Coming to an Xbox 360, PS3 and PC near you! Though intially up for speculation before the announcement, the trailer revealed all. Mass Effect 3 is coming. Holiday 2011. Epic. The story this time round seems to be you, as Commander Shep obviously, having to rescue planet Earth from the Reaper army who have invaded, and almost wiped out, humanity's pressence on their home planet. You will need to unite the galaxy's many species together against their ancient enemy as the trilogy comes to a close. Kinda sad really. First game I played on my 360 was Mass Effect around 3 years ago and now it's almost at an end. But at least it'll be a bang, i'm sure. PS3 Owners!! Don't overlook this! Mass effect 2 is arriving to the Playstation very early next year. You'll be brought to speed on everything in the first game whilst experiencing the Game of the Year 2010, with all its DLC glory!
I predict that the first half will be something to do with gathering allies and support to battle the reapers at Earth, to save it. Then the second half is striking back at the reapers on various other planets. I was thinking that maybe, you'd have to choose to save some planets over others and that not everything can be saved, and there will be sacrifices. This is how I kinda envision the main plot of the game. Apparently it'll be a simultaneously launch on the 360, PS3 and PC. Totally getting it for the PS3!
I hope not, that is pretty much Dragon Age: Origins. Yeah, I cannot wait for ME2 on PS3 also ;_;. Still I cry inside we cannot get ME1. But oh well 2+3 is better than none.
Bioware have talked about making an 'Uber collectors edition' for diehard fans. I want to know when this goes on pre-order! : D The second (and even parts of the first) game had many themes of sacrifice and choice over events. Some are minor, whilst others can change the plot entirely. The choice of allowing a whole planet to be destroyed, or even an entire race? That would be good. Plot wise anyway. In ME2, you have a lot of undertones on recruiting possible allies to go against the Reapers in the future. It's not required and can be ignored entirely, but i'm assuming that when you import your save, recruiting will be alot easier if you've done certain things the first time round. I'm loving the possibilities. Bioware have a tendency with bring old story elements into their games. It's not always a bad thing, and it's kinda hard to notice much of it, but it is there if you look. I wouldn't worry, they've never made a bad game since KOTOR.
Exactly what I was thinking, I would like it if they combined the crew of the 1st ME to work together with the crew of ME2 and have some new faces, (like that guy in the trailer) And please Bioware, as much as I loved ME2, make it more about the story, I felt like ME2 was more about recruting and getting your crews trust, I want more about the reapers, to be honest, the ME2 story felt like filler for the series, yes there where SOME important stuff, but beside's that, not really anything to advance the plot, I'm know that this one will REALLY advansed the plot, I mean this is the end right? Allright Bioware, show me your magic for one of my favorite series of this generation! (apart from Assassins Creed, no Kingdom Hearts does not cound, that was also on a last gen console, even though it has some games on current gen)