Mass Effect 3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by reptar, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    So, I beat the game 2 days ago(?) , was amazing.

    UNTIL THE ENDING THAT CAME OUT OF LEFT FIELD (personal opinion rant below)

    I don't care if it wasn't a happy ending. I really don't. I've seen sad endings that were great: (Silent Hill 2's "In Water" ending, Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy X). The climax was amazing, fighting this epic battle against hordes of Brutes, Banshees, a Reaper beam, etc., and the final confrontation with the Illusive Man (totally thought he was going to be a boss). Anderson dying was so predictable a baby could tell you it was going to happen, but I guess its ok. Cliche, but ok...

    ..and all of a sudden...a ghost child-god synthetic WHATEVER (who just happens to be the kid you saw die at the start of the game) apparently created the Reapers for this whole circle-of-death plot that sounds straight out of the pages of Final Fantasy X? And now you have to choose to destroy all synthetics, which includes the Reapers, making me uniting the Geth and Quarians COMPLETELY USELESS (somehow the bad ending), or you control the Reapers (somehow the good ending), even though that's kinda what the Illusive Man's goal was the whole time, and Shepard already was like "We can't control the Reapers durp", or you somehow combine all life into an organic/synthetic mess (apparently what Saren would have wanted)...seriously?

    We've killed at least 5 reapers already (3 in this game alone, 1 in the first game, 1 in the second). Couldn't we just say "No thanks, I'll just solve this with a giant laser cannon or something," instead of screwing up the galaxy, rather than this ridiculous attempt at a quasi-philosophical plot-hole ripping "solution"? I'm not saying Bioware should change the ending, because they shouldn't. No creative team can do something like this and then just take it back. But with how much effort obviously went into this series, full of great writing and epic moments and character development and emotional end it like this, its like the creative team just kinda gave up. Its not satisfying in any sense of the word (note, I already said, I don't care if it didn't end in a happy way).

    I didn't expect to be so pissed off, but its just like Bioware didn't really care about what they were doing for the endings. I expected Shepard to die (or apparently live in some of the endings).

    Ending rant aside, this has easily been one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've ever had. Its just...the conclusion felt empty, of creativity, resolution, logic, and...likeability.
  2. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    Anyone heard of "The Truth" DLC? It's not confirmed, just a rumor I suppose. But they're basically saying it's the real ending of the game, and you can continue playing after the normal ending. And multiplayer stuff. I hope it's true, it'd be interesting.​
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    To be honest Most of what happens after the choice is a bit of a **** storm in terms of destruction and problems it can bring up for fans. Destruction of what many find sacred is a harsh thing.

    The Conduit AI as the boy from Earth is likely in that VI form because it accessed Shepherd's mind for an image imprtant or emotionally driven by Sheperd. The Boy on Earth that is killed at the beginning is dead, the VI child is different and not the same. Bioware said that he is the face of humanity, so it's appropriate in a way (kinda lke the end of the Matrix Trilogy actually. Maybe it's a call out to that.)

    Now, the Prothean VI on Thessia from the beacon mentioned that there was a pattern in each Reaper harvested cycle, and that it was not the Reapers doing but something above them. In turn the leader of the Reapers (not a Reaper), an AI that has observed life longer then even the Reapers, put in place a protocol where the organics created a Synthetic race each Cycle that leads to something it didn't approve of, so it harvested them in order for them to be remembered but stop from their path, and just did this coninually to correct some mistake it believed was there, yet still let non technological races exist.

    Yeah a little over the top, especially when you can't talk to the Catalyst and ask it some questions about what the hell it's ancient knowledge could tell Shep about what to do or what could happen.
    I actually think that the Catalyst activated Harbinger in dark space once Sovereign failed. I always wondered how Harbinger started to lead the Collectors in ME2...

    The decisions at the end were meant to be tough to choose, where the lines of morality were so blurred that you had to make a difficult choice, where the villain was 'right' and the destruction of the enemy also meant the death of allies and friends. I wish they didn't end up the way they did, but I can respect what Bioware were doing, but I do wish that there were more consequences and possibilities or something else that you could have done. It would have been more challenging.

    Oh well.
  4. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I hope its true, because any ending would be better than the ones they've provided in the game so far...
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    That sounds like something made up by disgruntled fans. I doubt that Bioware would continue the game after you finishig the game, especially since what happens. Unless it was something as big as Dragon Age Awakening but I doubt that very much.

    This is reminding me of the backlash from Dragon Age 2. The sequels just never turn out the way each fan wants it to in their head. I know for me it didn't. But I still accept it.
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Finished this myself a few days ago, with the 'good' ending, and all I can say is... wow.
    I have to agree with some of the things Hayabusa said.
    The child being the avatar of the Catalyst made sense, since it took the form of something Shepard was familiar with. I don't like it, but it made sense. What I don't like is that the options are essentially "BAI REAPERS", "LOL SCREW YOU EDI AND GETH, I'MMA KILL EVERTHING", or doing whatever with the beam (wasn't presented with that as an option at all, don't know why). All three are too... unfulfilling. I went with Control ending, since it's just about the only ending that I can picture my Shepard doing. Killing the Geth and EDI after they've done so much to help me through the journey? No, Legion died for them, I'm not making that pointless.
    In addition, I felt the last mission was too downtrodden. It was less "climactic finale" than ME2, and I was expecting something amazing like that. Or maybe I just don't like Earth.
    It all seemed too much like a downer to me. I don't mind unhappy endings, or major characters dying, but when an ending doesn't make you feel much of anything... that's not good.
  7. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    Oh yeah, I forgot. Another thing to go along with "The Truth" and the ending: you know how the entire story was leaked? I've heard (again, rumors) that that's one reason for this supposed DLC. Guess we just wait and see, if it's fake, oh well. I'm fine with the ending.

