Mass Effect 3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by reptar, Apr 8, 2011.

  1. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    The reason I was upset is because they said they're "dumbing the game down". They already made Mass Effect 2 less of an RPG, and I was looking forward to the loot, weapon attachments and better skill trees. EA says they believe in the developers, yet they're keep making them change all they're games to reach a broader audiance, like with Dragon Age 2, which...well, I won't get started on that. Only time will tell, and I'll make my judgments when I actually play this game, but it doesn't look as good as Game Informer made it sound a month ago. Most importantly though, I want Wrex back.
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I don't know why everyone hates Dragon Age 2. I thought it was a great game that was fulfilling of what I expect from Bioware only in a differnet and new way, Ididn't see it more mainstream but more so that it was a Dragon Age game with something new.
    It just seems that everyone makes it out to be a terrible game when I don't see it as terrible.

    Just because they said they're trying to appeal to a wider audience does that mean it's going to be a dumb game that isn't fulfilling. Mass Effect2 felt alot better than Mass Effect one in a number of ways, even if it made it more mainstream it was still a greatly unique game, even compared to its predecessor. I bet Mass Effect 3 will be as good or better then both games. I only wish that it wasn't delayed, I long for it even more now.
  3. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    I liked Dragon Age 2, it was fun while it lasted but it wasn't as memorable as Origins. In Origins, you had one set goal; gather an army and defeat the darkspawn and then you had 50-60 hours of content to get through. Dragon Age 2's story felt like it was all over the place and it had no goal really it was basically:

    go gather money,go on expedition and lose a sibling. Act one complete. Do stuff for Arishok, he gets butthurt later on and attacks the city, Hawke kills him, they are now the champion, Act two complete. Hawke is now stuck between Orsino and Meredith as they argue about ******ed crap and blame it on Hawke, do more random crap, stuff happens, BLOOD MAGES OUT OF NOWHERE, Anders is a terrorist, side with someone, Act 3 complete.

    I thought it was an awesome game on my first playthrough but as I went through my second, third and fourth playthrough, I started to noticed a lot of things they were lazy on and I noticed a lot of glitches and bugs as well.

    I mainly thinking the delay was a good thing because look at what happened to Dragon Age 2 when they rushed it to come out in eight months but yeah, we'll find out how good this game when it's released and then make out judgements.
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Yeah but it was that 'being swept away by destiny' idea that made the game unique in terms of story and the flimsiness of Hawke's goals reflected his character perfectly in that he wanted to keep his family safe but was swept away by the politics and people he met alon the way, adding to that sense of destiny dictating the journey.
    Dragon Age: Origins' story was more of an 'fantasy epic' story since it involved one person changing the odds of the entire country which was gripped in war. It was more Mass Effect in that way, which in itself is an 'sci-fi epic/opera'. Dragon Age 2 was trying to do something different in terms of an epic sequel in that involved and ordinary soldier that facing what destiny threw at him, and if he was to become truly great he would have to conquer them. It wasn't meant to be an epic scale story, but or more confined and personal one which is why the main action takes place in Kirkwall and with such a close knit character group.
    And personally I've yet to see any glitches, but every game is unique in its own glitches and maybe I've been lucky with my copy.
  5. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011
    Maybe not completely dumb, but dumbed down, yes. The audience that EA will most likely want to obtain is the shooter audience. With all of this Call of Duty and Halo success out there, I'm sure they want a piece of it. Look at DA2, it's combat was changed significantly because not many people liked the combat in the first one. What did they do? They made it more like a button masher and gave the story a backseat. Now I hope this won't happen to ME3, but it's possible it will. But, this is all speculation. We will have to wait for more information and gameplay videos to find out.
  6. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Another thing I am hoping for, if Shepard has to sacrifice themself in one of the endings, it better be epic because I will not settle for any less. I do not want another Pressly death. >:C
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I entirely disagree with that. Dragon Age 2 is constantly compared to Dragon Age: Origins as a game, but never as a stand alone piece. If it wasn't for its predecessor more people would appreciate, but because of it people judge the game too easilty. And 'problems' such as making play more action orientated are silly in my eyes. This design feature was exclusive to the consoles (not the PC) to better use the controls on hand, and if you wanted to you could play the game pretty much like DA:O.
    And I entriely disagree that story was put aside for anything. I felt there was more to do with less linear ideas and quests then DA:O. But I'm really going off topic.

