I was thinking of getting Mass Effect for Christmas and whatnot anyways I was wondering, if you make a female character can she hook up with Seth Green's character?
Nope. Jeff "Joker" Moreau is untouchable in terms of a romantic plot. He's pretty minor overall to the story.
I mean seriously. It's bad enough FOX News stirred up that 'full digitized pornography' thing. It still fills me with inconsolable rage. A one-minute love scene where you can't see a single explicit thing (except half a second of bare ass) is not that bad, especially since it's in a 30 hour plus action/RPG game with a great story and an intuitive dialogue-branching system. In short, GET THIS DAMN GAME! Oh, and if you DO want the romance subplot; Each Shepard gender has two romantic choices - the human of the opposite gender (i.e. Ashley for a Male Shepard) and Liara the Asari. In order to pursue a relationship with them, have a conversation with them after ever mission. Choose only the nice/Paragon answers with them to build up their respect for you. Yes, in order to make sweet love you have to FALL IN LOVE with them first. (There goes 'a man choosing how many women he has', FOX News!) By the way, if you do this with BOTH your romantic choices at once, they will eventually confront you and force you to choose between them. Not an advisable path. Oh, and if you pick a human to love, be careful. There's a bit near the end that may put that into jepordy - not spoiling anything though.
Best of this Gen? Wouldn't go that far, best of the 2007 definately. But it was far from perfect. IMO Fallout 3 is better than Mass Effect. Edit: There are 3 characters you can 'hook up' with. Ashley, Kaidan and Liara.
You can? O.o While that might be true, it improve apone Oblivion IMO. Less buggy (IE no characters changing VA's mid sentence etc) more VA's, combat is something different (though playing it as a FPS is a pain in the ***). I could go on, but this isn't about Fallout, but rather Mass Effect.