    Though I was hoping Illusive Man would've kept the cool reaper form he had in the Art Book and he'd have ended up being the final boss.
  8. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I was actually expecting that too, but it seems so out of character for him. I'm glad they didn't do that. He was a great villain, as the art book said: his strength was in his intelligence, not his combat skill or whatever
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    See the thing about the indoctrination theory I don't get...

    Is why is it that only the the Destroy ending has Shepherd coming back. If it was all Indoctrination after Harbinger hit then why does a Destroy Shep get a breath in? Technically they all should.

    And why would they indoctrinate him to experience that vision, since he was already almost dead in London? What do they accomplish by doing that?

    What confused me the most was that I had taken Tali and Garrus with me whilst being hit by Harbinger's beam and they both appeared on the jungle planet that the Normandy crashed on. It made no sense to me.
  10. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Doesn't Shepard only get hit by an explosion in the Destroy ending, while in the other two you see Shepard literally disintegrate? But since its Indoctrination, its possibly all happening in his head...

    And I think that they did the Indoctrination so that he would kill himself off mentally, kinda like Inception (die in a dream, you go brain-dead), keeping him from finishing off the Reapers. But since it only happened in his head, his body is still alive (though barely), and then he re-gains consciousness with the Destroy ending

    Yeah, that...was bullshit to put it simply. Or in the Synthesis ending, its Joker, EDI, and your love interest, all synthetic-organic or whatever.
  11. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Here's the writer's notes about the ending.



    My thoughts.
    I really hope that the indoctrination ending theory is true. I hate to sound like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but I was extremely disappointed by the ending. I really don't understand how they could blow it like this. I want to go back and replay the game with the lowest possible EMS rating, that way the Reapers can win. To be honest, losing to them would be a lot more satisfactory than what we got. The fact that the Mass Relays were destroyed was unnecessary, and why Joker was seen fleeing with your crew is beyond me.

    Bioware was trying to break the happy ending cliche, and failed misserebly. It's one thing to do it in a two hour movie, where you aren't really attached to the characters, but to do it in a series of games, one that I have spent hundreds of hours playing, it's fucked up.

    Besides all that, the game was nearly perfect. The quest journal system was really bad, but other than that. I really love the game. It's that ending that I'm upset about.

    It's a shame EA/Bioware won't release modding tools, then maybe we could get a decent ending.
  12. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Well guys, we are getting a new ending.

    I'm curious on how they're going to intertwine it with the main game, or simply add it to the end or something.

    I swear to God they better not charge us for it. But knowing EA, its likely they will :\
  13. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    Well technically Shepard never died, so I'm gonna go with after the current "endings."

    This is good news indeed. c: Though I already figured they would.​
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Either way, it's nice to hear that Bioware actually care about what the fans have to say.
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    They're going to charge. If I didnt know better I would've said that EA intentionally told the writers to include not that specific ending but a 'cliff hanger' one so as to leave a chance for DLC.
    Bioware never did any **** like pushing back release dates, handing the writing off extended media to agents who are unreliable, etc. When they were independent, it's stupid how things have changed since then.

    I tell you, from the Bioware employees who I've met have been hard working and trying to please their fans. To be honest, they do really care, and that's why I trust them to deliver all the expectations for their products. I'm not saying their perfect, but they have certainly shown me they can deliver.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Oh, I agree.
    I meant in the fact that a lot of other companies wouldn't go so far once a game was released, but Bioware care enough to actually give a new ending because of the fan reaction.
    I'm impressed lol
    That was the point I was making. It's nice to see a company willing to do that much for its fans.
    If anything, the quality of Mass Effect alone shows they can deliver masterpieces, so I can't wait to see any of the new content. It'll definitely be interesting and exciting.
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Oh I know you were saying nice things, I just wanted to reinforce your points! : D

    You're right though, not many companies would deem to change their product because their fans want it. A testament to their devotions nd continued love for their fans.

    Anyway, enough about the ending being **** and all, at this point I want to know about how people found the rest of the game...What choices did people make in the game? Who did you romance? Who did you lose? Which of the endings did you pick?
  18. Janime6 the truest queen of them all

    Aug 14, 2008
    I romanced Liara because I like her. :v By lost, what do you mean? Anyone? I'll spoiler it anyway.

    Lost Tali and the Quarians because she was exiled ghhjrgriui. Legion too. but got the Geth. Mordin of course (sucks 'cause if you're renegade you can stop him; dunno if there's a paragon way, but no genophage cure...). Eve lived since I saved Maelon's (spell that right?) genophage thing. Wrex is alive. Jack died back in ME2. Saved Samara from killing herself. That's about all I think.

    Originally I chose the Synthesis ending. Then the kill. Then control. Then kill + breathe scene.
  19. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    How was Liara's romance? Fulfilling and satisfying or not, because just by being her friend seemed fulfilling enough, the romance must have been nice.

    You lost Tali? She do the suicide thing I've heard about, damn that must've been hard...Mordin dies either way, Paragon by letting him sacrifice himself to save the Krogan, or if Renegade by killing him from curing the genophage.
    Wow, so you picked a few different endings then to see which one fit you best. I believe the Shep breath was the best possible outcome.
  20. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I romanced Tali and

    I was disappointed that it wasn't much more intimate than Mass Effect 2's scenes :< but I still loved her character and the relationship :D

    She lived, and I fixed the Geth and Quarian relations. Was so great, except for Legion dying ;.; I was so happy to see Tali and Legion getting along like buddies c:

    Mordin died saving the Krogans. Prevented Samara from killing herself or her daughter. Jack, Wrex, Miranda, and Jacob all lived.

    I did the Control ending, then the Synthesis ending. Next time I'll do Destroy since I know I'll live.