,manual,manual,manual what what WHAT First of all, hooray Aquaman movie talks. I admittedly know very little about Damon. I think the only thing I've seen him in is Saving Private Ryan. But I kinda resist giving Aquaman to him. Idk it just seems like a bad move. I would rather the role be given to someone less known and less known for being in only action movies. someone a little more subtle I guess. Though like I said, I know basically nothing about Damon. New 52 Aquaman is one of my very favorite things and I really don't want to see the general public's perception of the character to be any more damaged than it already is. I also don't want the character to be viewed as this gun-toting badass action hero. I want the conflicted, Shakespearean, unwilling heir to the throne that had previously been claimed by his brother that Geoff Johns graced us with.
Ever watched Good Will Hunting ? I don' t know zip about Aquaman, but it' s the closest role I saw Matt Damon in to what you just described.
With all the Warner Bros decisions about DC heroes...Why the fuck not. I have just stopped caring after Man of Steel. It was their chance to bring me back from The Dark Knight Rises.
except of all the problems Man of Steel has, casting is not one. in fact the casting is phenomenal. the only one im 'eeeh' on is Amy Adams.
Which is why I don't care who they cast anymore: the casting won't save the films from all the bad writing and directing and costume design (MAKE EVERYTHING DARKER!!)