, anyone born 1992 or earlier can legally drive a car. It doesn't matter if you're a Buddhist who believes in reincarnation, or if you're an atheist who believes no supreme deity exists; it doesn't matter what morals or values you have: they can all agree that someone who is born in 1992 is or is going to be 16 this year. That's what makes using numbers so powerful in the law system.

    Of course, I'm not saying that every 16 year old *may* be mature enough to drive a car, but what ends up happening is that there is an *obligation* to reach a certain level of maturity at 16, which may or may not be met. This then puts the responsibility on the individual, and not the law system, to ensure that people are capable of handling the privileges given to them.

    Proving one's age can be accepted universally, but there is no universal system to measure one's mental capacity.

    Maturity is subjective and we all are entitled to our own opinions of what is mature, but that's something the law cannot afford to have.
  5. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    I say mind, as I know many 12 year-olds that act like their two.
  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    no offense but that's not something you yourself can judge, that's one of those things that other people have to tell you
  7. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Well, you can have, say, a fourteen year old who can watch a horror movie and know that killing people mindlessly is the wrong thing to do, and then a twenty-four year old watch that same movie and decide to murder his girlfriend or family member. In that regard, the fourteen year old would be more mature than the twenty-four year old (who probably needs to be locked up somewhere), even though there's a ten year difference between their ages.

    Aging in terms of your body is only your body getting bigger, stronger, and then weakening gradually until it shuts down. In terms of your mind, though, it's the gaining the ability to understand the difference between right and wrong through yours or other people's experiences -- to have proper judgement. Some people have better judgement than others, and it's those that don't who are truely immature.

    So really, if you ask me, you're right -- no, numbers shouldn't matter as much as they do. It's true they should matter some, but people tend to judge others only based on their age and not on their behavior, it's just a fact of life I suppose.
  8. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007

    i guess it's because they believe you have more responsibilty. I mean when your 16 you are a bit more mature than when you where a couple of years ago.. I mean I can say that I have changed in the three years since I've arrived at High School.. I mean when I arrived at 12 I was running around, trying my best to make the friends I would never attain.. now I'm turning 16 and sure I sometimes do silly stuff (like me and my friend skipped around the school earlier in the year.. but I'm more calm now. Sure I can say that I can never be in your shoes, it's just the difference through time that counts

    Speaking of which.. what do you get when your 16, well what we can do when were 16 is not available to say on this site, we can also get our learners licence for driving
  9. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well, perhaps you would have more "rights" legally in the area your in because there's some invisible age membrane that says you are mature enough? Haha.

    But really, I don't think it makes sense. The entire concept of having more "rights" at a certain age is a ruse and in every way doesn't exist. You're always 3, you're always 6 and you're always 10. It's just you don't express those ages as much anymore because you're older than that in mind. This goes for any of your ages.

    I don't think so. It's really rude that all the sudden a person is suddenly accepted simply because of an age. It works the other way too. =/

    Once again, the invisible age line that that shows you're somehow an "adult" doesn't exist, imo. lol

    I think the entire concept of self-judging, self-righteous idealism in terms of age is a big assumption, and a bad one at that.

    I agree with you. :D

    I don't think anyone at all can judge that. There's no certain level of intelligence someone has to be at, or some average intelligence quota for a specific age group. I think everyone has a big intelligence capacity, and everyone takes it in differently.

    So in other words, not only can someone not judge for them self on that, but no one else can either, because they are not the person and don't know what they know in terms of intelligence.
  10. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007

    I think they just picked a number because they felt that most people in general around that age would be able to handle those responsibilities. They are many young children who can be very mature for their age. But then again, some adults can be very immature.

    I think it just depends on the person.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    I agree with this post. It sums it up rather well. Age really is one of the only defining characteristics we can use to determine when people should gain 'rights' to do things or have privileges. This however, does not necessarily mean someone is more mature at 16 than they were at 12.

    If you think about it though, not only is age used to measure that someone is of a good time to be able to attempt having the ability to do something, but it is also an indicator that physically they are capable. Driving at 16 means that someone normally is done growing or near done growing and actually physically big enough to drive vehicles. Also, they aren't so lanky and going through the growth spurt time of where your body is changing so much that it seems out of control for some teens. Drinking at 18 or 21 or whatever is also significant as drinking when younger has been known to have effects on teens and children in brain development and motor functions when done a lot. The body is more stable when it is not growing still.

    So age isn't just there for mental behavior but also physical in some cases. Maturity as far as mental goes, is not necessarily based on age but is also dependent on experiences -and- how the person deals with those experiences. There are many mentally immature adults that haven't had experiences or they deal with them so poorly it's pathetic. There are some teens that spend time having to even scold their parents for reckless behavior. The age is a defining point simply used for where the majority of people may be best suited to have something legal for them and there will always be those people who will fall short of maturity or will be more mature prior to the age. It is an average means and that's all it should be taken as.

    Also, you may get treated more maturely at 16 than you were at 15 because of the ability to be more independent is granted and you now can explore these things. Not only can you drive but you can also get a better job than options as a 15 year old. More responsibilities may be placed on you or you may choose to take up that weren't available before. Not all adults though are going to treat you as being more mature however. I'm 25 and still sometimes by adults older than me in their 40s + tend to treat me like I'm a young thing that doesn't know what I'm doing. Sometimes they are right and other times, they are just being prejudiced. No matter how old you get, someone will always talk you down saying you don't know crap. It's the way it works. So while some adults are being nice to you and giving you a chance to prove yourself as being more mature, some others won't care.

    This is where mental maturity though kicks in. If you don't worry so much about numbers, other than knowing you will gain privileges at those ages, and don't mind that some people will either look at you as needing to be more mature or less depending on your age, then it doesn't really matter. It's what you do with what you do get rights to do that matters and makes you mature or immature now. If you can tell that going out driving drunk or bullying people, or calling out your window at some girls and not paying attention to the road is immature, then you are ready, regardless of age, to mentally be prepared for driving. If you are not able to tell these things, then even at 30 something you aren't mature enough for the responsibility, which is why despite 'age' people lose their licenses.
  12. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle &lt;3
    I'd say the mind of the person.
    Because age is just a number, it doesn't say how mature a person is.
    It's more like how they act in situations, age doesn't matter.

    The law for a person to have to be 16 to drive is there because the government thinks most people can handle it at the age of 16.
  13. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
    well yeah it sorta dose depend on the person because it how they were trained and how people act around them.
  14. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    Age is a system that really has no meaning. If you are 12 but have the body of a 10 year old you are still considered 12. Why is that? The world may never know.