    My point is that Bioware will learn from both the Mass EFfect series and the Dragon Age series, and even thoguh EA is breathing down their necks to do things their way I do hope Mass Effect 3 can find a happy medium between the two company's ideas.
  8. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    So we're going to get the option to be bisexual in the game like DA2. I just hope it is not as lazy as it was in DA2.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I read in a preview that no new love interests were going to be introduced into ME3, and mainly deal with the love interests of ME1 or ME2 or if you had romanced multiple people in each game.
    So what this means, I do wonder?
  11. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    It probably means your gonna need lots of condoms lol. Can't wait for it, i'm so excited for this game. Sad it got pushed back but a little reliefed since i'm getting three other games this year. It'll help me save up the money for it. I'm gonna play them from the beginning this summer and try and get everything the way i want it for when the game comes out i'll have my storyline set.
  12. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    I really hope that it's only a couple of characters that are made to be bisexual and not HURR DURR EVERYONE IS BI. Some of the characters just seem like they'd be really out of place if they were bi but that's just my opinion.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Well don't worry, becasue apparently Casey Hudson has confirmed that no pre-existing characters, who aren't already, are going to be bisexual. And apparently there will be new love interests as well, but it's unlikely to be characters in your squad but similar to Kelly Chambers who is part of your team but not a party member.
    Then again there's so much conflicting information that I don't trust anything, not until a few months down the line when I ee it written on the Mass Effect wiki. Or some other credible source. Till then I'm imagining an orgy of love interests on the Normandy. Pun intended.

    However I did like the idea that interactions with your pre existing squad mates could affect their sexuality. Such as Garrus, who though has never shown an attraction to a male Shepherd may do so because Shepard shows care and love for him, questioing himself and depending on how you approach Garrus he can become Bi. But the idea makes people believe that 'oh, you making Garrus bisexual and I don't want him like that!' however each game could be different, like for example my Shepherd could be female, yours could be Male. My Garrus could be straight whilst yours is bi. That type of thing would interest me.
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    I can't see Garrus as gay for Shepard. Bros maybe but not gay. Same with Thane, it would be kinda of silly to suddenly make the possibility of him being gay available, since he had a son and a wife (if you didn't romance him as femShepard) that he still loves.


    What are everyone's thoughts on this?

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Thye probably will kill of Tali or Garrus lol
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Well in that case, your Garrus wouldn't develop same-sex relations since you haven't pursued it however, I might do so with my Garrus in my game because i've tried to develop a relationship. None of the characters necessarily have to change unless you want them too.

    Relationships in general are more complicated then simply being gay, straight or bi, especially in Mass Effect. Relationships that are true, develop on a level of utter love for the other person, and love at times can be incredibly diverse, from loving your parents, loving your partner, loving your pet, loving an idol, loving a stranger, loving a friend, etc. But all in all, they stem from a connection and remember friends can become lovers sooner or later, sexuality doesn't always have to be a problem.
    And just to add, a number of people do turn homosexual even after having a partner and children. Just because your married doesn't mean you can't change your sexuality. Especially the vulnerable Thane who's slowly losing his life, he might take comfort from a caring male human like Shepherd. It's not out of the unlikely realm.

    But enough of my long post, I just want more solid info to be revealed. I'm expecting such a good E3 this year! I hope no one has to die, I hope I can do my damdest to save them all, every squad mate and every planet, we will push back the Reapers one last time as one united galactic force! *Received: Paragon+5*
  17. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    It's getting Kinect support...great, just waste time on stupid ****.
  18. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Are you serious? God dammit Bioware. Why. Just, WHY.

    Edit: I just heard the whole Kinect thing was just a rumor. I don't know anymore.
  19. Zter Banned

    Jan 19, 2011
    I hope this means that the sex scenes are going to be fully interactive.

    If Kinect Support is real, then Move Support couldn't be far off.
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I highly doubt Kinect/Move support.
    Why would Bioware try to alter the general gameplay of Mass Effect to make combat more responsive with the controller and then try to apply that to tech they've never worked with before? Ultimately it would likely hinder the gameplay instaed of enhance it which i'm sure a sucessful company would not attempt something they fear would fail.